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129 Cards in this Set

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excess interstitial tissue fliud that passes into lymph capillariesand is similar in composition to blood plasma.
what happens if the lymph was not removed and reintroduced into the cardiovascular system?
if not reintroduced into the cardiovascular system at the sub-clavin veins,it would prodcue edema and tissue damage.
describe lymph?
excess interstitial tissue fluid that passes into lymph capillaries and is similar in composition to blood plasma
what are lacteals?
lymph capillaries in the small intestines
**the lymph is called Chyle**
what is it similar to in composition?
similar in composition in blood plasma
what is lymph calles where fats are sbsorbed?
absorbed by lacteals
-lymph capillaries in the small intestine
-the lymph is called a chyle
what does the lympatic system do?
-helps maintian tissue fluid balance by returning lymph to cardiovascular system thru sub-clavin veins
-tranports fats and other substances absorbed by the digestive tract
-is a part of the defense system
what is the primary lymphoid organs?
the bone marrow and the thymus
what are the secondary lymphoid organs?
the nodes and the spleen
what is the function of the lymphatic system?
to maintain tissue fluid balance by returning lymph to cardiovascular system thru sub-clavins
-transport fat and other substances absorbed by the digestive tract
-is a part of the defense system
where is the lymph reintroduced into the cardiovascular system?
through the sub-clavin veins
what are the primary lymphoid organs?
the bone marrow and the thymus
lymphatic vessels
similar to the cardiovascular viens in that they have one way valves and lymph moves in them thru skeletal muscle contractions
how are the lymph vessels similar to veins
-in that they have one way valves and that lymph moves in them thru skeletal muscle contraction
-prion (degeneration of nervous system)
what is a prion?
is an infectious particle that contains no nucleic acid
what is a virus?
-a cellular
-contains a protien coat called capsid
-may contain genomic DNA or RNA
-are obligate intracellular parasite
what are antigens?
are substances (nonself protiens or cells) that stimulate the adaptive immunity response such as production of antibodies.
where can antibodies be found?
these can be found on the surface of bacteria, pollen, and transplanted tissue
how are our cells identified as self?
-within every cell in our body is a protien, MHC I, that the immune system uses to identify our own cells as self
vetebrate defense mechanisms
innate imnuntiy (non specific):
adaptive immunity (specific)
what are the innate immunity (non specific)
-barriers of skin (epithelial tissue)
-mucous membranes (epithelial tissues that secrete lysozymes found in sweat, saliva, and tears)
-low pH of stomach
-cells that ingest invading microbes
-antimicrobial protiens (interferon, sebaceous gland secretions of oil)
-inflammatory and temperature response negative test of not finding a self-makers
what are the adaptive immunity (specific)
-positive test to recognize nonself-makers, specific antibodies
what is immunity primarily based on?
the recognition of self, antigens, anf foreign proteins
what are some of the chemical barriers to pathogen entry?
what tissues act as a barrier to infection?
(the innate immunity)
-barriers of the skin (epithelial tissue)
what does non specific defense include?
-entry barriers
-natural killer cells
-inflammatory response with phagocytic cells
phagocytic cells look like?
-large, irregularly shaped cells that kill bacteria by digesting them
What are organisms that are capable of causing disease called?
A. symbionts
B. teratogens
C. carcinogens
D. mutagens
E. pathogens
E. pathogens
Prions cause degenerative diseases of what system?
A. cardiovascular
B. digestive
C. urinary
D. lymphatic
E. nervous
E. nervous
Which of the following is not one of the functions of the lymphatic system?
A. take up excess tissue fluid, return it to the bloodstream
B. absorb fats in the intestines
C. help the body defend against disease
D. production, maintenance ,and distribution of lymphocytes
E. calcium homeostasis
B. absorb fats in the intestines
Where do T lymphocytes mature?
A. thymus
B. thyroid
C. spleen
D. red bone marrow
E. tonsil
A. thymus
One set of the body's defenses are called "innate." In this context, this means
A. they act indiscriminately against all pathogens.
B. they work very, very quickly.
C. they only act internally.
D. phagocytosis is involved.
E. they are lost as we age.
A. they act indiscriminately against all pathogens.
what kind of immune deficiency is AIDS
individuals sufferinf from acquired immune dificiency syndrome have decreased numbers of circulation helper T-cells
the two catagories of immune defensive mechanisma are?
innate and adaptive
what is immunity primarily based on?
on the recognition of self, antigens, and foreign protiens
what does the innate immune system respond to?
responds to molecules characteristic of invading organsims but not of human cells
what does the adaptive immune system respond to?
responds to antigens which are usually foreign molecules but can also be molecules produced by human cells.
what do non specific (innate immunity) defenses include?
-entry barriers
-natural killer cells
-the inflammatory response with phaocytic cells
Phagocytic cells are?
are neutrophils and macrophages
-are the first cellular line if defense in the non-specific protion of the immune system
what do phagocytic cells look like?
large irregularly shaped cells that kill bacteria by digesting them
what are neutrophils and what do they do?
