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26 Cards in this Set

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Earliest English Colony
First attempted colonization and sponsored by Walter Raleigh
2nd Attempt at colonization by John White
Relations with Algonquian Indians: welcoming at first but hostilities grow
Founded for economic interests in 1607
Virginia Company
the joint-stock company that funded Jamestown colonization
John Smith
saved colony from downfall by making people work
Who brought the first Africans?
The Dutch
Algonquian Natives and their relations with the English
Powhatan Confederacy initially allied with the British because they saw the English as the suppliers of weapons that would aid in struggles to control other Indian Tribes
(Mainly allied for weapons)
John Rolfe and Tobacco
Rolfe created a productive form of tobacco that made Jamestown prosper
(tobacco saves Jamestown economically)
Headright Grants
when the wealthy paid for the passage of English workers, they received land
(receiving land for every head, worker, they brought over)
Virginia House of Burgesses
1st representative assembly in the new world and governing body of Virginia
Bacon's Rebellion
What Happened:
Frontiersmen (former indentured servants) led by Nathaniel Bacon rebel against the government because of their anger over Indian attacks and disenfranchisement, Bacon dies and rebellion fails
Results: example of clashes between rural and urban communities
Plantation owners turn to slavery instead of indentured servitude
Reasons for Founding of Plymouth
religious freedom
William Bradford
a leader in the founding of Plymouth
The Pilgrims were separatists (Members of an off-shoot branch of puritanism) and founded plymouth
Mayflower Compact
1st governing document with ideas of democratic government
Puritan reason for founding Massachusetts Bay Colonies
escape religious persecution
wished to reform the anglican church
John Winthrop
governor of the colony
wished to create "City Upon a Hill" in Boston
that is to establish the city as a theocracy and demonstrate the necessary reforms of the Anglican Church
Puritans supported education
schools and colleges to insure an adequate supply of ministers
Puritan Intolerance
Ex: Roger Williams and his radical ideas of religious freedom and separation of church and state led to his exile (went on to form Rhode Island)
Salem Witchcraft Trials
reflected Puritan intolerance and the demand for female subordination
Founding of Georgia
James Oglethorpe founded Georgia initially to help the poor and debtors in prison
Georgia was created as a buffer zone between English colonies and the Spanish in FL
English approach to colonization
Frontier of inclusion or exclusion?
Indentured servitude
represented the majority of english migrants to Chesapeake
labor force before slavery
government intervenes in the economy in order to increase national wealth
Role of colonies in mercantilism
sources for raw materials and markets for manufactured goods
Favorable balance of trade
exporting more than you import
Navigation Acts
England wanted to reduce foreign competition form other nations so they put restrictions on colonial trade with foreign countries