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85 Cards in this Set

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Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
Lincoln's Reconstruction plan
1. Full presidential pardons granted to southerners ho took oath of alliegence to the Union& accepted emancipation of slaves

2. A state gov. could be reestablished when 10% of voters took loyalty oath
Thaddeus Stevens
Leading radical rep. of the South, hoped to secure black civil rights through extended military occupation in the south
15th Amendment
Right to vote for blacks
Thomas Nast
New York times cartoonist, exposed "Boss Tweed"
Force Acts
gave power to federal authorities to stop Ku Klux Klan Violence
The Purpose of Lincoln's and Johnson's Reconstruction Plan
Encourage rapid readmission of ex- confederate states into the Union
Black Codes were passed in order to
Control movement and provide a stable workforce for plantations
Freedmen's Bureau didn't provide:
Protection from sharecropping agreements
What was not provided for African Americans after reconstruction?
Distribution of confiscated Cofederate farmlands
Why was President Andrew Johnson Impeached?
He removed a radical republican from his cabinet
An analysis of the election of 1868 best supports the conclusion that
Republic Victory depended on the African American Vote
Republican Reconstruction gov. in the South did not accomplish
Reducing waste and corruption in local and state governments
By the end of Reconstruction, most Southern Blacks
Worked on farms as renters and sharecroppers
The "redeemers" in the South Supported
States rights and white supremacy
Congressional Reconstruction ended in 1877 because
It was part of a compromise to resolve the disputed election of 1876
Helen Hunt Jackson; A Century of Dishonor
book describing plight of Indidans, encouraged assimilation theory
George Washington Carver
African American farmer, proposed the growing of peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans
Ida B. Wells
Editor of the memphis FREE SPEECH, devoted efforts to campaigning against lynching and Jim Crow Laws
Interstate Commerce Act
first attempt at regulating railroads. Required "reasonable and just" rates and set up the ICC
Ocala Platform
1. direct election of Senators
2. Low tariff rates
3. graduated income tax
4. new banking system regulated by fed. gov.
What Characterized agriculture in BOTH the West and the South between 1870-1900
Increased Production
The outbreak of Indian wars wasn't caused by
The division of tribal lands into individual farms for tribal members
The goals of the assimilationists were most in conflict with
Terms of the Indian Reorganization act of 1934
The chief cause of farm protest in the late 19th century was
Closing of the Open Range
The Chinese Exclusion Act is most closely associated with
Hostility to foreigners in Western States
According to the Turner thesis, the frontier didn't encourage
Growth of Class Divisions
After the Granger laws were overturned, Congress tried to provide relief through the
Interstate Commerce Act
The Main result of the Crop lien system was
A cycle of debt for tenant farmers
The New South Movement didn't promote
Social integration of the races
Supreme Court upheld "Seperate but equal" in which case?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Andrew Carnegie
Owner of the Carnegie steel company, became US Steel
Vertical Integration
Process by which a company controls every stage of the industrial process
Sherman Antitrust Act
Act that prohibited any "contract, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce"
Samuel F. B. Morse
Inventor of the first functional telegraph
Eugene Debbs
Railroad union leader who was thrown in jail for refusing to abandon the Pullman Strike
During the Railroad expansion from 1860 to 1900, what DIDN'T happen?
No laws were passed to regulate Railroads
In the 19th Century, Railroads formed pools in order to
Fix prices and divide business for greater profit
What was considered a proper function of the government in the late 19th century
Protection of workers from Unfair Labor Practices
The late 19th Century US economy was not characterized by
Acceptance of Unions and Collective Bargaining
The Decisions of the Supreme Court in the late 19th Century often favored whom
Social Darwinists would most Likely support What?
nonregulation of business
The Concept of the gospel of wealth is not reflected in which statement?
Money should be distributed to the poor and the homeless
Which describes a trend in American society in the 1880s and 1890s?
The Workplace became more tightly organized and structured
The Most effective and enduring labor union in the post Civil War era
focused on goals like higher wages and shorter hours for skilled workers
What is not true of the American Labor movement in the late 19th century
Labor's rights were passed by laws of Congress
Jane Addams
Founder of the Most famous settlement house, Hull House in Chicago.
Francis Willard
led the Women's Christian Temperance Union, which advocated total abstinence from alchohol
Clarence Darrow
famous lawyer who argued that criminal behavior could be caused by a person's environment of poverty
American Protective Association
nativist society that was openly prejudiced against Roman Catholics
Henry George's Progress and Poverty
criticized the lessaiz faire economy, proposed a single tax on land as the solution to poverty.
Roscoe Conkling
leader of the stalwarts, became a powerful leader by dictating lucrative jobs
Republicans who did not play the party game
Bland-Alison Act
act that allowed a limited coinage of silver at standard silver to gold ratio of 16-1
Pendleton Act
Act that set up the Civil Service Commission, and created the examination system.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Act that increased the coinage of silver, but not enough to satisfy farmers
Josiah Strong "Our Country: It's possible future and Present Crisis"
Reverand missionary, felt Anglo Saxon Whites were fittest to survive and should spread their benefits to the less fortunate
Plat Amendment
The US will withdraw from Cuba if Cuba agrees to certain terms making Cuba a US protectorate
Roosevelt Corollary
The U.S. will intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary
Dollar Diplomacy
Taft's foreign policy, focused on trade and enterprise
Pancho Villa
led raids across the Mexican border and murdered people in TX and NM
Writers specializing in underhanded political trash
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators
Hepburn Act
Gave the ICC the power to fix "just and reasonable" RR rates
Gifford Pinchot
Chief of the Forest Service, fired by Taft after he criticized his secretary of the interior
16th Amendment
The Government can collect an income tax
19th Amendment
Guaranteed women's voting rights
The Niagara Movement
A group of black intellectuals who met in Canada to discuss ways of securing equal rights
Allied Powers
Fr, Br, Russia, Japan, Ialy, US, 25 other countries
Central Powers
Germany, Ausria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
Espionage Act
provided inprisonment for people who tried to incite rebellion in the armed forces or tried to obstruct the draft
Schneck Vs. U.S.
The right to free speech can be limited when it represents a "clear and present" danger to public safety
Palmer Raids
Att. Gen. Mitchell Palmer ordered the arrest and deportation of 500 anarchists and Socialists
Fordney - McCumber Tariff Act
increased tariff rates in 1922
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican immigrant who established the United Negro Improvement Association
Kellog Briand Treaty
renounced the aggressive use of force to achieve national ends
Volstead Act
Prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
guaranteed bank deposits up to $5,000
employed young men on federal land projects and paid their families monthly sums
Social Security Act
the first old age insurance and welfare program
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Hoover's tariff that was the highest in history against foreign goods, caused Europe to est. their own super high tariff
Axis Powers
Germany, Ital, and Japan
Nye Comittee
investigative comittee who concluded the U..S. only participated in WWI to satisfy bankers and manufactuers
America First Comittee
Group that mobilized American public opinion against the war
Cash & Carry
According to the Neutrality act of 1939, belligerents could purchase war materials as long as they paid cash and carried the goods in their own ships
Lend Lease Act
Congress agrees to lend/lease goods to nations critical to U.S. defense