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50 Cards in this Set

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Structuralism v. Functionalism

structuralism - conscious experience broken down to its most basic elements and investigating how they are related

functionalism - adaptive value/purpose of behavior

Collectivist v. Individualist Culture

collectivist - focus on the needs of the group

Individualist - focus on the needs of the individual

Independent v. Dependent Variable

independent - what is tested

dependent - what is measured

Experimental v. Descriptive Research

experimental - manipulates situation

dependent - no manipulation

Experimental v. Control Group

experimental - group that is tested, receives the independent variable

control - compared to the experimental group, receives a placebo

Experiment v. Quasi-Experiment

experiment - random assignment, manipulate independent variable and observe the dependent variable

quasi-experiment - cannot use random assignment due to ethical reasons

Random Assignment v. Random Sample

assignment - each participant has an equal chance of being placed into any group

sample - the process of choosing participants from the population

Positive v. Negative Correlation

positive - variables increase/decrease together

negative - variables go in opposite directions

Descriptive v. Inferential Statistics

descriptive - describes a set of data, central tendency-mean, median, mode

inferential - used to determine if the findings apply to the larger population, can you determine a cause and effect relationship

Left v. Right Brain

left - language and logic

right - creative and spatial

Corpus Callosum v. Cerebral Cortex

corpus callosum - divides the brain

cerebral cortex - covers the brain

Central v. Peripheral Nervous System

central - brain and spinal chord

peripheral - sensory and motor neurons

Sympathetic v. Parasympathetic Nervous System

sympathetic - fight or flight

parasympathetic - calming

Somatic v. Autonomic Nervous System

somatic - carries sensory and motor neurons

autonomic - messages sent to organs, automatic processes such as breathing and heart rate

Afferent v. Efferent Neurons

afferent - sensory, body to brain

efferent - motor, brain to body

Neurotransmitters v. Hormones

neurotransmitters - the nervous system

hormones - the endocrine system

Broca's Area v. Wernicke's Area

Broca - makes words

Wernicke - comprehends words

Sensation v. Perception

sensation - bottom up processing

perception - top down processing

Bottom-Up v. Top-Down Processing

bottom - data driven, take in all information

top - expectations, take in little information and fill in the blanks

Rods v. Cones

rods - night vision, peripheral

cones - color vision, center of eye (fovea)

Classical v. Operant Conditioning

classical - involuntary

operant - voluntary

Reinforcement v. Punishment

reinforcement - increasing behavior

punishment - decreasing behavior

Primacy v. Recency Effect

primacy - first items on a list areremembered

recency - last items on a list are remembered

Positive v. Negative Reinforcement/Punishment

positive - adding something

negative - taking something away

Avoidance v. Escape Conditioning

avoidance - dont ever want to experience something

escape - already exposed to something bad and want to stop it

Fixed v. Variable Ratio/Interval

fixed - set time/number if reinforcements

interval - unknown time/number of reinforements

Fixed/Variable Ratio v. Fixed/Variable Interval

ratio - based on doing a behavior

interval - based on time

Proactive v. Retroactive Interference

proactive - loss of new info

retroactive - loss of old info

Algorithm v. Heuristic

algorithm - step by step, every possibility

heuristic - mental shortcut, rule of thumb

Implicit v. Explicit Memory

implicit - non-declarative, skills

explicit - declarative, facts, memory

Recall v. Recognition Memory

recall - no cues

recognition - some hints

Representative v. Availability Heuristic

representative - stereotypes

availability - based on available information

Semantics v. Syntax

semantics - meaning

syntax - rules of sentences, grammatically correct

Surface v. Deep Structure

surface - what is written, order of words

deep - underlying meaning

Phonemes v. Morphemes

phonemes - basic sound units

morphemes - basic units of meaning

Fluid v. Crystallized Intelligence

fluid - reasoning and problem solving

crystallized - acquired knowledge

Validity v. Reliability

validity - test measures what it should

reliability - consistency and stability, repeatable

Construct v. Content Validity

construct - test measures a hypothetical concept; creativity, IQ, etc

content - content of the test is representative of the domain it is supposed to cover

Achievement v. Aptitude Test

achievement - what you've learned

aptitude - potential

Anterograde v. Retrograde Amnesia

anterograde - cannot remember the events after the accident

retrograde - cannot remember the events before the accident

A-Delta v. C-Delta Fibers

a-delta - sharp pain

c-delta - dull pain

Convergent v. Divergent Thinking

convergent - narrowing down solutions

divergent - as many solutions as possible, outside the box

Antagonist v. Agonist

antagonist - block the neurotransmitter from binding

agonist - mimics the neurotransmitter

JND v. Absolute Threshold

JND - when a stimulus changes

absolute threshold - when a stimulus first appears

Reconditioning v. Spontaneous Recovery

reconditioning - pairing the CS and UCS again

spontaneous recovery - no pairing but UCR happens again

Decay v. Interference

decay - natural, happens without rehearsal and practice

interference - something is getting in the way

Genotype v. Phenotype

genotype - genetic makeup

phenotype - observable characteristics

Nearsightedness v. Farsightedness

nearsightedness - lens bends too much, image is focused in front of the retina

farsightedness - lens does not bend enough, image focused behind the retina

Declarative v. Nondeclarative Memory

declarative - conscious recall, factual knowledge, episodic and semantic memories

nondeclarative - nonconscious recall, skills

Retrospective v. Prospective Memory

retrospective - content to be remembered is in the past

prospective - remember to do things in the future