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145 Cards in this Set

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This instrument symbolized the re-creation of African musical instruments in African American music:


During the Mexican War, northern Whigs began to characterize the war as a/an

Part of a southern conspiracy to extend slavery

In his first "Report on the Public Credit," Alexander Hamilton proposed

That the federal government assume remaining state Revolutionary War debts

Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S. because

He met defeat in the Caribbean and was in need of money for Europe

The most basic similarity between the Union and the Confederacy when the Civil War began was that both sides

Were unprepared for the ordeal that lay ahead

In 1850, this percentage of all slaves were engaged in cotton growing:


As provided in the Constitution, the Congress prohibited U.S. participation in the international slave trade in


The dominant people in the Mexican highlands in 1519 were:


Most Africans were enslaved

By cooperation between European and African traders

Among the worst of the horrors confronting slaves during the Middle Passage was:

Inadequate sanitation and related deadly diseases

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

Set aside an area west of the Appalachians as "Indian Country"

Which one of the following was NOT a Jeffersonian concept?

An industrially-based national economy

The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to

Develop a common colonial response to the Intolerable Acts

Which of the following was NOT an advantage enjoyed by the North as the Civil War began?

A large well-trained army

About half of the slaves imported to the New World between 1701 and 1810 were delivered to:

The Caribbean Basin

The township system created under the Northwest Ordinance

Created a distinct "checkerboard" pattern of land ownership

The American economy during the Revolution

Suffered from inflation

Much of the fighting in the War of 1812 took place

On the American-Canadian border

The Lewis and Clark Expedition followed this river for much of the time:


In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle that

Only the federal judiciary could decide what was constitutional

The MOST important piece of legislation passed by the first session of Congress was the

Judiciary Act of 1789

Canals and railroads

Spurred the development of towns and cities along their route

One of the concessions made to Louisiana when acquired by the United States was the continuation of the

French civil law

Political supporters of Thomas Jefferson used the name Democratic Republicans to emphasize that the Federalists were


Which one of the following was NOT true of Jefferson's political philosophy?

Manufacturing and industrialization would enrich America

Which one of the following was NOT true of the decisions of Chief Justice John Marshall and the Supreme Court?

The court favored strict construction of the Constitution

Patrick Henry expressed one of the results of the First Continental Congress when adjourned: "I am not a Virginian, but

An American"

The Cherokee, Iroquois, and Algonquian had this in common:

Confederacy organization

At the First Continental Congress, fifty-six elected delegates from twelve colonies met to support this colony:


Culpeper's Rebellion is to North Carolina as Bacon's Rebellion was to:


The irony of both Madison's and Hamilton's views on factions is that they

Did the most to organize and solidify factions

The "praying towns" were

Centers for Indians who had converted to Christianity

In taking the position he did in the wake of the issuance of the Newburgh address, George Washington

Set a precedent for the subordination of the military to civil authority

The most important export crops of the American colonial period were

Tobacco, rice, and indigo

In the years during and after the Revolutionary War the institution of slavery

Was abolished in a number of northern states

Which of the following was NOT an advantage enjoyed by the South as the Civil War began?

The ability to mobilize its resources

Which one of the following was NOT a provision of Jay's Treaty?

The signing of an alliance between the United States and Great Britain

Ulysses S. Grant is made general-in-chief of Union forces in


The primary purpose of the Sugar Act was to

Raise revenue to defray expenses of the Seven Years' War

The nonimportation movement

Relied on the threat of violence toward uncooperative importers

The typical German immigrant in the 1840s-1860s was

A skilled worker

During the course of what was known as "the scramble,"

Buyers picked slaves for purchase out of a corral

Continentals settled into winter quarters at Valley Forge in


The Federalist was a series of essays designed to win support for

The ratification of the Constitution

The placement of the national capital on the boundary of Virginia and Maryland came about in a compromise to obtain enough votes to

Pass Hamilton's assumption plan

The Confederate invasion of Maryland was halted by the Union at the battle of


Which one of the following was NOT an author of the Federalist?

