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25 Cards in this Set

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1.) When two species develop an interaction in which neither can survive without the other, the relationship between the two is most accurately referred to as:

a. commensalism
b. dispersive mutualism
c. facultative mutualism
d. obligatory mutualism
e. defensive mutualism
2.) Which one of the following statements about succession is incorrect?
a. each phase of succession is referred to as a seral stage.
b. only a tiny proportion of the Earth's surface is believed to currently be undergoing primary succession.
c. the end point of succession is referred to as a climax community.
D. human intervention, such as addition of pesticides and herbicides, can influence the rate and extent of succession.
e. All of the above statements about succession are correct
3.) Which of the following statements about allopatric speciation is correct? Allopatric speciation:
a. can occur due to the "founder effect."
b. is believed to be the most common method for cladogenesis to occur.
c. can occur due to slow geological events that produce large geographical barriers.
d. (b) and (c)
e. all of the above
4.) The eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna) and the western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) have a large zone where their ranges overlap. Their distinctively different songs prevent them from interbreeding. What type of reproductive isolation is this?
a. mechanical isolation
b. gametic isolation
c. habitat isolation
d. behavioral isolation
e. hybrid inviability
5.) Which of the following statements about species concepts is false?
a. the biological species concept is best suited to distinguish closely related species of animals and plants that reproduce sexually
b. An advantage of the phylogenetic species concept is that it can be applied to all types of organisms
c. the ecological species concept is particularly useful for distinguishing species in asexual organisms like bacteria
d. according to the biological species concept, a species is derived from a single lineage that is distinct from all other lineages, and has its own evolutionary tendencies and historical fate
e. none of the above statements are false
6.) Which of the following animals does not exhibit bilateral symmetry?
a. grasshoppers
b. flatworms
c. starfish
d. lobsters
e. chordates
7.) Which one of the following statements about animals is incorrect? Animals typically:
a. are capable of some type of movement or locomotion in order to acquire food.
b. eat multicellular prey.
c. lack cell walls.
d. comprise the fewest numbers of species of the eukaryotic kingdoms.
e. reproduce sexually.
8.) True or false: Character displacement is more likely to occur between sympatric species than allopatric species
a. true
b. false
9.) Match the reproductive strategy on the left with the appropriate description on the right.

i. continuous iteroparous
ii. seasonal iteroparous
iii. semelparous

a. repeated breeding during distinct generations
b. all offspring in a single reproductive event
c. repeated breeding at any time of the year

a. i = c; ii = b; iii = a
b. i = b; ii = c; iii = a
c. i = a; ii = c; iii = b
d. i = c; ii = a; iii = b
e. i = a; ii = b; iii = c
10.) True or false: Amphibians are included within the group of animals that are collectively known as amniotes
a. true
b. false
11.) During the evolution of animals, which one of the following features first appeared in the fishes?
a. a heart
b. a notochord
c. genes
d. amniotic eggs
e. jaws
12.) Sporophytes produce spores by ____________; gametophytes produce gametes by ______________.
a. mitosis; meiosis
b. mitosis; mitosis
c. meiosis; mitosis
d. meiosis; meiosis
13.) The visible reproductive structures of fungi are most accurately described as;
a. rhizomorphs
b. mycelia
c. hyphae
d. mycorrhizae
e. fruiting bodies
14.) Which of the following statements about fungi is false? Fungi are:
a. more closely related to plants than animals
b. have a cell wall made of chitin
c. are heterotrophic
d. are prokaryotes
e. the Earth’s principle decomposers
15.) Which of the following is not solely an adaptation of angiosperms?
a. refinements in vascular tissue to improve water transport further
b. flowers
c. insects and other animals transfer pollen from male to female sex organs
d. no longer need to rely on wind
e. alternation of generations
16.) Which one of the following species would be least likely to colonize the pioneer stage following glacier retreat?
a. cyanobacteria
b. lichen
c. moss
d. spruce
e. horsetails
17.) In a cladistic approach to phylogeny, a trait shared with a distant common ancestor is referred to as a(n):
a. symplesiomorphy.
b. ingroup.
c. synapomorphy.
d. outgroup.
e. shared derived character.
18.) The principle of parsimony suggests that:
a. neutral mutations occur at a fairly constant rate over time.
b. the most accurate phylogenetic tree is the one with the most tips.
c. species grouped into larger taxa for a cladogram should be from a single clade for the results to be reliable.
d. the preferred hypothesis is the one that is the simplest.
e. None of the above accurately describe the principle of parsimony.
19.) A __________ taxon consists of members of several evolutionary lines and does not include the most recent common ancestor of the included lineages.
a. parsimonious
b. paraphyletic
c. monophyletic
d. chronopyletic
e. polyphyletic
20.) The upper boundary for a population’s size is referred to as the:
a. population density
b. resource capability
c. reproductive extent
d. intrinsic rate of increase
e. carrying capacity
21.) If the per capita growth rate, r, is between 0 and 1, a population is
a. declining gradually
b. declining exponentially
c. increasing gradually
d. increasing exponentially
e. at equilibrium
22.) Which of the following accurately represents a species interaction which has a positive effect on one species and a negative effect on the other?
a. predation
b. parasitism
c. herbivory
d. a. and c.
e. a, b, and c
23.) Which survivorship curve best illustrates the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), where only ~20% of eggs escape predation and hatch into ‘fry’:
a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Type III
24.) In the equilibrium model of island biogeography, the number of species is ultimately determined by which one of the following factors?
a. emmigration rate
b. extinction rate
c. immigration rate
d. population growth rate
e. b. and c.
25.) Which of the 3 hypotheses for the polar-equatorial gradient proposes that species have not migrated back into now unglaciated areas:
a. time hypothesis
b. area hypothesis
c. glacier hypothesis
d. species hypothesis
e. productivity hypothesis