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10 Cards in this Set

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Which planet is third from the Sun?

In Order its Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

My way of remembering (M)y, (V)agina, (E)ats, (M)any, (J)ellies, (S)ucks, (U)p, (N)ew, (P)lates.

wierd but memorable.
Throughout Pluto's controversy, it still remains in many of the ASVAB study guides I've read.
What is the classification system in order?
Kingdon, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genuis, Species.

My way of remembering (K)ing, (P)hilly, (C)ries, (O)ver, (F)rogs, (G)as and (S)ex.
Important Note: Genius and Species make up an organisms scientific name

i.e. Homo Sapien
At What degree is Earth tilted on its axis?
23 1/2 degrees.
The Earth completes a 360 degree rotation in 24hrs.
Earth completes a full rotation around the Sun in _____ days?
365 1/4 days.
The 1/4 days is why we have a leap year.
How long does it take the moon to rotate around Earth?
27 1/3 days.
What is the vernal equinox?
The First Day of Spring.

The first day of Autumn is the Autumnal Equinox.
Where does the earth move during a lunar eclipse?
Between the sun and the moon.

The earth's shadow blocks our view partically from the moon.
Where is the moon during a solar eclipse?
Between the sun and earth causing the sun to be partically or fully blocked.
What's the difference between Comets and Meteors?
Comets are mostly made of gaseous bodies.

Meteor's are extraterrestrial matter. (meteor's are what we commonly call 'Shooting Stars')
How does the sun affect temperature?
Through the angle of it's rays reaching the respective area of earth.