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29 Cards in this Set

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The process by which one species splits into two or more species


A group that has the potential to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring

-they do not breed well with other species

Biological Species Concept

1. species has the potential to interbreed, and produces viable offspring

2. held together by gene flow

What holds a population together genetically?

Gene flow

Reproductive isolation, 2 classifications

Barriers that impeded members of diff species from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring

Classified according to whether they contribute to reproductive isolation before or after fertilization:

1. Prezygotic barriers

2. postzygotic barriers

Prezyogotic barriers

before zygote: blocks fertilization from occuring

Three ways:

1. impeeds mating

2. hinders fertilization

Types of prezyogtic barriers (5)

1. habitat (same area, diff habitats)

2. temporal isolation (diff breeding seasons)

3. behavioural isolation (unique courtship rituals)

4. Mechanical Isolation (mating attempted but unsuccessful - two species of snails)

5. Gametic isolation (sperm of one, cannot fertilize egg of other - ex: sea urchins)

Types of postzyogtic barriers (3)

1. Reduced hybrid viability: genes interact an impair hybrid development and do not complete development

2. Reduced hybrid fertility : sterile

3. hybrid break down: firt-gen hybrids are viable and fertile but their offspring is feeble or sterile

Limitations of Biological Species Concept

1. cannot be applied to fossils or asexual organisms (including prokaryotes)

2. emphasizes absence of gene flow


Gene flow can occur between two species: which can occur ex: grolar bears

Modes of Speciation

Allopatric and Sympatric


crosses between species

Advantages to biological species concept

highlights a mechanism by which speciation occurs i.e the existence of barriers

Allopatric Speciation

a population forms a new species while geographically isolated from its parent population

-gene flow is interrupted or reduced

-barrier depends on ability of population (i.e canyon is a barrier for rodent but not bird)

-seperate pops may evolve independently through Nat sel, genetic drift, mutation

Sympatric Speciation

a subset of a population forms a new species without geographic separation

-gene flow is reduced without physical barriers just reproductive barrier

mosquito fish in different ponds evolved reproductive isolation under different predation

what type of speciation is this?


Give an example of allopatric speciation occurring in nature

30 species of snapping shrimp were separated by the Isthmus of Panama. 15 pairs of sister species. Originated 13-15 mill years ago.

Do regions with more geographic barriers have an increase level or decreased level of species?


How can reproductive barriers form between sympatric populations while their members remain in contact with each other?

1. Polyploidy

2. habitat differentiation (nat selection)

3. sexual selection


a species that originates from an accident duing cell division that results in extra sets of chromosomes

Autopolyploid and Allopolyploid

Autopolyploid vs Allopolyploid

Auto: an individual with more than two chromosome sets that are derived from a single species - one haploid set


Allo: has multiple sets of chromosome derived from two different species

-sterile and must be propogated as clones

Habitat Differentiation

a subpop exploits a habitat or resource not used by the parent population ex: apple maggot flies (developed both pre and post zyogtic barriers)

What are the three stages of speciation for cichlids in Lake Malawi? (HFC)

1. Habitat differentiation and adaptation - to distinct rocky vs sandy habitats

2. Diversification of feeding apparatus: tropic morphologies as seen by their jaws

3. Diversification of colour pattern: of males with each linage

Speciation probably occurred rapidly

Hybrid Zones

A region in which different species mate and produce hybrids

Simple: toads

Complex: plants (favourable patches so hybrid zones develop in disconnected patches)


Are the result of incomplete reproductive isolation barriers

What happens when species with incomplete reproductive barriers come into contact with each other?

Hybrid Zones

Give an example of a hybrid zone

Yellow bellied and red bellied frogs. Frequency of allele goes from 100% to 50% in the centre of the hybrid zone.

Does not create a new species because hybrids have poor survival and reproduction

What are the three changes in hybrid zones effected by time?

1. Reinforcement: strengthening - hybrids are less fit, species continue to diverge until hybridization can no longer occur

2. Fusion: weakening - reproductive barriers weaken until two species become one

3. Stability: fit hybrids continue to be produced

**These options depend on the cost of hybridization - assortative mating will be reinforced if hybrids have lower fitness

Punctuated Equilibria vs Gradual Equilibria

Punctuated: periods of apparent stasis punctuated by sudden change

Gradual: changes over a long period of time

Give an example of a pre-zygotic reproductive isolating barrier that is effected by a small number of genes

Minulus Lewisii and Mimulus Cardinalis

M. Lewisii - pink, bumble bee

M. Cardinalis - red, humming birds

Successful cross and transfer of alleles produced new colours. Increased visits from each of the associated pollinator