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89 Cards in this Set

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a substance that is dissolved by a solvent


a liquid which dissolves a solute


solvent + solute

passive transport

methods of transport that do not require energy input


the movement of cules of a substance from areas of high to low concentration of the substance


the movement of a solvent through selectively permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to high solute concentration


the solute concentrations are the same within the cell and the external environment


the cell has a higher solute concentration than the environment

(cell is hypertonic) (Cell will burst)


the environment has a higher concentration than the cell

(environment is hypertonic)(cell will shrink)


the cell has a lower solute concentration than the environment

(the cell is hypotonic) (cell will shrink)


the environment has a lower concentration than the cell

(the environment is hypotonic) (cell will burst)

turgor pressure

in plant cells, the net movement of water into the cell causes the central vacuole to push outward.

binary fission

how prokaryotes replicate

1. circular chromosomes replicate

2. chromosomes separate

3. cytokinesis occurs

Cell Division in Eukaryotes

Mitosis, interphase, (together form cell cycle) cytokinesis

functions of mitosis

Production and maintenance of multicellularity, asexual reproduction, and

replacement of old or damaged tissues

The Cell Cycle Stepss


( G1 - growth and production of new organelles

S- DNA Synthesis - Each chromosome produces an exact cop[y-- sister chromatid

centrosomes are also replicated [PLANT CELLS DO NOT HAVE CENTROSOMES]

G2- Growth)

Cell Division- Mitosis





Cell Division- Cytokinesis


Mitotic spindle begins to form,

nuclear envelope breaks down

replicated chromosomes condense and become visible under the microscope


Spindle apparatus is completely formed.

Replicated chromosomes line up at the midpoint of the spindle

Microtubules (kinetochores) attach to the centromeres of the replicated chromosomes


Centromeres of the replicated chromosomes begin to separate, Chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles


In plant cells, a cell plate forms.

in animal cells, a clevage furrow forms

Both of these structures induce cytokinesis

nuclear envelope begins to form around each group of chromosomes

chromosomes arrive at poles and begin to uncoil


cytoplasm and organelles are separated into 2 genetically identical daughter cells of approximately the same size


G1- Growth

S- Synthesis of DNA

G2- Growth

Cells spend most of their time in interphase (97%)


An organism which has only one cell. Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic. (Ex. Chlamydomonas)


A organism composed of multiple cells, but the cells are all identical and have no specialization

(ex. Gonium)


An organism composed of multiple cells which divide labour via specialization. Eg. Anabaena

Gelatinous Matrix

A secretion by organisms with multiple cells, which holds the individual cells together

Cytoplasmic Bridge

How adjacent cells communicate with one another


The number of sets of chromosones. Ex. Diploid, Haploid


contains 2 identical sets of chromosones (*homologous). May or may not be replicated


contains 1 sets of chromosones .

May or may not be replicated

Homologous chromosome.

A chromosome which has an identical pair in shape and size and genes present. NOT REPLICATED. Likely has unique alleles


The specific location of a gene on a chromosome. Plural = loci


the particular representation of a gene which is demonstrated even when in the presence of a recessive gene (homo or heterozygous) Represented by a capital letter


A representation of a gene which will be expressed if homozygous recessive but not if heterozygous. Represented by a little letter


An ordered list of the alleles a chromosome carries that are of interest


End Result of Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2

Meiosis 1- Halves the number of chromosomes (Decreases the ploidy from diploid to haploid)

Meiosis 2- Separates the sister chromatids and leaves single chromatids in each of 4 unique daughter cells

Prophase 1

Diploid cell contains 2n chromosomes.

Chromosomes condense

Nuclear envelope dissintegrates

Spindle microtubules begin to form
Homologous chromosomes pair up to form tetrads (via process of synapsis)

Crossing over may occur

Metaphase 1

Kinetochores (microtubules) attach to the centrosome of each replicated chromsome

Tetrads line up along the midpoint og the cell

Anaphase 1

Homologous chromosomes separate from one another and are moved to opposite poles

Telophase 1

Replicated chromosomes arrive at the poles and begin to uncoil.