-they are phagocytic cells which are the first the first line of defense in the non-specific portion of the immune system.
-they are the first to respond to inflammation
what are macrophages and what do they do?
--they are phagocytic cells which are the first the first line of defense in the non-specific portion of the immune system.
-monocytes differeniate into macrophages which are found in both infected and uninfected tissues
Macrophages are derived from what cells?
what is significant about neutrophils?
-they are the first to respond to inflammation
-along with macrophages they are the first cellular line of defense in the non-specific portion of the immune system
where are the macrophages and neutrphils found?
they are both found in infected and uninfected tissues????????
lymphocytes (T cells and B cells)
specific immunity cells that divide and increase in number when exposed to specific foreign substances (antigens)
which cells are involved in specific immunity?
( T cells and B cells)
what stimulates an increase in lymphocyte numbers?
when exposed to specific foreign substances (antigens)
what is an inflammatory response?
upon injury to the tissue, this begins when:
-inflammatory agent is released by mast cells (non-motile cells in connective tissue)
-this then triggers vasodilation (increase in capillary permeability leads to swelling, redness, heat in area)
-AND attracts phagocytes (neutrophils and phagocytes) to attack invading microbes by digesting them
-During local inflammation, surrounding tissue liquefied creating pus
-Upon encountering invading cells, macrophages release interleukin-1 (a pryogen carried to the hypothalamus which triggers a raise in the bodys temperature
-this fever is a (systematic inflammation) stimulates phagocytosis, increasing the body's defenses
at what temperature can a fever be fatal?
above 105 degrees
which cells are the first to respond to an inflammatory response?
phagocytes (neutrophils and phagocytes)
mast cells release what?
histamine (inflammatory agent)
what phagocytes are drawn to this area?
neutrophils and phagocytes
histamine release leads to an increase in what?
this then triggers vasodilation (increase in capillary permeability leads to swelling, redness, heat in area)
-AND attracts phagocytes (neutrophils and phagocytes) to attack invading microbes by digesting them
what is pus?
is the liquefied tissue caused by the phagocytes attacking the microbes and digesting them
what is the role of pyrogens?
carried to the hypothalamus to trigger a raise in body temperature
what acts as the pyrogen?
interleukin, which is released by macrophages
what level of fever is dangerous?
above 105 degrees
what are t-cells specific to?
are specific to specific antigen, but must encounter APC(dendritic cells and macrophages) to become activated
where are t-cells produced?
in bone marrow and then migrate to thymus gland where, as being overseen by inducer cells, are exposed to thymosin which promotes maturation and differentiation.
what will happen if T-cell activates?
activation will produce
-helper t-cells
-memory T-cells
-natural killer cells (cell mediated immunity is a function of cytotoxic t-cells which directly lyse virally infected host cells)
what do helper T-cells release and why?
-release cytokine (interleukin-II)
-to help activate B-cells and cytotoxic T-cells
what % of lymphocytes in blood are T-cells?
what kind of lymphocytes are in the lymph nodes?
- almost all lymphocytes in the lymph nodes are T-cells
describe T-cells?
where are T-cells produced?
produced in bone marrow
where and how do they differentiate and mature?
-they migrate to the thymus gland where, as being overseen by inducer cells, are exposed to thymosin which promotes maturation and differentiation
which organ secretes thymosin?
the thymus gland
antigen present cells (APC) consist of what cells?
-dendrite cells and macrophages
which cells are most directly related to cell mediated immunity?
cell mediated immunity is a function of cytotoxic t-cells which directly lyse virally infected host cells
what does helper t-cells secrete and what does it do?
-secrete: release cytokines (interleukin-II)
-help to activate B-cells and cytotoxic t-cells
what is APC?
-(antigen presenting cell)
-is a dendrite or macrophage that has phagocytised a pathogen and stripped of its antigen, combined them with its own MHC proteins, and put an antigen-MHC complex on its surface
****the T-cell become activated by encountering this complex****
what is specific about MHC protiens?
each organism has its own MHC protiens on the surface of their cells and these identify these cells as "self"
***tissue transplants should have matching MHC molecules to prevent rejection in the host ***
how many protiens is the complement system made up of?
is made up of protiens (~20) circulating in the blood stream
within the complement system, upon activation:
-as a part of cellular defenses, they can promote inflammation by stimulating histamine release and/or phagocytosis by either forming an attack complex that inserts them into the foreign cells membrane, thereby causing a burst, or attaching to the surface of the pathogen (similar to an antibody function), thereby attracting phagocytes to the site of infection
what can the complement system do upon activation?
-as a part of cellular defenses, they can promote inflammation by stimulating histamine release and/or phagocytosis by either forming an attack complex that inserts them into the foreign cells membrane, thereby causing a burst, or attaching to the surface of the pathogen (similar to an antibody function), thereby attracting phagocytes to the site of infection
what does this achieve?
by forming an attack complex that inserts them into the foreign cells membrane, thereby causing a burst, or attaching to the surface of the pathogen (similar to an antibody function), thereby attracting phagocytes to the site of infection
attachment to pathogen surface is similar to the function of what?
similar to the antibody function
what is an interferon?
a protien produced by cells infected by a virus
what produces interferon?
interferon is a protein produced by cells that are infected by a virus
what is the role of interferon?
this protien binds to the surface of neighboring cells, causing them to produce antiviral protiens to protect themselves
what is the primary immune response?
initial response to pathogen detection
what does the primary immune response involve?
