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143 Cards in this Set

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Where water and mineral are transported
Control the loss of water and the uptake of CO2
Passive movement of water across a membrane. Low to high concentration
Filled with solutes pumped in by transporter proteins.
When the wall in not exerting pressure on the protoplast
Turgor Pressure
The cell internal pressure increases and resists further entry of water
when a cell has significant positive pressure, when not turgid plants wilt
Bulk Flow
In the Xylem and phloem the flow of water and dissolved fluids is driven by pressure gradients (negative-tension)(positive-turgidity)
membrane channel proteins that water passes through rapidly. Rate of movement can be regulated but direction can not.
Mineral Ions
They cannot pass membrances without transport proteins
Electrochemical gradient
uptake against the electrochemical gradient of an ion requires ATP hydrolysis
Where water and minerals move into the stele. In the stele minerals enter the apoplast by active transport and water moves into the apoplast by osmosis
a continuous meshwork that water can move through until it reaches the symplast (Casparian strips of the endodermis)
where water passes through the cells
Casparian Strips
Separate the apoplast of the cortex from the spoplast of the stele
Endodermal Cells
Where water and ions can enter the stele only through
Water and mineral end up in xylem, forming the xylem sap. Xylem vessels are dead and vacant. Transport a large amount of water over great distances
Created by the evaporation of H2O from leaves, causes xylem sap to be pulled forward
Transpiration- Cohesion-Tension mechanism
requires no energy from the plant, water movement is driven by transpiration, mineral ions in xylem sap rise passively with the water, transpiration cools leaves
The waxy cuticle leaf and stem epidermis minimizes water loss, but prevents gas exchange
Stomata Pores
In the leaf epidermis they allow CO2 to enter leaves and water is lost
Guard Cells
control opening and closing
Control the less of water and the uptake of CO2
Refer to Chapter 35 Review
Plants limit water loss by controlling the stomata in two ways
1) Regulating Stomatal opening and closing. 2) Controlling the total number of stomata
Abscisic Acid
Acid that activates a K+ channel in the PM of guard cells when a plant is under water stress
Movement of carbohydrates and other solutes through the phloem. Substances are translocated from sources to skins. Sources (leaves/storage organs, export sugars) Skins (roots/reproductive organs, consume sugar)
Sieve tube elements
Part of the phloem. Meets end-to-end. Plasmodesmata in end walls enlarge to from sieve plates, most of the cells contents are lost
Companion cells
produced as daughter cells along with the sieve tube element when a parent cell divides
link companion cells with sieve tube elements
Phloem loading
Transport of solutes from sources into sieve tubes
Land Plants
Embryophytes (derived trait) development from embryo protected by tissues of the parent plant . Starch is a major source of energy
development from embryo protected by tissues of the parent plant
10 major clades of land plants
Vascular plants: (tracheophyts) (7 clades) all have conducting cells known as tracheids

Nonvascular land plants: remaining three clasdes; liverworts, hornworts, and mosses
closet relative of land plants. Both Chara and land plants; retain eggs, have plamodemata, branching and apical growth, similar chloroplasts and cytokinesis mechanisms
waxy covering that retards water loss
opening in stems and leaves, regulating gas exchange
enclosing gamets
protect against UV radiation
walls containing sporopollenin (protects from decay)
Mutalistic relationship with fungi
uptake of nutrients from soil
Nonvascular land Plants
first land plants, only have a thin cuticle (grow in moist environments). No system to conduct water from soil to plant body. Water moves through mats by capillary action, minerals distributed through diffusion, swimming sperm. Can frown on marginal surfaced, relationship with fungi
Alteration of Generations
Includes multi-cellular diploid and multi-cellular haploid stages. Gametes are produced by mitosis, meiosis produces haploid organisms
Diploid (2n)
Sporophyte: undergoes meiosis to produce haploid
Haploid (n)
Evolution of land plants
reduction of the size of the gametophyte generation in plant evolution.
