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38 Cards in this Set

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Japanese Solar Spacecraft, near constant feed of the sun
Euro, measured distances and luminosity of thousands of nearby stars
space telescope taking images of planetary nebulie
Designed to detect earth-size planets in habitable zone
Solar spacecraft, nuclear reactions during solar flares, first to document solar flare activity
spacecraft for the sun, coronograph which observes thousands of corona mass ejections. Measure the pulsations of the sun and internal structure of the sun.
Solar Dynamics Observatory
the solar atmosphere on small scales of space and time and in many wavelengths simultaneously. SDO has been investigating how the Sun's magnetic field is generated and structured, how this stored magnetic energy is converted and released into the heliosphere and geospace in the form of solar wind, energetic particles, and variations in the solar irradiance
Infrared Radiation- first telescope to directly capture the light from extrasolar planets, namely the "hot Jupiters"
Two spacecrafts n the same orbit around the sun, which combine to give a 3D picture of coronal mass ejections, earliest detection of space weather
high resolution pictures of the sun and solar flares; designed to investigate the connections between fine-scale magnetic fields and the associated plasma structures on the Sun by providing high resolution images and observation of the solar photosphere and transition region to the corona. A main focus of the TRACE instrument is the fine structure of coronal loops low in the solar atmosphere.
First and only spacecraft to pass over poles of the sun,
Japanese x-ray mission which examined the x-ray radiation of the sun
Voyager 1 & 2
beyond giant planets, to the edge of heliosphere, now in intersteller space
Voyager 1- second, faster craft, first to image Jovian and Saturnian systems, planets and moons
Voyager 2- first, slower craft, first and only craft to image Neptune and Uranus.
Raymond Davis Jr, used CLEANING FLUID, neutrinos turned chlorine into Argon, first detection of neutrinos
Super Kamiokande
Masatoshi Koshiba, used PURE WATER in zinc mine, showed neutrinos came from sun, suggestd solar neutrino problem, they change types...
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Uses HEAVY WATER, indicates that neturinos have identity crisis, switch types between sun and earth- solves neutrino problem
came up with simple model of how sun spots are made, how magnetic field is generated within sun, and the differential rotation inside the sun windes up magnetic sphere and puffs out the sunspots
look at dark clouds, dust which absorbs starlight behind them
Nobel prize for chop down of the proton chain
First to measure neutrinos from the SUN
Most prolific astrologist, realized the sun could shine by converting hydrogen into helium. Emssision nebuli illuminated and heated by bright central star..
student of Purcell, first observed the 21cm line of atomic hydrogen
forbush effect- number of cosmic rays incident on the earth decreases when the solar atiity increases. sun's magnetic activity vary and increase every 11 years
explained radioactivity through tunneling. energetic particles leave nuclei of radioactive things.
radio pulsars are single rotating neutron stars
british astronomer who found the forbidden lines in something nebuli
first to detect radio emissions from neutral galactic hydrogen (the famous 21 cm line due to hyperfine splitting), affording the first views of the spiral arms of the Milky Way.[5] This observation helped launch the field of radio astronomy, and measurements of the 21 cm line are still an important technique in modern astronomy.
Discovered pulsations of the sun
famous for the Maunder Minimum- sun spots disappear from the sun, they can vary up and down over longer time frames, study of sunspots and the solar magnetic cycle that led to his identification of the period from 1645 to 1715 that is now known as the Maunder Minimum.
some stars have such immense gravity that light isn't emitted
Beta decay
Observed neutrinos here on the Earth
measured the sun-spot cycle (11 years)
examined einsteins general relativity theory and applied it to a single star- light could no longer escape from a collapsing star. Schwarzchild radius is that point now.
emission nebuli are a certain size, space around bright star is heated and illuminated. size of the emission is based on temp of the star and density of surrounding material. Denser= smaller, stromgren radius=radius of emission nebuli
Van De Hulst
predicted 21 cm line, emsions based on change of spin of the electron
german who first propose CMO cycler converting hydrogen to helium. Carbon axis?
Observed in the lab: Zeeman effect: length of cosmic magnetism; splitting of a line in the presence of a magnetic field; polarization gives direction of magnetic field.