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93 Cards in this Set

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The prefix ____ means “tip”


The prefix ____ means “between,” “along” or “after”


The prefix ____ means “above”


The prefix ____ means “hammer”


The mallet-shaped protrusion on the inside of the ankle is the medial ____.


The part of the scapula located above the spine is the ____ fossa.


The ____ forms the tip of the shoulder.


The bones between the phalanges and tarsals are the ____(s).


Identify the landmark found on the proximal end of the humerus.

Greater tubercle

Identify the depression found on the posterior surface of the distal humerus.

Olecranon fossa

Identify the region of the humerus that articulates with the ulna, located between the medial epicondyle and capitulum.


Which of the following landmarks is found on the distal end of the humerus?

Lateral epicondyle

What part of the humerus articulates with the scapula to form the shoulder joint?


Which region of the skeleton contains the humerus?


What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?

All of the bones that make up the arm, hand, leg, and foot.

Which of the following landmarks is found on the posterior surface of the scapula?


Identify the socket of the shoulder joint.

Glenoid fossa

Identify the region of the scapula that articulates with the clavicle.

Acromion process

Which region of the scapula is found on the anterior surface?

Subscapular fossa

The suprascapular notch is found on the ____.

Superior border

Identify the process on the scapula that does not articulate with another bone.

Coracoid process

The adult hip bone consists of __ regions.


Which region of the hip bone articulates with the sacrum?

Auricular surface of the ilium

Which landmark of the hip bone can be felt on a hard chair?

Ischial tuberosity

Identify the indentation that is inferiorolateral to the auricular surface.

Greater sciatic notch

The greater sciatic notch allows the ____ to enter the thigh.

Sciatic nerve

What is the largest region of the hip bone?


Identify the articulation site for the femur.


Identify the large hole found in this (hip) bone.

Obturator foramen

The ridge like superior edge of the ilium is known as the ____.

Iliac crest

What region of the vertebral column does the hip bone articulate with?

Sacral region

The hip bones articulate with the ___ at the ____ joint.

Sacrum ; Sacroiliac

Which bony landmarks can be palpated on the anterior surface of the body, close to the midline?

Pubis tubercles

The _____ can be palpable with hands on the hips.

Anterior superior iliac spines

The projection at the inferior end of the greater sciatic notch is the ____.

Ischial spine

Which landmark is found on the anterior surface of the femur?

Patellar surface

Identify the region of the femur that forms part of the hip joint.


The condition known as a “fractured hip” is most often a break in the femur. Where is the femur particularly susceptible to a fracture?


Identify the landmark that is unique to the femur.


Identify the landmark found on the diaphysis of the femur.

Linea aspera

Identify the best description for the location of the head of the femur.

Medial and proximal

The flat surface of the tibia that articulates with the femur is the superior surface of which landmark?

Medial and lateral condyles

Identify the bone found lateral to the tibia.


Identify the anatomical landmark resulting in a noticeable bump found on the medial surface of the ankle.

Medial malleolus

Name the bone that articulates with the proximal end of the tibia.


Identify the blunt elevation found on the anterior surface of the tibia between the lateral and medial condyles.

Tibial tuberosity

Which part of the leg does the tibia form?

Medial leg

Is the highlighted structure found on the lateral or medial aspect of the bone?


Which joint is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Coracoid process

Which structure is highlighted?

Superior angle

Which structures are highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Anatomical neck

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Coronoid process

Which bone is highlighted?

Distal phalanx of 3rd digit

Which structure is highlighted?

Head of radius

Which structure is highlighted?


Which bone is highlighted?

1st metacarpal

How would you classify the group of highlighted bones?


Which structure is highlighted?

Surgical neck

What bone is this?


Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Anterior superior iliac spine

Which structure is highlighted?

Greater sciatic notch

Which structure is highlighted?

Iliac crest

Which structure is highlighted?

Iliac fossa

Which structures is highlighted?

Ischial spines

Which bone is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Obturator foramen

Which structure is highlighted?

Pubic angle

Which structures is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?

Lateral epicondyle

Which bone is highlighted?

1st metatarsal

Which structure is highlighted?


Which structure is highlighted?


What bone is this?


Which bone is highlighted?


What does the pectoral girdle consist of?

Clavicle (anterior) and Scapula (posterior)

____ is known as the shoulder blade, and ____ is known as the collarbone.

Scapula ; Clavicle

____ is a large, triangular flat bone with superior, medial, and lateral borders (and angles that meet the borders).


The _____ receives the head of the humerus to form the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint.

Glenoid cavity

What is the difference between the male and female pelvis?

Because the female pelvis is structurally adapted for childbearing, it is lighter, wider, and shallower than the male pelvis.

____ is an S-shaped flat bone and the only bony connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton.


____ = Large projection on the femur

Greater trochanter

____ = Sharp projection on the ulna

Styloid process

____ = Round opening in the pelvic bone

Obturator foramen

____ = Depression below the spine of the scapula

Infraspinous fossa

____ = bony ridge on tibia

Anterior crest

____ = small, rounded projection on the clavicle

Conoid tubercle

If you feel a relatively long bone with a short, sharp process at its narrow end and a large hook around a groove at its larger end, it is most likely the ____.


If you feel a large, very large bone with a ball angled off to one side on one end and two rounded edges on the other end, it is most likely the ____.