Gametophyte Generation
in nonvascular gametophyte is larger, longer lived, and more self-sufficient than the sporophyte. As plants evolved the sporophyter generation became larger, decreasing dependance on liquid water
Sporophyte Generation
Is nutritionally dependant upon the gametophyte. As plants evolved became more dependent of sporophyte generation decreasing dependance of liquid water
Land Plant fertilization
sperm must swim to archegonium or be carried there by rain drop splashes, egg releases chemical attractants for sperm, water required, egg and sperm from diploid zygote- develops into a multicellular diploid sporophyte embryo, base of archegonium grows to protect embryo
Principle water conducting elements of xylem in all vascular plants. Transport of water and minerals, rigid structure support
Features of vascular plants
Have branching independent sporophyte. Produce more spores and develop in complex ways, nutritionally independent from the gametophyte
Lycophytes & Monilophytes
true roots and leaves and two types of spores
Leafs (true vascular tissue)
Microphylls & Megaphylls
most ancient type of vascular plants. Produce one type of gametophyte, both archegonium and antheridium
plants produce two types of spores; Megaspore/Microspore
developed into a female gametophyte (eggs)
male (sperm)
Clades of Seedless plants
some have leafy gametophytes; some have thalloid gametophytes
Mosses (bryonphyta)
Seedless! Have stomata (water and gas exchange)
Sphagnum moss
Cool swampy places, upper layers compress lower layers, forming peat (fuel/coal)
Gametophytes are flat plates of cells. Single, large, chloroplast. Sporophyte- no stalk, basal region capable of indefinite cell division. Internal cavities filled with nitrogen- fixing cynobacteria
Horsetails & whisk ferns
both monophyletic, ferns are NOT
Leptosporangiate ferns: most ferns belong to this clade. True roots, stems and leaves
Evolution of seed plants
seed plants became the dominant vegetation, major groups of gymnosperms, features that contributed to the success of the angiosperms, plants support our world
Secondary growth
Thickened woody stems of xylem
Earliest Plants
Devonian; seed ferns
Living seed plants
Gymnosperms-pines and cycads
Angiosperms- flowering plants
Seed plants are heterosporous
microsporangium and megaspores (nutritionally dependent on the sporophyte , embryo become dominant forming multicellular seeds
Naked-seeded. All except gnetophytes have only tracheids for water conduction and support
Naked-seeded. Some have soft fleshy fruit-like tissue, animals eat their seeds. Today conifers dominated many forests
contain the reproductive structures of conifers
Megastrobilus: female cone, protected by a tight cluster of wood scales (modification of branches
Microstrobilus: male cone
Angiosperm traits
double fertilization, endosperm-nutritive tissue in seeds, ovules and seeds enclosed in a carpel, flowers, fruits, phloem with companion cells, reduced gametophytes
Perfect Flowers
self pollinating (disadvantageous)
entice with nectar and pollen, co-evolved relationships
Angiosperm Life Cycle
Heterporous: Male (pollen) Female (ovule): develops into a seed with a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm. Embryo consists of an embryonic axis (becomes stem and root) one or two cotyledons(seed leaves)
one cotyledon (seed leaves)
includes grass, cattails, lilies, etc.
two cotyledons. Most seed plants, herbs, vines, trees, shrubs
Plants take in CO2, produce carbohydrates, and release water and O2, REDOX reaction, convert energy to chemical energy as ATP and NADPH
Electromagnetic radiation
inversely proportion to the energy of light
light behaves as particles. When a photon meets a molecule it can be:
• Scattered—photon bounces off the molecule
• Transmitted—photon is passed through the molecule
• Absorbed—molecule acquires the energy of the photon. The molecule goes from ground state to an excited, higher energy state.
Absorption spectrum
absorption of light as a function of wavelength
Action spectrum
Biological activity as a function of wavelength
Pigments used in photosynthesis
Chlorophylls a and b. Accessory pigments: Absorb in red and blue regions, transfer the energy to chlorophylls—carotenoids.
When a pigment molecule absorbs a photon the energy can be...
