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86 Cards in this Set

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What 3 bugs will cause lobar pneumonia?
Streptococcus pneumonia
Name the 4 types of lung carcinoma
small cell
large cell
Hematuria and RBC casts are dignostic for what type of glomerulonephritis?
nephritic syndromes
What is the most common NephtOtic syndrome in children
minimal change disease
What are the 3 components of staghorn calculi?
What causes staghorn calculi?
infections....UTIs caused by Proteus
What is the agent that causes syphillus?

What is the DOC?
Treponema Pallidrum

DOC: Pen G
Which type of testicular germ cell tumor is characterized by very high production of AFP?

And which type of ovarian cancer shares the same characterisitcs?
Testicular: yolk sac tumor

Ovary: endodermal sinus tumor
What type of ovarian tumor is defined by cysts lined with ciliated epithelium?
Serous - ciliated

mucinous - nonciliated
what are the 5 major risk factors for endometrial carcinoma?
early menarche
late menopause
what are the 5 major risk factors for breast cancer?
same as endometrial....

early menarche
late menopause
What is Koplik's spot in the mouth indicative of?
white dots on red backgrounds.....means Measles
What type of esophagous diverticulum involves all layers?

What type involves only the mucinous layer?
All layers = traction diverticula

Mucinous layer only = Pulsion better known as ZENKER'S
What do cloxacillin, oxacillan, and methicillin have in common with respect to good ability to destroy certain pathogens?
Kill bacteria with Beta Lacatamase enzyme

mostly used in skin infections
What generation of cephalosporins are Cefamanadole and cefoxitin in?
2nd generation

think the 2 yr old MAN with a Fox
What type of gastritis does H. pylori cause and why must it be treated asap?
Chronic Type B gastritis

can lead to carcinoma of the stomach if not treated
What is the risk of getting colon cancer if you have familial polyposis?

What about Gardner's disease?
Familial polyposis - 100%

Gardner's - 100%
IIf a person presents with abdominal pain, very little or no blood in the stool, skip lesions on the ileum, what is this?
Chron's disease
What are the 3 parts of Charcot's triad?

these are signs of Cholangitis***
1. acute onset fever and sepsis
2. RUQ pain
3. Juandice
What is the classification of 1. juandice if there is high serum unconjugated bilirubin?

2. high serum conjuagated bilirubin?

3. high unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin
1. High Serum Bilirubin
Prehepatic hemolysis

2. High serum conjugated bilirubin
Post hepatic cholestasis

3. Hepatic
High unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin
Compare the transmission routes and incubation times of Hep A and Hep B
Hep A:
Virus spreads via feces
takes 2-6 weeks incubation
fecal oral

Hep B:
Parenteral (blood, fluids, etc)
incuabtion is 2-6 months
10% chance will come strenth
If a pts blood test indicates that she is positive for anti-HBsAg, does that mean that she is currently suffering from an active hepB infection?
HBsAg forms before onset of symptoms, can indicate current or chronic infection***
This is the surface antigen*
If you see new onset diabetes, BRONZE SKIN, and cirrhosis what is it?
Which fingers jts are more effected in Osteoarthritis?

Osteo = DISTAL

RA = Proximal, metocarpal phalangeal joints***
What are the rules of 3 relevant to thoracic vertebrae?
T1-T3: tvp is same level as sp
T4-6: sp is located 1/2 way below tvp
T7-9: sp is located 1 segment below TP
T10-12: T10 is (T7-9), T11 is (T4-6), T12 is (T1-3)
name the false ribs
Ribs 8-10 and 11,12
What is the primary rotation of the thoracic spine?
What ribs primarily move with a pump-handle motion?
bucket-handle motion?
caliper motion?
pump-handle: ribs 1-5
bucket-handle : 6-10
caliper: 11-12
Name the attachments of the diaphragm
ribs 6-12 bilaterally
bodies and intervertebral discs L1-L3
Xyphoid process
In an inhalation dysfunction what is the key rib?
Low/Bottom Rib
Prostaglandins and bradykinins share what common feature in terms of thier effects on how we feel when we get sick or injured?
cause pain and vasodilation
What cell type produces IL-1 and what cell type does IL-1 stimulate?
Macrophages make IL-1
Stimulates CD4 Tcells
What inheritance pattern exists for a particular disease if there is no MALE-to-MALE transmission and the parents of the sick child are not sick?
x-linked recessive
What HLA type do most with mutiple sclerosis and narcolepsy share?
What are the VDRL and FTA-ABS test results for an SLE pt?
VDRL - false positive (cardiolipin Abs

FTA-ABS - confirmed by negative FTA-ABS

You do this bc syphillus can cause a similar like reaction, syphillus and SLE are both VDRL (+) but only syphillus is also FTA-ABS (+), SLE is FTA-ABS (-)
what clotting pathway does the PTT test?
Bleeding time?
PTT: intrinsic
PT: extrinsic and intrinsic
bleeding time: platlet function
What does the Combs test evaluate?
Direct: Cell body antibodys (miz pts RBCs with IgG)

