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140 Cards in this Set

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Filtration Slits

The spaces in between the podocytes which surround the glomerular capillaries

Tissue of PCT

Simple cuboidal epithelium with large macrocytes

Where are microvilli located in the renal system?


Tissue of thin segment of the descending limb

Simple squamous - permeable to water

Tissue of the thick portion of the ascending limb

Simple cuboidal or simple columnar which makes it thick

Intercalated cells

Located in the DCT. Cuboidal cells with microvilli which maintain the pH balance of the blood

Principal cells

Located in the DCT. Sparse short microvilli. Maintain the blood's water and Na balance

Which nephron has a longer loop of Henle?

The juxtamedullary nephron for concentrating urine. Has a longer thin section of the loop as well

Two parts of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

Granular Cells - part of the DCT. Detect pressure and secrete renin.

Macula Densa - part of the afferent arteriole. Detects changes in NaCl in the filtrate

Filtration Membrane of the Glomerular Capsule - 3 Layers

1. The fenestrated endothelium of the glomerular capillaries

2. Visceral layer made up of podocytes

3. The basement membrane

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) Equation

NFP = HPg - OPg - HPc

Pressure in glomerulus - pressure inside Bowman's capsule - blood colloid pressure

Myogenic mechanism

Afferent arterioles constrict when BP increases

Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism

The macula densa causes vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole when NaCl concentration is high.

What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport?

Primary derives its energy from ATP. Secondary derives its energy from the Na pump concentration gradient.

What substances are secreted into the renal tubule?

H, K, NH4, creatinine, urea and uric acid


The triangular area connected by the ureter openings and the urethral opening

Smooth muscle surrounding the bladder

Detrussor muscle

Epithelium of the bladder and ureters


What muscle controls the external urethral sphincter?

The urogenital diaphragm

Name the 3 sections of the male urethra

The prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra, and the spongy urethra

What is the layer of fat called that protects the kidneys?

Perirenal fat capsule

Symporter Definition

Binds Na to other ions and pumps then into the cuboidal cells of the PCT

Antiporter Definition

Pumps Na from tubular fluid into cells of PCT while simultaneously pumping out H+ in order to remove acid from the body in urine

Sodium Glucose Transporter (SGLTs)

When a symporter binds Na and Glucose

3 Mechanisms of H2O & solute reuptake

1. High tissue fluid pressure forces solution in to capillaries

2. Low pressure of peritubular capillaries encouraged reabsorption of tissue fluid

3. High colloid osmotic pressure draws in water and solutes

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) 5 Steps

1. Renin is released by JG cells in response to low solute concentration in afferent arteriole

2. Renin cleaves angiotensinogen to form angiotensinogen I

3. Angiotensin I is converted to Angiotensin II by ACE found in the lungs

4. Angiotensin II stimulates a series of reactions to increase BP including stimulating the adrenal cortex to produce Aldosterone

5. Aldosterone promotes Na reabsorption in the DCT and collecting tubule

Reactions of Angiotensin II

1. Stimulates the pituitary gland to release ADH

2. Systemic vasoconstriction

3. Vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole

4. Increased thirst

5. Release of Aldosterone

6. Reabsorption of H2O in the collecting duct

Counter current multiplier

Means of concentrating solutes in the renal medulla

1. PCT kicks out Na

2. Water follows in the descending limb

3. Tubular fluid becomes concentrated at the base of the renal loop

4. Ascending loop pumps out Na

Vasa Recta

Network of vessels supplying the medulla surrounding the loop of Henle. Responsible for reabsorbing water and solutes

Ureas path in the loop of Henle

Goes in the descending limb and out the collecting duct


Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Hormone. Secreted in response to high BP. Causes excretion of water and salts by

1. Dilating afferent and constricting efferent arterioles.

2. Stops renin and Aldosterone

3. Inhibits ADH

4. Inhibits salt reabsorption in the collecting duct

Location of kidneys


Location of bladder


How many membranes do reabsorbed filtrate solutes go through?