Released as heat and/or light. Transferred to another molecule. Used for a chemical reaction
Energy can pass to another molecule if:
Target molecule is very near. orientation is correct. Has appropriate structure.
Antenna systems: light harvesting complexes
Photosystem: consists of multiple antenna systems and their pigments and surrounds a reaction center (RC) –a specialized (Chl a): 250 tp 400 LH Chl/ RC CHL
The reaction center converts light energy into chemical energy.
• The excited chlorophyll a molecule (Chl*) is a reducing agent (electron donor).
• A is an acceptor molecule (oxidizing agent).
• A and RC-Chl are members of the chloroplast electron transport chain.
• The final electron acceptor is NADP+.
 NADP+ + 2 e- + 2 H+ → NADPH
• Noncyclic electron transport: Light energy is used to oxidize water → O2, H+, and reduce NADP+ to NADPH:
• H2O + NADP+ → ½ O2 + NADPH + H+
Two photosystems required in noncyclic electron transport.
Photosystem I: Reduces NADP+ to NADPH
Photosystem II: Oxidizes H2O to O2
Obtain carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere through fixation by photosynthesis
enters plants mostly as a result of bacterial activity
Mineral nutrients
Obtained from the soil: sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium
Soil Solutions: minerals dissolved as ion in the soil solution
Essential element
one required to complete its life cycle
at least 1g per Kg of dry plant matter
less than 100mg per Kg
Deficiency symptoms
help in the diagnosis of which nutrient is lacking, and the nutrient can be applied
provides mechanical support, mineral nutrients, water, and oxygen. Living components: plant roots, bacteria, fungi, protists, and animals. Non-living components: rock fragments, sand, silt, and clay, Organic materials (dead), water and minerals
Mineral nutrients tend to be leached (dissolved and carried downwards) from this layer. Agriculture depends on topsoil.
Mechanical weathering
physical breakdown of rocks into soil particles by wetting, drying, and freezing
Chemical weathering
oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, hydrolysis (reaction with water), acids (carbonic acid)
N, P, and K
Organic fertilizers improve soil structure, root growth, and drainage. Nutrients are released slowly
Fungi/ Bacteria & nutrient uptake
Symbiotic relationships
o Mycorrhizae: Associations of fungi and plant roots.
o Mycelium: Multicellular fungus composed of rapidly growing individual tubular filaments called hyphae.
• Roots often can’t reach all the nutrients available in the soil
o mutualistic relationship, fungus gets carbohydrates
• Strigolactones; stimulate rapid growth of fungal hyphae toward the root
• Requirements:
o Strong reducing agent to transfer H+ and e- to N2 and intermediate products
o Lots of ATP
o Nitrogenase: catalyze the reaction
Nitrogen Fixation
Refer to Chapter 36 outline
Carnivorous and Parasitic Plants
Found in boggy habitats that are acidic and nutrient deficient . Get N by capturing animals and digesting proteins
Parasitic Plants
Several parasitic species lack genes in chloroplast genome
o Hemiparasites: can photosynthesize, but derive mineral nutrients from other living plants
o Holoparasites: completely parasitic, do not perform photosynthesis
allow growth throughout the plants life
organ formation
new organs can develop throughout life
differential growth
they can grow the organs most needed
Regulators of plant development
Environmental cues, receptors, Hormones, Photoreceptors: pigments associated with proteins (light acts directly on photoreceptors which regulate development. Plants genomes (ultimately what determines plant development)
Seeds: Dormant
as seed germinates it takes up water. embryo obtains nutrients from the endosperm. Germination is complete once radicle(embryonic root) emerges --> now seeding. Photoreceptors direct stage of development
Mechanisms to maintain dormancy
seed coats may be abraded by physically or in the digestive tract . soil microorganisms and freeze-thaw cycles may soften seed coats. Fire can melt waterproof was in seed, or by cracking the seed coat. Chemical inhibitors may be leached. Light is required for germination in some seeds.
Advantages of seed dormance
survival in harsh conditions. Prevent germination while still attached to parent plant. Long-distance dispersal of seeds.
