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40 Cards in this Set

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Albany Congress
An inter colonial Congress summoned by Britain in 1754 that took place in Albany. The purpose was to keep Indians loyal to Britain. delegates from 7 of the 13 colonies came.
Join or Die
A famous cartoon by Benjamin Franklin of a snake chopped into pieces. Each piece represented a colony and the reason was disunity. Delaware and Georgia omitted.
Battle of Quebec
A battle that greatly affected France, because of this battle France lost Canada.
Navigation Laws
Laws that stated the colonies could only trade with colonies under the English crown or England itself.
John Hancock
One who helped smuggle behind British backs, disobeying the Navigation Laws (King of Smugglers)
George Grenville
Prime minister and financier who ordered British navy to enforce navigation laws. Thought and believed America was represented through parliament.
Sons of Liberty
A group that took part in colonial protest, they took the law in their own hands. liberty, property, and no stamps.
King George III
King of England during the Revolution
Lord North
George III's prime minister. Whig factions opposed to Lord Norths Tory factions openly cheered American victories.
Sam Adams
Cousin of John Adams, he spoke for the rebellion. He was a leading spirit in the Boston Tea Party.
Minute Men
Name given to American soldiers. They were not always well trained, but ready to fight.
German soldiers hired by the British in George the third but the Americans gave them land so they took the Americans side
People in America who didn't want to rebel and wanted to stay under England they were loyal to George the third
Marquis De Lafayette
Major general in colonial army he was very rich and gave the military funds
Valley Forge
Place where soldiers in 1777 through 1778 were without bread for 3 days
Richard Henry Lee
One of the first to see the United States needed to be independent Britain the declaration of independence can be referred as Mr Jeffersons advertisement of mr. lees resolution
Louis XVI
King of France during the time of revolution said to be somewhat stupid
George Rogers Clarke
A frontiersman who conceived the idea of taking forts by surprise
Ethan Allen
Led a small force that surprised and captured British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point
Thomas Paine
Writer of common sense a bestseller that featured articles and you such as the only way you can get the French to help you clear your independence
Name given to the loyalists after the dominant political factions in England
Patrick Henry
One of the men sent to the First Continental Congress famous for give me liberty or give me death
John Burgoyne
General that invaded Saratoga battle greatly throughout the world made urgency for help from France
Baron von Steuben
Taught many of the colonial soldiers how to use a bayonet correctly along with other skills
Charles Cornwallis
British General who at Yorktown surrendered his entire force of seven thousand men on October 19 1781
John Paul Jones
scotsman hardworking commanded ships that were tiny naval forces
Shays Rebellion
An alarming uprising that flared in western Massachusetts in 1786 back country farmer Revolutionary War veterans were losing their farms they demanded paper money light taxes and suspension of mortgage foreclosures
Virginia Plan
Known as the large state plan pushed toward the framework of the Constitution its main plan was the representation in both houses be based on population
Great Compromise
This was a compromise between the two plans the House of Representatives was to be based population and the Senate would be equal two senators per state
New Jersey Plan
Known as the small state plan wanted the opposite of Virginia they wanted representation to be equal for every state not based on population
Three-Fifths Compromise
Arguments sprang of the fact if slaves could be considered in population for the House of Reps and north said no and the South said yes it was a slave count as 3/5 of a person
Those that opposed the stronger central government
Those who were for the stronger central government
The Federalist
Articles for The New York newspapers written by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison arguing for ratification and explaining the new constitution
Bank of the United States
Proposed by Hamilton and National Bank to print and distribute paper currency throughout the states
Strict Construction
The belief that you can do what the Constitution says if it doesn't say you can't do it
Loose Construction
Belief that you can do anything unless the Constitution says you can't
Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans
Those who believed Jefferson's views and took a narrow view of the Constitution
Hamiltonian Federalists
Those who believed Hamilton's views and took a broad view of the Constitution
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
document that not only proclaimed the government's official neutrality but warned American citizens to be impartial towards armed camps