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54 Cards in this Set

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Timothy Dwight
President of Yale connecticut. Campus revivals motivated a generation of young men to become evangelical preachers.
Charles Finney
Started a series of revivals in New York. Approached people's emotions and fear of damnation.
Religion in the South and advancing western frontier. Circuit preachers would go to people who did not belong to the church.
Religion in the South and advancing western frontier. Circuit preachers would go to people who did not belong to the church.
William Miller gained tens of thousands of followers. He predicted a date for the and that is what led to the 7 day Adventists.
Joseph Smith
Founded the Mormons. Murdered by a local mob.
Brigham Young
helped Mormons escape prosecution. Leader of the Mormons migrated to western frontier.
A religious group the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints aka Mormons. Based on the Book of Mormon.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Questions the doctrines established of established churches and the practices of the merchant class. The best known Transcendentalist.
Henry David Thoreau
Questions the doctrines established of established churches and the practices of the merchant class. Conducted an experiment to test transcendentalist philosophy.
Brook Farm
A transcendentalist experiment. The goal was to achieve a more natural union between intellectual and manual labor.
Margaret Fuller
feminist advocate for women's rights. Write and editor.
The Shaker Communities
One of the earliest religious communities had about 6000 members. Kept men and women strictly separate.
The Amana Colonies
Amana colonies were in Iowa were germans who belonged to the to the religious reform movement known as pietism. believed in living in a communal society.
New Harmony
A secular experiment in New Harmony Indiana. was the work of a welsh industrialist reformer.
Oneida Community
John Humphrey Noyes created a society in new york. Economic social property and marriage equality.
Fourier Phalanxes
theories of a french socialist charles fourier attracted interest among Americas. Created in response to the problems of a fierce competitive society.
George Caleb Bingham
An American artist whose paintings of American life in the frontier lands along the Missouri River exemplify the Luminist style. Was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 1848 and is one of the few artists to serve in a political office
William S. Mount
He started off as a history painter but then shifted to scenes from everyday life. Made his own type of violin called the Cradle of Harmony with a curved back which made it louder
Thomas Cole
an English-born American artist known for his landscape and history paintings which portrayed the American wilderness. Regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School
Frederick Church
Pupil of Thomas cole and a central figure in the Hudson River School of American landscape painters. His artwork put an emphasis on light and a romantic respect for natural detail
The Hudson River School
a mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by romanticism. Thomas Cole was the founder. The paintings typically reflected discovery, exploration, and settlement. Typically depicted the landscape as pastoral, where humans and nature coexisted peacefully
Greek influence
The architecture was being based off of Greek architecture. The main example was how the buildings were using the Greek pillars and arches
James Fenimore Cooper
Romanticized about the frontier and Indian life in the early American days. Influenced by Jane Austen’s writings. First major American Novelist. Author of the Leatherstocking tales
Nathaniel Hawthorne
His writings were centered on New England and the puritan settlements. Romanticized on the role of women in society. Example of his work is the Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville
Some of his writings are Moby-Dick and Typee. Romanticized on everyday lives like whale hunting. Wrote mainly about the American Renaissance
American Colonization Society
A group established in order to support the migration of free African Americans to Africa. Helped to form the colony of Liberia. Some supporters were Henry Clay, Charles Fenton Mercer, John Randolph, Richard Bland Lee, and Bushrod Washington
William Lloyd Garrison
A prominent American Abolitionist, journalist, suffragist, and social reform,best known as the editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator. One of the founders of the Anti-Slavery Society
Liberty Party
An Anti-Slavery political organization organized in 1840. Believed that the constitution should be condemned as an evil pro-slavery document. Soon fell to ruin
Frederick Douglass
An african American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman. Escaped from slavery in Maryland. Disproved slaveholders arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as an independent American citizen. FANTASTIC ORATOR
Harriet Tubman
An American abolitionist, humanitarian, and an armed scout and spy for the United States Army during the American Civil War. Escaped slavery using the underground railroad. Was the first woman to lead an armed expedition in the civil war. An active member of the women’s suffrage movement
Sojourner Truth
Was an African-American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. First black lady to win against a white man in the freedom of her son
Nat Turner
an enslaved African American who led a rebellion of slaves and free blacks in Southampton County, Virginia on August 21, 1831.This rebellion then restricted rights of assembly for free blacks, withdrew their right to bear arms in some states and right to vote, and required white ministers to be present at all black worships
Dorothea Dix
A new england teacher and author who spoke against the inhumane treatment of insane prisoners. Said that insanity was a disease of the mind, not a willfully perverse act by an individual
Mental Hospitals
Created due to publicization of poorer prison conditions. Professional treatment for the mentally ill.
Thomas Gallaudet
Opened a school for the deaf. Inspired many more special schools to be built in the 1850s.
Dr. Samuel Howe
Opened a school for the blind. Inspired many more special schools to be built in the 1850s.
The Pennsylvania Experiment
Penal experiment, had penitentiaries rather than jails. Prisoners were isolated to make them repent of crimes. Failure due to high suicide rate.
The Auburn System
NY penal experiment. Rigid rules of discipline accompanied by moral instruction and work programs.
Common Schools
Public schools created by middle class reformers. Workers groups campaigned for them so the future generations of the country would be educated.
Horace Mann
Advocate for common schools and secretary of Mass. Board of Education. Sought compulsory attendance, longer school year, increased teach preparation.
William McGuffey
Pennsylvania teacher who made textbooks that taught reading and morality. Filled with virtues: hard work, punctuality, sobriety.
Catholic Education
In objection to protestant led common schools, Catholics funded their own private schools.
New Colleges
In 1830s, Protestants formed small denominational colleges. Some colleges begin to admit women,
Cult of Domesticity
Idealized view of women as moral leaders of the home.
Sarah & Angelina Grimke
Sisters who opposed having secondary roles in the anti-slavery movement. Sarah wrote “The Condition of Women and The Equality of The Sexes”.
Seneca Falls Convention
Leading feminists met at Seneca Falls, NY. Issued the “Declaration of Sentiments”.
Declaration of Sentiments
Declared that all men and women are created equal. Women wrote their grievances against laws and customs. Mirrored the Declaration of Independence.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Feminist who wanted equal voting, legal and property rights.
Susan B. Anthony
Feminist who wanted equal voting, legal and property rights.
Protestant ministers
Concerned with drinking and its negative effects, they helped found the American Temperance Society.
American Temperance Society
Sought to persuade drinkers into total abstinence. Former alcoholics deemed alcoholism a disease. By 1840s, various sobriety societies had half a million members combined.
Factory owners
Joined the temperance movement. They sought to reduce crimes and increase the productivity of their workers.
Joined the temperance movement. They wanted to reduce crime and poverty. They later achieve national success with the 18th Amendment.