"Foolish seeding disease" rice causes plants to grow rapidly and to die before producing seed. Caused by ascomycete fungus- releases a molecule that stimulated growth Gibberlin. Gibberellin applied to seedlings of the dwarf strains of corn or tomatoes caused them to grow as tall as wild type plants.(stimulate stem elonation, regulate fruit growth, mobilize food reserves in cereal plants, promote bolting)
Phototropism is the growth of plant organs towards light. Causes plant movements by growth. When light strikes a coleptile on one side, auxin moves to the other side, elongation increases on that side. Coleoptile bends toward the light
Membrane receptor (phototropin) absorbs blue light. When activated, a signal transduction pathway results in redistribution of auxin transport carriers.
plastids called amyloplasts store starch and settle on the downward side of a cell in response to gravity and trigger auxin transport
Auxins role in plant development
root formation, inhibition of leaf abscission, inhibition of axillary bud development, rate and direction of growth
Axuin and growth
loosens cell walls to allow for cell expansion (ie growth). Driven primarily by water growth. Decrease in PH, expansion triggered by low PH
Adenine derivates (cytokinins) stimulate cell division: stimulate rapid cell division, cause light-requiring seeds to germinate in darkness, promote formation of shoots, inhibit stem elongation causing lateral swelling of stems and roots, stimulate axillary buds to grow, delay senescence of leaves
Is produced in all parts of the plant, promotes senescence, promotes leaf abscission and fruit ripening, inhibits stem elongation and gravitropism
Stimulate cell elongation, pollen tube elongation, and vascular tissue differentiation, but inhibit root elongation. If lacking plants develop slowly are dwarf or infertile
Plants respond to two aspects of light:
Quality- the wavelength of light that can be absorbed by molecules in the plant
Quantity- the intensity and duration of light exposure
Blue-light receptors
mediate the effect of higher-intensity blue light
mediates the effects of red light. Photomorphogenesis—physiological and developmental events that are controlled by light.Processes are induced by red light → far red light can reverse these however. • Two inconvertible forms. The default or “ground” state (Pr) absorbs red light, and then is converted into Pfr.
The Pfr form absorbs far-red light; and is converted back to Pr.
female sex organs
male sex organs
plants that bear both male and female flowers
plants that bear either male-only or female-only flowers
Embryo Sacs
Pollen Sacs
transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
germination of the pollen grain involves uptake of water and growth of the pollen tube. Pollen tube grows through the style to reach the ovule
Mature pollen grains
consist of two cells, the larger tube cell encloses the generative cell. The tube cell nucleus directs growth of the pollen tube through the style tissue to the embryo sac. o the generative cell divides once to form two haploid sperm cells.
o The zygote nucleus begins mitotic division to form the new sporophyte embryo.
o The triploid nucleus undergoes mitosis to the endosperm. It will later be digested by the developing embryo.
tissues surrounding the megasporangium develop into the seed coat. The carpel becomes the wall of the fruit that surrounds the seed
one daughter cell becomes the embryo the other become a supporting structure
Seed lose water and become dormant
Sugars and proteins become concentrated and protect membranes and proteins from damage. Abscisic acid(ABA) controls seed development. The ovary wall and seed develop into a fruit - Two functions: Protect seeds, aid in dispersal
Apical Meristems
continuously produce leaves, stems, and axillary buds
Inflorescence meristem/ floral meristems
give rise to flowers
Meristems identity genes
start a cascade of further gene expression
control of flowering and other responses by length of day or night.
Short-day plants
flower when the day is shorter than a critical maximum. They flower in late summer or fall. Critical night length- nine hours
Long-day plants
flower when the day is longer than a critical maximum. they flower midsummer
if just one leaf on the plant gets proper amount of sunlight plant will flower. FT (FLOWERING LOCUS T) codes for florigen. FT is a small protein and can travel through plasmodesmata.
flowering is signaled by cold temperatures
Asexual Reproduction
Produces clone, well adapted to environment, commonly live in unstable environments, rapid reproduction, allows them to survive in shifting sands