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23 Cards in this Set

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Howard Gardener's View of Multiple Intellegence
Howard Gardner first identified and introduced to us seven different kinds of intelligence in Frames of Mind. Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Musical, Spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal.
One of the three psychological dimensions of color perception that permits them to be classified as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors and that is correlated with the wavelength or the combination of wavelengths comprising the stimulus
The study of age-related cognitive, social and emotional behavior focusing on theories of development during infancy and childhood.
A social interaction in which one person (the subject) voluntarily experiences a loss of control over his or her own perceptions, thoughts, or actions and instead perceives, thinks, or acts in accordance with another person's (the hypnotist's) suggestions.
A small brain structure lying just below the thalamus, connected directly to the pituitary gland and to the limbic system, that is especially important for the regulation of motivation, emotion, and the internal physiological conditions of the body.
Id, Ego, Superego
The “id” (fully unconscious) contains the drives and those things repressed by consciousness; the “ego” (mostly conscious) deals with external reality; and the “super ego” (partly conscious) is the conscience or the internal moral judge
Identical Twin Research
Two individuals who are genetically identical to one another because they originated from a single zygote (fertilized egg)
Identification vs Internalization
To internalize something is to incorporate that something into one's self. Identification is the process of using claimed or observed attributes of a person to deduce who the person is.
Illusory Correlation
The phenomenon of seeing the relationship one expects in a set of data even when no such relationship exists.
Imaging Techniques
Techniques used to show the human brain at work.
Ethologists' term for a relatively sudden and irreversible form of learning that can occur only during some critical period of the individual's development. See critical period.
Any object or end that exists in the external environment and toward which behavior is directed. Also called a reinforcer, reward, or goal.
Independent/Dependant Variables
In an experiment, the condition that the researcher varies in order to assess its effect upon some other variable.(Dependant)In an experiment, the variable that is believed to be dependent upon (affected by) another variable (the independent variable).
Induced Motion
n Hoffman's typology of discipline styles, a form of verbal reasoning in which a parent (or other caregiver) induces the child to think about his or her actions and the consequences they have for other people.
Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning
The process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believed to support the conclusion but do not ensure it.Deductive reasoning is the kind of reasoning in which the conclusion is necessitated by, or reached from, previously known facts.
Industrial Psychology
The branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an industrial labor force and especially with.
Ingroup and Outgroup Bias
Ingroup bias is the preferential treatment people give to whom they perceive to be members of their own groups. Outgroup Bias is when individuals see members of their own group as being relatively more varied than members of other groups.
Inner Ear
The vestibular system, or balance system, is the sensory system that provides the dominant input about our movement and orientation in space
Instinct is the inherent disposition of a living organism toward a particular behavior.
Instrumental-Operant Conditioning
Operant conditioning is the modification of behavior by making the presence or absence of rewards or punishment contingent on what is done.
An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence.
Intelligence Tests
The best-known individual intelligence tests are the Binet-Simon scale, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
Proactive vs. Reactive
Proactive interference occurs when previous learning interferes with new learning. Retroactive interference is when new learning disrupting your previous learning.