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61 Cards in this Set

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parts of circulatory system
heart, blood vessels, blood
all blood cells derived from __ cells in the __ bone marrow
stem, red
three ways in which the circulatory system helps maintain homeostasis of interstitual fluid
supplies nutrients and oxygen, removes wastes and carbon dioxide, removes excess ions (salts), and water
three functions of blood
transportation, regulation of body temperature, defense against infections and disease
percentage of body weight occupied by blood
(normal) percentage of each blood component
plasma - 55, RBCs - 44, WBCs - 1
tube of blood in a centrifuge..
RBCs sink to the bottom, platelets and WBCs lie on top in a thin white layer (buffy coat), and plasma at the top
ninety percent of plasma is __, other ten percent is _ _ _ _ _ and _
WATER; proteins, ions, hormones, gases, nutrients, wastes
scientific name for RBCs WBCs platelets
erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
plasma proteins that maintain osmotic/water balance
plasma proteins that defend the body against infection and transport cholesterol
function of RBCs
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
structure of RBCs
small, flattened, biconcave disks
protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen and gives red blood cells their red color is
how are RBCs diff from most other cells in relation to cellular metabolism?
they do not consume the oxygen they carry they just transport it
structure of hemoglobin
four polypeptide chains; each chain contains a heme group with an iron atom at the center
part of hemoglobin that bonds with oxygen is
hemoglobin picks up oxygen in the __ and releases it in the __
lungs, body tissues
heme binds with ___ and globin binds with ___
oxygen, carbon dioxide
percentage of blood consisting of red blood cells is the
hematocrit is
a measure of the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. average is approx. 44%
low hematocrit indicates
high hematocrit indicates
increased RBCs production, possibly polycythemia or that it rose to compensate for low levels of oxygen in the air
seven locations that contain red bone marrow and stem cells
skull, ribs, vertebrae, sternum, pelvis, epiphyses of long bones (esp. humerus, femur)
life cycle of RBCs
stem cells develop into erythroblasts which lose their nuclei and synthesize hemoglobin before they are released into the bloodstream as erythrocytes
the accumulation of bilirubin in plasma that causes the skin to turn yellow; due to the liver not processing bilirubin properly
the hormone that regulates RBC production and that is produced and released by the kidneys in response to low oxygen availability is
the only WBCs that do not mature in the red bone marrow are ____ which mature in the ___
T-lymphocytes; thymus
dead or injured WBCs are removed by the __ and __
liver, spleen
production of WBCs is regulated by chemicals produced by WBCs themselves in response to invasion by ___ and ___
viruses, bacteria
3 types of granular leukocytes
neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
accounts for 60% of all WBCs in the blood
the largest WBC
WBC that produces antibodies
B lymphocytes
WBC found in the bloodstream, tonsils, spleen, thymus gland
WBC that defends against parasites and is involved in allergic reactions
WBC that attacks and destoys foreign cells such as bacteria viruses, fingi, parasites, cancer cells, etc
T lymphocytes
WBC that releases histamine and initiates the inflammatory response
specialized protein that defends against foreign invaders, such as a microorganism
small cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes
platelet production is regulated by a hormone named
function of platelets
involved in hemostasis
3 steps of hemostasis (stoppage of bleeding)
1. vascular spasm - constriction of blood vessels to reduce blood flow to area 2. formation of a platelet plug - seals ruptured blood vessel 3. coagulation - formation of a blood clot
pain medication that interferes with the formation of the platelet plug
inherited condition caused by a deficiency of clotting factor VIII
hemophilia A
Type A can receive
A or O
Type B can receive
B or O
bloodtype that is the universal recipient
blood type that is the universal donor
Type O
a foreign protein that the body recognizes as "nonself"
a protein produced by lymphocytes in response to a foreign protein
clumping of foreign RBCs in a transfusion reaction
a surface antigen on RBCs that can cause a transfusion reaction known as ____ in a fetus; happens when the mother is __ and father is __ for the factor
Rh factor;HDN; negative, positive
why is carbon monoxide deadly?
reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin --> body tissues die
cancer of blood caused by overproduction of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow
reduction of oxygen-carrying capacity of blood cause by low numbers of RBCs, low levels of hemoglobin, or abnormal hemoglobin
Epstein-Barr virus infection of lymphocytes
decreased number of platelets causing bleeding and bruising
most common form of anemia
iron deficiency anemia
proliferation of microorganizsms or their toxins in blood
genetic disorder causing abnormally-shaped RBCs and multiple body effects in people of African descent
sickle cell anemia