Spindle apparatus dissapears

nuclear envelope starts to reform

cytokinesis begins

At the end, you have 2 unique haploid cells

Interkinesis 1

Cytokinesis occurs and finishes

Cell Grows (G1, G2)


Prophase 2

Replicated chromosomes recondense

Nuclear envelope dissintegrates

New Spindle forms

Metaphase 2

Spindle Microtubules attach to the centromeres of replicated chromosome

Replicated chromosomes align along the metaphase plane of the daughter cells

Anaphase 2

Centromeres of each replicated chromsome separate and the single chromosomes are moved to opposite poles by the spindle apparatus

Telophase 2

Single chromosomes arrive at poles and start to uncoil. Spindle apparatus dissapears, nuclear envelope reforms

nucleolus beomes visible

cytokinesis begins


Plant Meiosis (Lillium Anthers)

Meiosis occurs in the sporocytes (diploid cells within reproductive organs (sporangia) within the stamen) in plants. This turns the diploid sporocytes into haploid spores.

1 anther = 4 male sporangia = which contain many many sporocytes which produce 4 haploid spores each via meiosis

Chive Preparation (allium tuberosum)

Choose 1 or 2 buds and place them near the centre. DO NOT USE YELLOW BUDS

Remove the stalk with a razor blade

Add Aceto-Orcein Stain

Chop plant material with razor

Drag plant material across slide

Place cover slip


Alternation of Generations Lifecycle

Often found in plants

Have distinct diploid and haploid stages.

Haploid generation produces gametes == called gametophyte

Diploid generation produces spores == Sporophyte (where meiosis occurs to produce haploid spores)

Most plants are sporophyte dominant


The diploid generation of a plant. Produces haploid spores via meiosis


The haploid generation of a plant. Produces haploid gametes


A horizontal underground stem which bears roots

Sorus (pl. sori)

brown spots which grow on the bottom of fern leAves. Made of a cluster or reproductive sporangia. Inside sporangia, diploid sporocytes undergo meiosis to produces haploid spores.

Alternation of generations (Fern Specific Stages)


1. Diploid zygote formed from union f 2 haploid gametes

2. zygote grows on top of haploid gametophyte into a young sporophyte, which grows into a fern

3. Fern grows sporangia in sori underneath leaves

4. cells in sporangia undergo meiosis and produce spores.


1. haploid spores are released from diploid sporangium

2. spores germinate and develop into a young gametophyte which grows rhizoids

3. gametophyte is fully developed. (also called PROTHALLUS)

4. gametophyte producesreproductive organs, antheridium, (Develops into sperm), and archaegonium (develops into egg)

5. sperm fertilizes egg and develops into a diploid gamete

sorus prep

Scrape several sporangia into a drop of glycerine on a slide

Label sporangium, sporangial stalk, spores


The crossing over point between 2 homologous chromosomes.

Mouse Life cycle

-- diploid dominant, but alternation


1. DIploid zygote forms from the union of egg and sperm

2. zygote undergoes mitosis to grow into an embryo, then a juvenile, then an adult

3. adult mice produce egg or sperm in ovary or testis.


1. haploid egg and sperm are released and joined together as a diploid zygote

Gregor Mendel

Austrian monk. 1866 he published papre about mendellian genetics. 2 laws

Mendel's 1st Law

The alleles of one gene segregate from one another during the formation of gametes


Mendel's 2nd law

Alleles of different genes assort independently of one another during gamete formation



factor of inheritance for a particular gene or characteristic


the particular variant of the gene

(ex. BROWN eyes, B)


Has a copy of both alleles of a gene



same allele of gene. AA aa


physical appearance of an organism stated in words


proportion of one thing happening. \

total to 1

separated by a comma

0.75 brown, 0.25 blue


proportion of one thing to another with the lowest set to 1

separated by a colon

1 purple: 5 turquoise

punnet square

a diagram used to simulate the combination of male and female gametes to form 2x diploid gametes

monohybrid cross

a cross between two parents to create an F1 generation, where the two parents differ with respect to one phenotypic aspect

ex. flower colour

PPx pp

F1= 1 Pp

F2 = 1PP:2Pp: 1PP

Dihybrid Cross

a cross between two organisms which differ in 2 phenotypic aspects.

ex. tall, blue x short, yellow

TTBBx ttbb

F1= 1 TtBb

F2= 9 PB, 3 Pb, 3pB, 1pb

Test Cross

To determine if a plant is heterozygous or homozygous, cross it with a homozygous recessive plant.