Thomas Jefferson

British Prime Minister William Pitt was dedicated to this goal in the French and Indian War:

Driving the French out of North America

The Renaissance was based in the belief that:

Human potential is important and should be celebrated

Beringia refers to

The land bridge between Asia and North America

Southern politics was largely controlled by

The slave-owning elite

One of the compromises at the Convention was over the slave population and was settled by the "three-fifths" rule. This meant

Five slaves equaled three freemen in population representation

After the secession of South Carolina, the first crisis facing Lincoln was the

Problem of Fort Sumter

Of the 12 million people who lived in the South in 1860, this number were slaves:

Four million

The term Creole is most closely related to:

Country born

Both enslaved and free blacks had more opportunity to do skilled occupations in the South than in the North because

The South failed to attract much immigrant labor

In his work Common Sense, Thomas Paine assisted the movement for independence by damning Parliament while

Appealing to the Americans' sense of special purpose

The Homestead Act

Liberalized land policy by giving 160 acres to those who would live on and improve the land

Lincoln won the election of 1864 because of

The Union soldiers' vote

Mulattoes were

Free people of mixed Indian, African and European ancestry

Lincoln accepted Kentucky's neutrality in part to

Keep other border states in the Union

Under the provisions of the Virginia Plan

A bicameral legislature would be organized according to state population

St. Augustine and Fort Caroline represent a collision of these two forces in Florida:

French and Spanish

Lincoln felt that his primary responsibility as president was to

Preserve the Union

The failure of the South to industrialize in the nineteenth century was

Because they chose to depend upon "King Cotton"

Under the impact of the Hamilton economic program

The health of the United States' economy improved significantly

The expression "not worth a Continental" referred to the

Depreciated value of Continental currency by 1781

The heart of New France was along this water body:

Hudson's Bay

Approval of the Great Compromise at Philadelphia constitutional convention guaranteed

Representation based on population in the House and by state in the Senate

The Lincoln-Douglas debates occurred because Lincoln challenged Douglas to them in their campaign to win nomination/election as

United States senator from Illinois

The first ten amendments were quickly added to the newly-ratified Constitution to

Reassure those who feared the power of the national government to restrict citizens' rights

The common objection of the delegates at the First Continental Congress was

Against Parliament forcing them to accept its power

In these two states, the enslaved African American population outnumbered the white:

Mississippi and South Carolina

As a result of the Missouri Compromise, this parallel marked the line between slave and free states:

36 30'

The Confederate draft law exempted

Owners of 20 or more slaves

Lee would finally surrender at Appomattox Court House in


Which one of the following is NOT one of the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

Loyalists would not be compensated for property

The first real career path for women was:

School teaching

The British strategy at the beginning of the Revolution was to cut off this area from the rest of the colonies:

New England

One of the basic values of the Federalists that can be inferred from their support of the Constitution was that they wanted

A strong central government

Which one of the following was NOT one of the first military engagements of the war that took place in or around Boston?

Moore's Creek Bridge

Among the MOST important contributions that the Spanish made to the New World in the continental exchange was/were

Domesticated animals and livestock

The Norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows dates to:


The Congress under the Articles of Confederation did not have authority to

Tax citizens directly

The Mingo Creek settlers were protesting

An internal consumption tax on whiskey

Prince Henry the Navigator's school at Sagres Point was significant for European exploration. It was located in:


The region that was most resistant to calls to prohibit the slave trade was:

The Lower South

The Mexican-American War began over

A border dispute

The Louisiana Purchase more than ________ the size of the United States


In 1783, the country with the largest North American Empire was


St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied European city in North America dating from:


The Middle Passage was the section of the triangular trade from:

Africa to America

The term "Middle Passage" refers to the:

Horrendous slave voyages from Africa to America

Both Bacon's Rebellion and Culpeper's Rebellion showed conflict between these two communities:

Tidewater and frontier regions of Virginia and North Carolina

A common defense of the institution of slavery by slave owners was that

Slaves were treated better than northern industrial workers

The bold policy statement called the Monroe Doctrine essentially told Europeans to stay out of

