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33 Cards in this Set

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What blood clotting factors are directly affected by a deficiency in vitamin K?
Name the 3 things that may trigger sickling in sickle cell anemia?
What type of pneumonia may result in the production of cold antibodies?
mycoplasma pneumonia
Deficiency in what may result in MEGALOBLASTIC anemia and neurological symptoms?
Vitamine B12
What types of cells will you see increase in number in the blood following a severe hemorrhage?
If a pt were infected with parasites what type of white blood cells would be expected to increase in number?
What type of leukemia is associated with Philidelphia chromosome?
What type of cell is classic in the Dx of Hodgekins disease?
Reed-Sternburg cells
What type of disease is associated with ostylytic lesions in the skull and pelvis and has Bence-Jones proteins in the urine?
Mutliple Myeloma
What are the 3 features of Virchow's triad?
slow blood flow
endothelial injury

all deal with increased clotting
What type of arthritis must be Dx early in order to prevent blindness?
Giant cell - temporal artery
What kind of aneurysm is associated with polycystic kidney disease?
What kind of murmur is called a continuous machine like murmur?
patent ductus arteriosus
What is Eisenmenger Syndrome?
Cyonotic R to L shunt which then reverses to L to R due to pulmonary hypertension
In ischemic heart disease what 2 things can an ST segment elevation often represent?
Prinzmetals angina
Myocardial infarction
what are the 4 major complications that may follow a myocardial infarction?
congestive HF
cardiogenic shock
muscle rupture
Is dyspnea and orthopnea a result of left or right sided heart failure?
left sided
What kind of endocarditis are people with damage or abnl heart valves more likley to get?
What are the organisms causing these?
Subacute endocarditis
caused by strep viridans or gram neg bacilli
What syndrome involving the pericardium may occur following an MI?
Dressler's syndrome
What are the 5 features of the major jones criteria
1. polyarthritis
2. erythema
3. subQ nodules
4. carditis
5. chorea

Name the 4 major classifications of lung disease that are Obstructive***
1. emphysema
2. chronic bronchitis
3. asthma
4. bronchiectasis
What RESTRICTIVE lung disease is caused by the inhalation of silica or coal dust?
what is the DOC for vaginal candidiasis?

What about systemic?
vaginal: miconazole
(think sing into the mic haha)

systemic: fluconazole
(flu affects the whole body)
What is the drug of choice for Neisseria meningitidis?

What about N. gonorrheae?
N. Meningitidis: Pen G
(Inflammation of MeniniGis)

N. Gonorrheae: Ceftriaxone
(need to TRI not to get this)
Name 3 aspects of the cerical vertebrae that differ from the other spinal vertebrae
C1 - has NO spinous process
C2 - has an Odontoid process (dens)
C7 - has a long spinous process called the vertebral prominens
What ligament connects the dens to the foramen magnum?
Which scalene aid in the elevation of the first rib?
anterior and middle
If you are able to induce translation to the left, what type of sidebending is this?
If the occiput is rotated to the right, in what direction is it sidebent?
If you are about to perform OMT on the cervical spine in what area would you start?
1. Upper thoracics
2. upper ribs
3. OA
4. Cervical spine
What is the antidote for acetominophen overdose?
NAC aka N-acetylcysteine
What anti-TB drug is known for hepatotoxicity?
INH aka Isoniazid
Name the drugs that we learned which induce P450:
One Pharmacy Brings About Rapid Liver Metabolism

One - oral contraceptive
Pharmacy - Phenytoin
Brings - Barbituates
About - Alcohol
Rapid - Rifampin
Liver - Levadopa
Metabolism - Methadone