Indirect: detects free AB (mix plasma with nl RBCs)
What specific type of macromolecules is reliant on folic acid and vitamine B12 for its synthesis? How is this related to anemia?
Affects synthesis of RBCs DNA

causes a macrocytic anemia
Auer rods in myeloblasts are indicative of what disease?
what kind of bacteria will aminoglycosides kill?
only kill aerobic gram (-)
What type of arterial inflammation is associated with hypersensitivity to tobacco?
small and med vessels
thromboangiitis obliterans aka Burger's disease
What disease do BLUE Bloaters have?
Is is obstructuve or resitircted?
chronic bronchitis
Name the drugs we studied that INHIBIT P450
Some Pharmacy Classes Inhibit Drug Catabolism

Some - Sulfonamides
Pharmacy - Phenylbutane
Classes - Cholorphenacol
Inhibit - Isozoid
Drug - Dicumarol
Catabolism - Cimetidine
What is the antidote for methnol poisoning?
What is the DOC for strep pyrogenes?
Pen G
What is the DOC for Borrelia burgdorfen?
In what plane does flexsion occur?
About what axis does it occur?
Plane - saggital
Axis - Transverse
What cell type is classic in Hodgkin's disease?
Reed-sternberg cells
what type of arteriosclerosis is due to high serum calcium?

What type is due to malignant hypertension?

What type is due to old age?

What type is due to high lipid diet?
high serum calcium - Monckebery

malignant htn - artherilosclerosis - hyperplastic

old age - artheriolosclerosis - myelin

high lipid diet - atherosclerosis
In a 3 yr Japanese boy with very red hands and soles, fever, and conjunctivitis, what arteritis does he most likely have?
If the atlas is sidebent left what direction is it rotated?
draw the alternative and common pathways of the complement cascade
Is serum calcium, phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase high, normal, or low in osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and Paget's disease?
nl Ca, nl phosphate, nl alk phos

decreased Ca, decreased phosphate, increased alk phos

Paget's disease:
extrememly high alk phos, nl calcium, nl phosphate
what is the most common type of cartilage?
hyaline....aka type I

used in joints, developing bones, trachea, larynx, and nose
what type of bone cancer is extremely aggressive, primarily affecting the pelvis and long bones (in the marrow cavities), and to be more prevalent in males?
ewings sarcoma
Why are the calves of duchenne muscular dystrophy patients very large?
fatty and fibrous infiltration causes pseudohypertrophy
what is the most common supratentorial tumor of the CNS in children?
What CNS disorder is characterized by bradykinesia, a resting tremor, and rigidity?
Parkinson's disease
What is the typical age of onset for multiple sclerosis?
What is the MOA for MS?
What is the primary hormone that is produced in excess in Cushing's syndrome?
cortisol*** due to increased ACTH
What general class of adrenal products is produced in excess in Conn's disease, and what is its effect on serum sodium levels?
Increased serum Na
due to increased mineralcorticoids and increased aldosterone
What is the difference between Graves and Plummers disease
both involve the thyroid***

small follicles
little colloid
diffuse toxic goiter

colloid accumulation
nodular toxic goiter
What are the 4 major types of thyroid tumors?

Which is the most common?
Benign: follicular adenoma - very common

papillary - most common
follicular - most aggressive
What are the PTH, Ca, levels in hypoparathyroidism?

What about pseudoparathyroidism?
hypothyroidism - decreased PTH decreased Ca

pseudo - increased PTH and decreased Ca
What are the 4 organs involved in MEN type 1
adrenal cortex
pancrease (gastrinoma)
What are the ABCs of melanoma
A - asymetirc lesion
B - Borders irregular
C - Color variations
D - Diameter increases
What skin disease arises due to antibodies directed against the intercellular junctions between keratinocytes?
What 2 organs are most affected by mercury poisoning?
brain and kidney
What is the DOC for herpes simplex virus 1 and 2
What color are gram positive bacteria after Gram staining?
what kind of colitis is a risk after the use of broad spectrum antibiotics?

What is the causative agent?
Pseudomembranous colitis by C. difficle
The destruction of what organ causes death associated with acetomenaphen OD
Of what are most renal calculi comprised?
what kind of aneurysm are Marfan's patients most predisposed towards?
disecting aortic
What type of germ cell tumor is ass with painless enlargement of the testes?

It is often curable bc of its radiosensitivity
What is the causative agent of condyloma acuminatum and condyloma lata?
acuminatum - HPV

lata - treponema pallidum
What is the source of alpha-amanitin?
death cap mushrooms / toadstools
If a patient is (+) for HBsAg what do we know about this pt?
acute or chonic infection - currently have Hep B surface antigen
If a pt presents with a small amount of rectal pain, a significant amount of red blood in the stool, and numerous pseudopolyps on colonoscopy, what disease is this?
ulcerative collitis
What kind of tumors are associated with Turcot's disease?
brain tumors.....CNS
What is the #1 germ cell tumor in men?
What are the 4 subtypes of Hodgkin's disease and how does this relate to the Reed-Sternberg cells?
1. lymphatic predominance
2. nodular sclerosis
3. mixed cellularity
4. lymphocyte depletion

1 and 2 have a better prognosis

3 and 4 have reed-sternberg cells and a poorer prognosis
What is the inheritence pattern of achondroplasia?
Auto dominant
How do Gilbert and Criglar-Najjar differn interms of uptake?
Gilbert - impaired uptake and mild disease

Crigler-Najjar impaired uptake and severe disease

both diseases have jaundice
What 3 cell types do C3a and C5a stimulate to release histamine?
mass cells