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25 Cards in this Set

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1.) Through which of the following anatomical structures does oxygen NOT diffuse into the blood?
a. lungs
b. gills
c. trachea
d. body surface
e. diaphragm
2.) The final sac-like regions of the lungs where gas exchange actually occurs are called the:
a. alveoli
b. bronchioles
c. pleural sacs
d. trachea.
e. larynx
3.) Mammals fill their lungs through a process most accurately referred to as:
a. buccal pumping
b. ram ventilation
c. positive pressure filling
d. negative pressure filling
e. crosscurrent exchange
4.) The pacemaker that initiates expansion of the lungs is a collection of cells found where?
a. SA node
b. chemoreceptors
c. nervous system
d. thoracic cavity
e. lungs
5.) True or False: The partial pressure of a gas is measured in mm Hg(mercury)?
a. True
b. False
6.) The direction of gas movement (i.e. whether a gas enters or leaves the blood) is determined by?
a. temperature
b. size of the gas molecule
c. solubility of the gas in blood
d. differences in partial pressure
e. pH
7.) North Carolina is located in which North American biome?
a. temperate rain forest
b. tropical deciduous forest
c. temperate deciduous forest
d. temperate grassland forest
e. tropical grassland forest
8.) Which two factors define terrestrial biomes?
a. temperature and vegetation
b. temperature and wind
c. vegetation and moisture
d. moisture and temperature
e. vegetation and temperature
9.) The respiratory pigment of vertebrates contains which metal atom in its core?
a. Iron
b. Copper
c. Lead
d. Zinc
e. Magnesium
10.) Which of the following is NOT a major threat to global biodiversity?
a. climate change
b. introduced species
c. direct exploitation
d. habitat destruction
e. infectious diseases
11.) Which convection cell expends most of its moisture over the equator and is thus primarily responsible for the deserts that occur at 30 degrees North and South latitude?
a. Hadley cell
b. Polar cell
c. Desert cell
d. Ferrell cell
e. Middle cell
12.) The effective population size (Ne) is most accurately defined as:
a. the number of males in a population.
b. the number of females in a population.
c. the number of individuals that contribute genes to future populations.
d. the number of offspring in a population
e. the total number of individuals in a population.
13.) A species whose status provides information on the overall health of an ecosystem is most accurately defined as a(n):
a. umbrella species
b. barometer species
c. indicator species
d. flagship species
e. keystone species
14.) Which of the following is NOT a habitat conservation strategy?
a. focusing conservation efforts in megadiversity countries
b. focusing conservation efforts in areas rich in endemic species
c. targeting geographic ‘hot spots’
d. prioritizing representative habitats
e. designing large, circular reserves based on the principles of island biogeography
15.) Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor that limits organism distribution and abundance?
b. productivity
c. wind
d. availability of water
e. water currents
16.) Which of the following aquatic ecosystems is the least productive?
a. coral reefs
a. temperature
b. algal beds
c. open ocean
d. wetlands
e. coastal shelves
17.) Which one of the following most accurately describes carnivorous plants??
a. photosynthetic heterotrophs
b. parasitic heterotrops
c. parasitic autotrophs
d. photosynthetic autotrophs
e. chemosynthetic autotrophs
18.) The pressure flow hypothesis explains that phloem sap transport of organic molecules is driven by differences in turgor pressure between what?
a. a sugar source and a sugar sink
b. water potentials in the roots and shoots
c. diameter of the vessel elements and the tracheids
d. phloem sap and xylem sap
e. turgid cells and plasmolyzed cells
19.) Which of the following types of specialized water-conducting cells are always dead when they are mature?
a. xylem
b. phloem
c. vessel elements
d. sieve-tube elements
e. parenchyma
20.) True or False: The sun’s energy indirectly powers bulk flow in xylem by generating a water potential difference between moist soil and drier air?
a. True
b. False
21.) True or False: In mammalian double circulation, oxygen-rich blood is pumped under high pressure to the cells of the body?
a. True
b. False
22.) A semilunar valve in a mammalian heart would allow passage of blood from which area to which area of the cardiovascular system?
a. right atrium to left ventricle
b. right atrium to right ventricle
c. left ventricle to systemic artery
d. pulmonary vein to right atrium
e. left atrium to left ventricle
23.) True or False: A myogenic heart requires regular electrical impulses from the nervous systems.
a. True
b. False
24.) The systemic artery carries _______________ blood __________________ the heart?
a. oxygenated, to
b. oxygenated, away from
c. deoxygenated, to
d. deoxygenated, away from
e. zombie, to the brains not
25.) Which one of the following has the thinnest overall vessel diameter?
a. arteriole
b. vein
c. capillary
d. venule
e. artery