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33 Cards in this Set

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What is a balanced diet?

Eating the right amounts of different types of nutrients.

Give two ways a person could improve their diet.

1. cut down on salt

2. don't skip breakfast

When would you get deficiency disease?

If you don't get enough of a particular nutrient.

What three things are high in protein?

Meat, fish and nuts

What can too much saturated fat in your diet cause?

Raised cholesterol levels

What can too much salt in your diet cause?

Raised blood pressure

List the seven components of a balanced diet.

1. carbohydrates

2. proteins

3. fat/lipid

4. minerals/ions

5. vitamins

6. fibre

7. water

Which three components of a balanced diet supply us with energy?

Carbohydrates, fats, protein.

Give three reasons why males tend to have higher energy requirements than females.

1. males tend to be larger than females

2. males have a higher muscle to fat ratio

3. males often more active than females

Give one reason why a 15 year old male may require more energy than a male adult involved with light work.

15 year old is still growing

Why would a nursing mother need more energy than a female office worker?

Nursing mother has a more active lifestyle, whereas an office worker tends to sit down.

Nursing mother needs energy for milk production.

Why has the fast food industry added large amounts of fat and salt to the meals?

For flavour and as a preservative

Give two reasons as to why a healthy body needs some cholesterol in the diet.

1. to make cell membranes

2. to make sex hormones

How is cholesterol transported around the body?

through the bloodstream

What are the two major problems associated with high cholesterol levels?

1. high risk of heart disease

2. high risk of blood clots from the build up of plaque in the walls of the arteries

Which of our body organs helps to deal with changing cholesterol levels?


Give two reasons why, in a sample, there might be a high anomalous result when measuring cholesterol levels.

1. a genetic factor in the family

2. higher amount of fat in diet

What does the body use carbohydrates for?


What does the body use fats for?

energy, insulation and cell membranes

What does the body use proteins for?

Growth, repair and cell membranes

What are the three main types of fat found in our diet?

1. saturated fats

2. mono-unsaturated fats

3. polyunsaturated fats

Which type of fat is found in animal fat?

saturated fat

Explain why too much fat in a person's diet can cause health problems

High level of saturated fat raises cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease and blocked blood vessels

What does HDL and LDL stand for?

High density lipoprotein

Low density lipoprotein

Is HDL or LDL known as bad cholesterol? Why?

LDL because it can cause heart disease

How do you lose weight?

More energy must be used up than is taken in, forcing the body to use up its stored fat for energy

What is metabolic rate?

The rate at which chemical reactions take place in your cells

The greater the proportion of muscle to fat in the body, the higher the....

metabolic rate is likely to be

What can metabolic rate be affected by?

Your genes

Exercise (increases during)

One gram of fat releases almost twice as much energy as...

one gram of carbohydrate or protein

Why are proteins not usually a major source of energy for the body?

Because they are used for the more important functions of growth and repair

Which type of fat seems to lower cholesterol levels?

Unsaturated (found in plants)

Is LDL or HDL known as good cholesterol? Why?

HDL helps protect against heart disease by helping to remove cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels