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106 Cards in this Set

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Which planet is third from the Sun?

In Order its Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

My way of remembering (M)y, (V)agina, (E)ats, (M)any, (J)ellies, (S)ucks, (U)p, (N)ew, (P)lates.

wierd but memorable.
Throughout Pluto's controversy, it still remains in many of the ASVAB study guides I've read.
What is the classification system in order?
Kingdon, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genuis, Species.

My way of remembering (K)ing, (P)hilly, (C)ries, (O)ver, (F)rogs, (G)as and (S)ex.
Important Note: Genius and Species make up an organisms scientific name

i.e. Homo Sapien
At What degree is Earth tilted on its axis?
23 1/2 degrees.
The Earth completes a 360 degree rotation in 24hrs.
Earth completes a full rotation around the Sun in _____ days?
365 1/4 days.
The 1/4 days is why we have a leap year.
How long does it take the moon to rotate around Earth?
27 1/3 days.
What is the vernal equinox?
The First Day of Spring.

The first day of Autumn is the Autumnal Equinox.
Where does the earth move during a lunar eclipse?
Between the sun and the moon.

The earth's shadow blocks our view partically from the moon.
Where is the moon during a solar eclipse?
Between the sun and earth causing the sun to be partically or fully blocked.
What's the difference between Comets and Meteors?
Comets are mostly made of gaseous bodies.

Meteor's are extraterrestrial matter. (meteor's are what we commonly call 'Shooting Stars')
How does the sun affect temperature?
Through the angle of it's rays reaching the respective area of earth.
Air is made up of what percentage of oxygen? nitrogen? and carbon dioxide?
Oxygen: 21 %

Nitrogen: 78% (the greatest)

.03 Carbon Dioxide (the least)
Using Carbon-dating how old is the earth suspected to be?
4.5 billion years old

the oldest living thing is suspected to be around 3.5 billion years old.
What is the top layer of the earth's surface?
The Crust.

The Mantle is next, followed by the Core.
Important note: The Crust is the largest part of the earth.
Aproximately how hot do scientist think the Earth's core is?
15,000,000 degrees C.
Where is the most significant asteriod belt in our solar system?
Between Mars and Jupiter.

I remember this by thinking, (M)y (J)elly is Astronomical.
How can you characterize Stratus Clouds?
Broad Flat & Low hanging

I remember this by: Her flat sagging butt is outta this stratus-phere
How can you characterize Cumulus Clouds?
Flat Bottom, Round top.

I think of muffin tops.
How can you characterize Cirrus Clouds?
High, Thin, Feathery

Is she seriously wearing those Cirrus Shoes? (think of Stiletto with indian feathers)
If a north and north pole was put together how would it react? And a North a South?
North and North (like positive and positive) would push away from each other.

North and South would attract.
How fast do light waves move?
186,000 mps (remember second not minutes)
Sound waves better through less dense or more dense environments?
More dense.
If we wanted to collect energy from the sun would we use a light or dark surface? Smooth or rough?
A Dark, Rough object would be best for absorbing the sun's rays.

A light smooth surface is the best for reflecting or reflaction of light.
What Are the colors of the rainbow?
Roy G Biv

(R)ed, (O)range, (Y)ellow, (G)reen, (B)lue, (I)ndigo, (V)iolet.

Remember if all the colors are being reflected it will look white.
What are tides affected by?
The gravity of the moon, which causes a buldge in large bodies of water.

Remember the sun is also a factor especially in spring.
How is Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks formed?
Igneous: Cooling Lava (Granite, pumice)

Sedimentary: Compacted High pressure (Sandstone, Shale, limestone and soft coal)

Metamorphic: high heat and pressure. (Slate, Quartz and marble)
What measures wind speed?
Air pressure? and Humidity?
wind speed = aneometer

air pressure = barometer

humidity = hydrometer
What are rocks most changed by?
What rock creates sand?
Through what process does water enter the atmosphere?
How is the Ph scale read?
7 is neutral.
Anything lower is an acid (ie vinegar)
Anything higher is a base (ie ammonia)
What determines a atomic number?
The amount of protons
What is a compound? Mixture?
Compounds are 2 or more different elements (ie H20 and NaCl)

A mixture is different matter near each other but not chemical bound (ie sugar and water)
Why is the smoke from fire an example of suspension?
The large particles from the smoke (ash) disperses.