-APC presentation of antigen-MHC complex
-activation of specific t-cell
-clonal expansion of t-cell producing helper cells
-activation of b-cells through helper t-cells release of cytokines
-b-cell clonal expansion producing plasma b-cells that produce antibodies
is the primary immune response fast or slow
what is the product of the primary immune response?
memory t-cells and memory b-cells
what should tissue transplants have in order to avoid rejection?
matching MHC molecules
what do MHC represent to the immune system?
what does secondary immune response do?
prevents disease symptoms fromoccuring by causing B memory cells to rapidly divide froming plasma cell and producing more antibodies
which is faster, the primary or the secondary immune response?
the secondary immune response is faster and longer lasting than the primary response
ability to gain active immunity through exposure to non-virulent pathogens
what is the role in vaccination?
ability to gain active immunity through exposure to non-virulent pathogens
what is passive immunity ?
comes from recieving the transfer of active humoral immunity in the form of readymade antibodies
what is an example of passive immunity?
a baby recieving colostrum from its mother
what is active immunity?
can be gained by experiencing a primary immune response through exposure to an actual pathogen or thru a vaccination, there by combating future infections by inducing the production of memory glands
what is an example of active immunity?
what response are the B-cells involved in?
the humoral response
what are B-cells?
are released as mature, inactive cells from red marrow.
-are responsible for antibody-mediated immunity
what are b-cells effective against?
effective against:
-extracellular antigens
what is the B-cells role in the primary immune response?
is to produce memory cells and to produce plasma cells that secrete antibodies specific for foriegn antigens
whats another name for antibodies?
-gamma globulins
where are antibodies produced?
are produced by the plasma B-cells as part of the immune response to the presence of non-self molecules called antigens
what do antibodies consist of?
consist of circulating B receptors and are specific for a specific pathogen
how long before measurable amounts of specific antibodies appear in the blood?
a latent period of 5-10 days after the first exposure to a particular pathogen
what is passive natrual immunity?
is when a person recieves antibodies produced outside of thier own body
how long does passive natural immunity last?
it only lasts as ling as this process continues
**EX: breast-feeding of colostrum**
which lymphocytes are responsible for antibody mediated immunity?
describe B-celld states as they are released for the red marrow
released as mature inactive cells from the red marrow
what is B-cells effective against?
-extracellular antigens
What is the B-cell role in the primary immune response?
is to produce memory cells and to produce plasma cells that secrete antibodies specific for foreign antigens
What are antibodies called and what produces them?
are called gamma globulins or immunoglobulins
-are produced by plasma B-cells as part of the immune response to the presence of non-self molecules
Why are they produced?
-as part of the immune response to the presence of non-self molecules
What do they consist of?
-consist of circulating B receptors that are specific for a specific antigen
After first exposure to a pathogen, how long is the latent period?
5-10 days after first exposure
Are B-cells specific or non-specific?
What is involved in passive natural immunity?
is when a person recieves antibodies produced outside of thier own body
important to know about the process of clonal selection that occurs after exposure to a particular pathogen***
Consider: The process of clonal selection that occurs after exposure to a particular pathogen is necessary since only a small subset of B cells or T cells will have receptors that bind a particular pathogen and it is specifically these cells that are stimulated to multiply to fight the infection.
what are antibodies (immununoglobulin)?
specific protiens produced by plasma B-cells (specifically B receptors) in response to the presence of a specific antigen (non-self molecule)
what do antibodies (immununoglobulin) closely resemble?
the letter Y
what determines the ability for an antibody to attach to a specific pathogen's antigens (specificity)?
determined by the variable regions on its two arms that combine heavy chains and light chains
how do antibodies mark pathogens for destruction?
by circulating upon recognition, attach to the specific pathogens antigens
what produce antibodies?
are produced by plasma B-cells (specifically receptors)
what triggers the production of antibodies?
in response to the presence of a specific antigen (non-self molecule)
what letter do the antibodies (immununoglobulin) resemble?
the letter Y
what areas allow them to bind to a specific antigen, thereby determining its role in the immune response?
the ability for an antibody to attach to a specific pathogen's antigens (specificity) is determined by the variable regions on its two arms that combine heavy chains and light chains
what is the variable regions on its two arms role in pathogen destruction?
Antibodies circulate and upon recognition, attach to the specific pathogen's antigens and marks the pathogen for destruction.
what elicits a specific immune response?
it is the antigen that elicits a specific immune response
specific antibodies have specific roles:
-IgM: binds to antigens on a cell and cause the aggregation of complement protiens to ultimately burst the cell
-IgE: have a role in the allergic response
what happens to people suffering from AIDS?
the individuals suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome have decreased number of circulating helper t-cells