Pl pl

pl Ppll ppll

It can also be used to determine gene linkage.

If no linkage, then ratio of gametes will be 1:1:1:1

if linkage, then 1:1

Recombinant gametes

Some gametes are parental -- If P1 = AABB and P2= aabb, then AB and ab are parental gametes

However, in the F1 there will be some combination of recombinant gametes formed by crossing over. In this example, they would be Ab and aB. You can determine map units from recombinant frequencyq

Sex CHromosomes / Sex Linked

Related to the X or Y chromosomes


Related to any chromosome but x or 4


The number and appearance of all the chromosomes of a particular organism. Different for different organisms

Turner Syndrome

Karyotype shows 1 X chromosome- No 2X no Y

Always female

Phenotypic abnormalities-

Shrot and webbed neck

low ears and hairline


swollen hands and feet

no periods, breasts, or children

Trisomy 21/ Down Syndrome

Karyotype shows 3 copies of chromosome 21.

Phenotypic abnormalities

Physical growth delay

distinct facial features

mild to moderate intellectual disability

Kleinefelter's Syndrome

Karyotype shows XXY for sex chromosomes

Only Men

Prevents normal testicular development,

delay or incomplete puberty


;ess hair


learning disorders

delayed speach and language ability

dominant phenotypes

Not always the most common.

widow;'s peak

unattached earlobes


left thumb on top of interlaced fingers

cannot hyperextend thumb

bent little finger\

right hand visible arm cross

PTC Taster


females who are heterozygous for a sex linked trait

Pedigree Charts

Because forced human breeding is not ok, we study historical examples of a trait in a family. ex. haemophilia in royal family. written like a family tree. square = male, circle, = female, coloured in = affected, partially coloured in = carrier


the study of the patterns and number of fingerprints

3 main patterns- arch, loop, whorl

TRC = total ridge count

percentage recombination

total number of recombinants / *100

total number of offspring

= % recombination

or # of map units apart.

therefore, high number means further apart

if over 50 map units, genes are not linked


The use of organisms or their components to make or modify products useful to humans

"Modern Biotechnology" = involves DNA


large, negatively charged, double stranded molecule

composed of a series of nucleotides.

nucleotides have 3 parts

- nitrogenous base (ATCG)

-sugar (deoxyribose)

- phosphate group (negatively charged)

the 2 strands are joined together by covalent phosphodiester bonds

H bonds form between complementary nitrogenous bases

Biological Samples

Must contain nucleated cells

-body fluids, hair with follicle, skin, organ, bones


1. DNA extraction from sample.

2. PCR

3. Restriction fragment analysis

DNA extraction

use isotonic sports drink and swish around.

put in test tube

add cell lysis solution (detergent)

mix gently

add ethanol on top and allow dna to ppt into et hanol

Polymerase CHain Reaction (PCR)

Requires 4 ingredients-

-DNA extract,

-4 types of deoxyribonucelic triphosphates (dNTPs) (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP)


-DNA Polymerase

Combined and placed in a thermal cycler.

1. DNA Denaturation (95deg) Separates the 2 strands

2. Anneal Primers (55deg) cool so primers can bind

3. Extend Primers/DNA synthesis (78 deg)


Restriction fragment analysis

an ndirect comparison between nucleotide sequences. Cuts at instance of certain fragment (ex. CGGT) and different people's DNA will be different lengths between the instances of this code. Multiple sequences add accuracy

1. Restriction digest of PCR

cuts DNA into specific fragments

2. Gel electrophoresis

separates fragments according to size via an electrified gel and dyed

Gel's Ladder contains fragments of known size for distance reference

Applications of biotechnology

forensics, paternity testing, genetic testing, cloning

recombinant DNA

used to create GMOs/ transgenic organisms . DNA is cut by restriction fragment, then new DNA is ligated in, and then all bound together by polymerase