This is different from colliods (gelation) where particles are large but do not disperse.
What are the properties of solids? liquids? and gas?
Solid: Definite shape and volume (ie copper)

liquids: No definite shape but definite volume (ie mercury)

gas: no shape or volume (ie air)
What is the absolute zero?
-273 degrees C
What makes up a carbohydrate?
Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

These also make up fats.
What are Amino Acids?
Proteins - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
What are the four major oceans?
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic.
What is pitchblende? hematite? Bauxite? and Chalcopyrite?
Pitchblende - Uranium

Hematitie - Iron

Bauxite - Aluminum

Chalcopyite - Copper
How do we find the area of an object?
L x W
How do we find the volume?
L x W x H
What is the order of the metric system highest to lowest?
Kilo x1000
hecto x100
deka x10
meter x 1
deci x .1
centi x .01
milli x .001

I remember this by:
(K)ooks (H)ave (D)u(k)es, (M)eters (D)e(c)ide (C)enti-(M)illions
How can you convert C > F?
C = 5/9 (F - 32).

Remember she got an F -.
How can you convert F > C?
F = 9/5 (C + 32)

Remember I got a C +.
How can we convert C > K
add 273.
In chemical reactions the elements entering are called _____.
What is the formula for speed?
S = distance
What is a lever? an inclined plane? A wheel and axle? A pulley?
Lever : see - saw

Inclined Plane: screw or wedge

Wheel and axle: doornob or steering wheel

Pulley: Elevator

A tough question I got wrong:
What has the mechanical advantage force 1: a fixed pulley and rope.
What is convection?
The movement of heat into liquids and gases.
What is radiation?
Electromagnetic waves

(remember sun)
What is Voltage?
Amount of work done.

(measured by voltmeter)
What is Ampere?
Amount of electrons

(measured by Amneter)
What is Ohm?

Volt = Amp x Ohm
What is conduction?
Heat transfer

good heat coductors = metals

bad = wood & plastics also known as insulators.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
1: The building blocks of sugars, and the substances used by plants in photosynthesis, are

A. oxygen and nitrogen.
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide.
C. water and carbon dioxide.
D. water and oxygen
C. water and carbon dioxide.
C. In photosynthesis, water is split, oxygen is given off as a waste product, and hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide to form sugars
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
2: Members of a group that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring are in the same

A. kingdom.
B. phylum.
C. family.
D. species
D. species.
D. Only members of the same species meet in the wild and mate to produce fertile offspring.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
3: The normal body temperature of a person is

A. 37° Fahrenheit.
B. 37° centigrade.
C. 98° Celsius.
D. 98° centigrade
B. 37° centigrade.
B. Celsius and centigrade are the same thing. Water boils at 100° centigrade or 212° Fahrenheit
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
4: A liter is about the same as

A. a quart.
B. a gallon.
C. a pint.
D. a half-gallon
A. a quart.
A. A liter is slightly larger than a quart. There are about 33 ounces in a liter, while a quart has 32 ounces
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
5: When heat is added to water, the added energy

A. raises the electrons to a higher energy level.
B. makes the molecules move faster.
C. splits the molecules apart.
D. increases the number of electrons in the molecules.
B. makes the molecules move faster.
B. Adding heat to water gives the molecules more kinetic energy, resulting in faster motion. It does not change the energy level of electrons or the number of electrons in the molecules.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
6: Look at the graph of someone's blood sugar after he or she had been injected with a substance. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The person's blood sugar level fell faster than it rose.
B. The person had just eaten a big meal.
C. The person was injected with glucagon, which converts glycogen to glucose.
D. The person was a diabetic.
A. The person's blood sugar level fell faster than it rose.
A. The slope of the line is a measure of the rate. Anyone who is injected with insulin has the same type of response
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
7: Using the drawing of the arm, which of the following statements is true?

A. A is a ligament, and C is a tendon.
B. A is the biceps muscle, and C is a tendon.
C. C is a ligament, and A is a tendon.
D. A and C are both tendons.
C. C is a ligament, and A is a tendon.
C. Ligaments connect bone to bone and tendons connect bone to muscle
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
8: There are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch, 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter, 12 inches in a foot, and 3 feet in a yard. Approximately how many millimeters are in a yard?

A. 30
B. 300
C. 390
D. 900
D. 900
D. A yard is slightly less than a meter. Since there are 1,000 millimeters in a meter, there should be slightly less in a yard.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
9: The expression 35 parts per million (35 ppm) is the same as

A. 0.035%.
B. 3.5%.
C. 0.0035%.
D. 0.035%.
C. 0.0035%.
C. Parts per million can be converted to parts per hundred by dividing by 10,000 or setting up a proportion. 35 ppm = 0.0035 parts per hundred. hence percentage it is 0.0035%
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
10: Two masses fall 3 meters to the ground. If friction is neglected, when they reach the ground

A. both masses have the same speed.
B. both masses have the same
C. both masses have the same momentum.
D. the heavier mass has a higher speed.
A. both masses have the same speed.
A. The acceleration of objects in freefall is independent of mass, resulting in the same speed at the end of a fall. The momentum and energy are proportional to the mass
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
11: The electric current in a metal conductor is carried by

A. positive ions.
B. electrons.
C. both.
D. either, depending on the metal
B. electrons.
B. Electrons are the only charges free to move in a metal
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
12: Which of the following statements about diffusion is false?

A. Diffusion is very effective over very short distances.
B. Diffusion requires energy to do its work.
C. The diffusion of water is called osmosis.
D. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a greater to a lesser concentration
B. Diffusion requires energy to do its work.
B. Diffusion is the movement of molecules of liquid from a greater to a lesser concentration. The diffusion of water is osmosis, and no energy is required as these molecules move down a concentration gradient.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
13: Based on the geologic diagram below, which of the following statements is not true?

A. The slate layer is older than the basaltic intrusion.
B. The limestone is not the oldest layer portrayed.
C. Basalt is an igneous rock.
D. The sandstone layer is older than the basalt.
A. The slate layer is older than the basaltic intrusion.
A. According to the Law of Superposition, all other factors being accounted for, the most recent (youngest) geologic layers are on the top. Since the slate layer is closest to the surface, it is the youngest.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
14: Which of the following is the result of the angle of tilt that the Earth has on its axis?

A. day and night
B. summer and winter
C. continental drift
D. different stars visible in Northern and Southern hemispheres
B. summer and winter
B. Day and night are the results of the rotation of the earth. Continental drift is often offered as evidence of plate tectonics. While the variable star field may be affected by planetary tilt, the position of the observer relative to the star field is also a major factor. The seasons, choice B, are the result of the directness of the Sun's rays hitting Earth's surface. The primary factor controlling directness of the rays of the Sun is planetary tilt.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
15: An extinct volcano has steep sides. Rock samples from the immediate area contain both basaltic and granitic rock samples. Excavation of the area reveals alternating layers of ash and lava flows. The volcano was most likely of which volcanic variety?

A. cinder cone
B. shield cone
C. composite cone
D. You cannot determine volcanic type from the data provided.
C. composite cone
C. The hallmark of a composite cone composition is the mixture of cinder cone characteristics (granitic debris, very steep cone profile, and explosive eruptions) with shield cone characteristics (large footprint with gently sloping sides, basaltic debris, and lava flows)
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
16: When air masses meet, why does warm air rise over cooler air, often causing rain?

A. Warm air is less dense than cooler air.
B. Warm air is denser than cooler air.
C. Cooling air can hold less water vapor than warmer air.
D. Cooler air is very volatile
C. Cooling air can hold less water vapor than warmer air.
C. Choice A is a true statement but it does not explain rain, only the motion of the fronts. The motion of the warmer air over cooler air is due to differing densities, but it is the drop in temperature due to increased elevation and contact with cooler air (among other things) that causes the rain. As air cools, its capacity to hold water vapor decreases. As the saturation point is reached, excess water vapor condenses on particles in the air and eventually can fall as rain
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
17: The process of dividing one cell nucleus into two nuclei is called

A. mitosis.
B. meiosis.
C. cytokinesis.
D. cell division.
A. mitosis.
A. Mitosis is nuclear division, cytokinesis is cell division, and meiosis is used for sex cell production
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
18: Sodium ions have a charge of +1. This is because

A. they have one more proton than electron.
B. they have one more neutron than electron.
C. they have one more electron than neutron.
D. they have one more proton than neutron.
A. they have one more proton than electron.
A. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
19: Which of the following statements is true?

A. Electrons are negatively charged and are found in the nucleus of an atom.
B. Electrons are negatively charged and are found outside the nucleus.
C. Neutrons are positively charged and are found in the nucleus.
D. Protons are positively charged and are found outside the nucleus.
B. Electrons are negatively charged and are found outside the nucleus.
B. Both protons and neutrons exist in the nucleus, while electrons orbit the nucleus.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
20: In the lever shown below, a force is exerted on the left side to lift the mass on the right. Assuming the lever is ideal, which of the following is the same on both sides?

A. force
B. momentum
C. velocity
D. work
D. work
D. The work done by the force is the same as the work done on the load in an ideal simple machine.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
21: People have 46 chromosomes in each of their cells. How many are in their gametes?

A. 46
B. 23
C. 92
D. 2
B. 23
B. Gametes (eggs and sperm) need to have half the normal chromosome number, so that when they combine the correct number appears in the new cell.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
22: A gas has a volume of 0.25 liter at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. If the volume increases to 0.50 liter, and the temperature remains constant, the new pressure will be

A. 1 atmosphere.
B. 0.5 atmosphere.
C. 0.25 atmosphere.
D. 2 atmospheres
B. 0.5 atmosphere.
B. As you decrease the volume, the pressure will increase proportionally, and if you increase the volume, then the pressure will decrease
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
23: What are the total number of hydrogen atoms represented in the following formula: C6H10(OH)6?

