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49 Cards in this Set

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Includes earths surface and any naturally attached components down to earths core and up to infinity

Surface Rights

Includes everything on the lands surface (vegetation and/or water)

Subsurface Rights

Rights to space below ground level (minerals, oil, water, natural gas)

(Mineral Rights)

Air Rights

Rights of land extending upward (height established by law) limited because can’t prevent plane and helicopter flying overhead

Water Rights

Divided into riparian rights and littoral rights. Owners rights of water meeting their property.

What are the 2 categories?

Riparian Rights

If owners property meets shoreline of moving water (rivers/lakes/streams) owner has reasonable rights to water IF user doesn’t impair use by others or cause pollution

Flowing water rights

Littoral Rights

If owners property boarders still waters (oceans/lakes/ponds) they have reasonable rights to water. Extends to land next to water up to average high-water mark.

Non-flowing water rights


Gradual buildup of land due to deposit of sand/soil from body of water on property. Increases land owned


Wearing away of land by flowing water or other natural sources. Causes loss of property/land.


Sand/soil buildup that increases land owned

Result of accretion


Land left behind as water recedes

Real Estate

includes land plus all artificially attached items (improvements). Improvements are permanent, human-created enhancements to the land


Permanent man made upgrades making land more usable

For example: roads, buildings, sidewalks, utilities

Real Property

Includes interests, rights, and benefits of ownership. Includes land and everything permanently attached to land and rights of ownership

Bundle of Legal Rights

- right to possession and use

- right to profit from use of land

- right to dispose of encumber land

- right to exclude others

AKA Tenements and Hereditaments


Buildings permanently attached to land


Real estate interests (property) that can be inherited

Residential Property

Housing in any area

Commercial Property

Business properties

Hotels, offices, theaters, etc.

Industrial property

properties where something is produced

Warehouses, power plants, etc.

Agricultural Properties

Lands used for agricultural purposes

Farms, ranches, vineyards, etc.

Special Purpose Properties

Misc. properties + government owned property

Churches, schools, cemeteries, etc.

Personal Property

Any property that is not real property

Property not included in sale. Staging furniture, anything not included in building and land.


Property can’t move (unless it’s a mobile home ofc)! Impacts value greatly


Land itself can’t be destroyed or erased


Every property is different. Geographic features affect value


Supply of land is fixed!

“They aren’t making anymore land, get what you can!”

Economic characteristic


Value of land in desired places increase over time.

Economic characteristic


physical site where a property or entity is located


Private improvements

Improvements ON land for private benefit

Pool built on land, add on, renovation

Public Improvements

Benefits everyone. Improvements TO land.

New roads and sidewalks, a paved bike path, new sewage system, etc.

Permanenance of Investment

Investments in real estate are long term due to physical characteristics and immobility

Economic characteristic

Highest and Best Use Concept

Refers to real estate improvements in land parcel that most closest fit demand of lands location

Is real estate being used to the best of its ability and producing max investment return available?

Land Use Restrictions

Local government have land use ordinances for the benefit of community

What government says goes

Examples: painting all houses in subdivision the same color for aesthetic purposes, requiring lawn to be kept neat, etc.

Investor Goals

Goal of investor

Should consult tax expert or real estate attorney

Profit on Sale

Determined by completion of renovations, refurbish costs, unforeseen problems, mortgage interest and brokers commission

How much money will be made when all is said and done

Market Fluctuation

Changes in market/ cause and affect

When inflation is high cost of construction rises, when new homes are built in an area sale prices of existing homes in area rise

Provisional Broker

Entry level, can perform activities of broker under supervision of BIC. Completing post licensing courses makes a professional broker an actual broker

Baby Broker

Broker (full broker)

Can engage in brokerage if working for licensed brokerage

Under BIC

Broker in Charge (BIC)

Highest level of real estate licensure in NC. Every firm must have at least 1 BIC. Must be a full broker w at least 2 yrs full time (or 4 yrs part time) experience and completed additional 12 hr course

Real Estate Agent

Blanket term used to describe someone who helps clients sell and buy real estate


Must be a member of national association of realtors


Estimate of value of property

Estimated _____ of property

Property Management (manager)

Handles tasks for owners and inveetors

Collects rent, handles maintenance, finds renters, etc.


Act of securing money got a loan on a real estate purchase

Property Development

Purchase of raw land that is subdivided, turned into lots, builds and sells houses on land

Real Estate Counseling

Provides advice on how to resolve real estate issues

Buyer/Seller Market

When supply of real estate to buy (or lease) exceeds demand, prices (or rents) will decline bc there are more sellers than buyers. When there are more buyers than sellers rent is raised and homes sell for more

Sellers market is good for making money/buyers market is bad for making money but great for jumping in the game


If the demand for real estate is high then prices are high. If supply of real estate exceeds demand then money is lost.