The Western Hemisphere

The cotton gin, an invention that made cotton growing profitable and entrenched slavery, was developed in


While slavery and slave owners dominated the South and its economic system, this number of southerners did NOT own slaves:


The United States gained the Oregon Territory south of the 49th parallel by

A treaty with Great Britain

The first pitched battle of the Civil War was fought at

First Bull Run

The Evangelical religion which spread after the Second Great Awakening

Was used by whites as a means of social control over the slaves

The Intercourse Act of 1790 established the precedent in relations between the United States government and the Indian tribes of

Using treaties to establish and maintain relations between the two

To defend his National Bank's constitutionality, Hamilton proposed this argument

Loose construction

The Texas army defeated the Mexican army under the leadership of

Sam Houston

Battle deaths in the Civil War

Numbered more than the combined deaths in WWI and WWII

The Republic of Texas was not immediately annexed by the United States largely because of

The fact that Texas would have to be admitted as a slave state

Northern "Copperheads" were

Democrats who favored a negotiated peace with the South

The British experience at Lexington and Concord foreshadowed a central difficulty with which the British had to contend throughout the American Revolution. It was

Fighting in the midst of an armed population

Although faced with a vice-president loyal to the opposition party and a cabinet that still consulted the retired Alexander Hamilton, John Adams' presidency benefited from

The impact of the XYZ Affair on Americans

The period between 1800 and 1850 in the United States was characterized by

A dramatic expansion of population to the west

What percentage of all slaves worked as field hands?


In 1789, President Washington was inaugurated in

New York City

By 1590, John White returns to find this colony gone:


The horse entered the Great Plains by way of

The Spanish Southwest

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

B and C above

Which one of the following explains the majority of decline in the Indian population in the Americas?

New diseases

When a slave was "sold down the river," it meant that he was

Sold to an owner in the deep South

A crucial aspect of the new putting-out system was

Division of labor

The largest number of Irish came to which city:

New York

The majority of farmers of eighteenth century North America were interested in

Small self-sufficient communities

This rebellion in September 1739 was the largest slave revolt of the colonial period:

Stono, South Carolina

The French committed themselves to recognize American independence

After Saratoga and fears of British conciliation

In the pre-industrial system, a boy who wanted to learn a trade

Entered a formal apprenticeship system

Early Spanish observers of New World Indians:

Proposed a migration hypothesis that suggested the Indians had come from Asia

New Amsterdam became a part of the British empire because:

Britain conquered it in an Anglo-Dutch war

The most ethnically and religiously diverse English colony by the late seventeenth century was:

New York

The Huron were to the French as the ________ were to the Dutch


Slave states that did NOT secede from the Union were

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware

The city most affected by Irish immigration during the 1840s was


Which of the following was NOT an important figure in the history of the Reformation?

Christopher Columbus

In the Treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian War

The French lost their North American empire to the British

A response to the problem that emerged in the election of 1800, the Twelfth Amendment

Created separate ballots for president and vice president

Which one of the following did NOT happen in 1774?

Quebec Act

Solomon Northup in his narrative, Twelve Years a Slave, illustrated this slave experience:

Doing a variety of work, including carpentry

Which one of the following was NOT often included as victims in witchcraft scares?

People of economically stagnant communities

As a slave, from which of the following states would you have had the LEAST chance of escaping?


Which one of the following did NOT occur in April of 1865?

All of these happened in April 1865

Which of the following is NOT true of the plantation mistress?

She ruled the plantation with an iron hand

Encounters between the British Army and Continental Army at Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey in late 1776

Gave the Americans small victories needed to help morale

The Spanish forts along the Florida coast were designed to protect:

Gulf Stream sea lanes

Which one of the following was NOT part of William Penn's "Holy Experiment?"

Equality of sexes

Which one of the following is NOT true of the Middle Passage?

Slaves were treated well to get a higher price

The Union act that freed ALL the slaves was the

Thirteenth Amendment

By 1860, America's largest single export was


The chief subject of discussion at the convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, was

Women's rights