A. 6
B. 16
C. 22
D. 60
B. 16
B. The subscript applies to each of the atoms within the parentheses
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
24: If red flowers were crossed with white flowers and all the resulting flowers were pink, what percentage of a cross between two pinks would be pink?

A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
C. 50%
C. In this case of incomplete dominance, each pink flower has one gene for red and one for white. When they combine randomly, one-fourth will be white, one-fourth red, and half pink.
General Science - ASVAB (full) test
25: Vaccines work well because they prepare one's

A. T-helper cells.
B. T-killer cells.
C. antibodies.
D. memory cells
D. memory cells.
D. Memory cells help us mount quicker responses to antigens we have previously encountered
building blocks of sugars, and the substances used by plants in photosynthesis
H2O and Co2: In photosynthesis, water is split, oxygen is given off as a waste product, and hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide to form sugars
normal body temperature of a person
37° centigrade (Celsius and centigrade are the same thing. Water boils at 100° centigrade or 212° Fahrenheit).
A liter is about the same as...
...a quart: A liter is slightly larger than a quart. There are about 33 ounces in a liter, while a quart has 32 ounces
When heat is added to water, the added energy...
...makes the molecules move faster. Adding heat to water gives the molecules more kinetic energy, resulting in faster motion. It does not change the energy level of electrons or the number of electrons in the molecules
Look at the graph of someone's blood sugar after he or she had been injected with a substance. Which of the following statements is true?
The person's blood sugar level fell faster than it rose. The slope of the line is a measure of the rate. Anyone who is injected with insulin has the same type of response
Two masses fall 3 meters to the ground. If friction is neglected, when they reach the ground..
..both masses have the same speed. (The acceleration of objects in freefall is independent of mass, resulting in the same speed at the end of a fall. The momentum and energy are proportional to the mass).
The electric current in a metal conductor is carried by..
...electrons (the only charges free to move in a metal)
Which of the following statements about diffusion is false?
FALSE: Diffusion requires energy to do its work.
(Diffusion is the movement of molecules of liquid from a greater to a lesser concentration. The diffusion of water is osmosis, and no energy is required as these molecules move down a concentration gradient).
Result of the angle of tilt that the Earth has on its axis
summer and winter (Day and night are the results of the rotation of the earth. Continental drift is often offered as evidence of plate tectonics. While the variable star field may be affected by planetary tilt, the position of the observer relative to the star field is also a major factor. The seasons, choice B, are the result of the directness of the Sun's rays hitting Earth's surface. The primary factor controlling directness of the rays of the Sun is planetary tilt)
composite cone (volcano)
The hallmark of a composite cone composition is the mixture of cinder cone characteristics (granitic debris, very steep cone profile, and explosive eruptions) with shield cone characteristics (large footprint with gently sloping sides, basaltic debris, and lava flows)
When air masses meet, why does warm air rise over cooler air, often causing rain?
Cooling air can hold less water vapor than warmer air. (The motion of the warmer air over cooler air is due to differing densities, but it is the drop in temperature due to increased elevation and contact with cooler air (among other things) that causes the rain. As air cools, its capacity to hold water vapor decreases. As the saturation point is reached, excess water vapor condenses on particles in the air and eventually can fall as rain).
The process of dividing one cell nucleus into two nuclei
Mitosis. (Mitosis is nuclear division, cytokinesis is cell division, and meiosis is used for sex cell production)
Sodium ions have a charge of +1. This is because..
...they have one more proton than electron. (Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge.)
Electrons are negatively charged and are found outside the nucleus
Both protons and neutrons exist in the nucleus, while electrons orbit the nucleus.
: In the lever shown below, a force is exerted on the left side to lift the mass on the right. Assuming the lever is ideal, which of the following is the same on both sides?
WORK. The work done by the force is the same as the work done on the load in an ideal simple machine.
Vaccines work well because they prepare one's...
...memory cells. (Memory cells help us mount quicker responses to antigens we have previously encountered.)
Components of an ecosystem
producers, consumers, and decomposers
The process by which energy is provided at the cellular level
Light waves rate of travel
about 186,000 miles per second
The stomach contains chemicals that break down
Red blood cells
carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
Cell protoplasm is made up mostly of
Method of transfering heat between two parts of a stationary system, caused by a temperature difference between the parts.
Light waves move at a higher frequency than
infrared waves
The atomic number of an atom is determined by:
Number of protons
The surface of the earth is called the:
A seismograph measures the
the waves of an earthquake