3 membranes plus interstitial fluid

1. Apical (lumen) side of tubule cells

2. Basal (capillary) side of tubule cells

3. Capillary endothelium

Local control of GFR/BP

Changes in size of afferent/efferent arterioles

Systemic control to slow diuresis

Antidiuretic Hormone produced in the hypothalamus and acts by creating aquaporins in the collecting duct

Principal Cells

Respond to hormones (ADH, Aldosterone) by reabsorbing Na and secreting K

Intercalated Cells

Manage and maintain pH

Intercalated Cells

Manage and maintain pH by reabsorbing K and bicarb and secreting H+

Bladder folds are called...


3 Layers of the bladder

1. Transitional Epithelial mucosa

2. Muscular layer - Detrussor muscle

3. Thick adventitia (outer and inner longitudinal muscle and middle circular)

Purpose of lamina propria

To carry blood vessels, lymphatics, etc.

Length of female urethra

3-4 cm

Length of male urethra

20 cm

Why do ureters enter the bladder at an angle?

It makes for proper shutting and prevents back flow

Nitrogenous wastes

Urea, uric acid and creatinine


An increase in Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN

Histology of nephron

Simple cuboidal except descending loop of Henle which is simple squamous. PCT contains microvilli

What prevents filtration of blood cells?

Endothelial fenestrations of the glomerulus

What prevents filtration of large proteins?

The basal lamina of the glomerulus

What prevents filtration of medium sized proteins?

Slit membranes of pedicels of podocytes

What do the kidneys do in case if extreme exercise or hemorrhage?

Reduce GFR by vasoconstricting the afferent arteriole


Small proteins following water reabsorption

When is water reabsorbed on the collecting duct?

When ADH stimulates the creation of aquaporins

What is the exchange involving H+ antiporters?

Na is reabsorbed and H+ is released.

Bicarbonate is also reabsorbed into the blood with each H+ released

Thick loop of Henle

Has symporters that remove Na, K and Cl

Final Na and Cl absorption into tubular fluid

Occurs in the DCT by means of symporters

Parathyroid hormone affect in kidneys

Causes reabsorption of Ca and decreased reabsorption of PO4 in the DCT

What compounds help buffer urine?

Bicarbonate and ammonia

What compound plays a major role in the high osmolarity of the medulla?

Urea. It accounts for 40% of it


Caffeine - inhibits Na reabsorption

Alcohol - inhibits ADH secretion

Diuretic medications

Diabetes with glycosuria but without hyperglycemia

Renal diabetes

Diabetes with hyperglycemia and glycosuria

Diabetes Type I and II

Diabetes without hyperglycemia or glycosuria

Diapetes insipidus


Lack of voluntary control over micturition

Stress incontinence

Peeing a little caused from coughing, sneezing, laughing, etc.

Urge incontinence

Causes by contractions of the bladder resulting in leakage of large volumes of urine

Percent of fluid in ICF


Percent of fluid in EFC



A decrease in total body water. Normal osmolarity


A decrease in total body water with rising osmolarity


Volume excess. Isotonic

Hypotonic hydration

Diluted body fluids lead to cellular swelling

Extracellular fluid contains

Na and Cl

Intracellular fluid contains

Potassium and phosphates and protein anions

Estrogen's effect on kidneys

Causes water retention in pregnancy

Progesterone effect on kidneys

Has a diuretic effect

Most abundant cation of the intracellular fluid


Most dangerous electrolyte imbalance

Acute hyperkalemia

Acute Hyperkalemia

Levels rise quickly as in crush injury. Potassium levels in ECF cause abnormal muscle excitability (depolarization). Elevated resting membrane potential

Chronic Hypokalemia

Inactivates sodium channels making nerves and muscles less excitable. Lowers RMP


Nerve and muscle cells become less excitable. Lowers RMP

Most abundant anion in the EFC


Purpose of Chloride

Forms HCl in stomach

CO2 loading and unloading in RBCs

pH regulator

Purpose of Calcium

Skeletal mineralization

Muscle contraction

Second messenger


Blood clotting

Calcium forms of homeostasis


Calcitriol (vitamin D)

Calcitonin (in children)

Causes of Hypercalcemia




Causes of Hypocalcemia

Low vitamin D







Functions of phosphates

Transferring energy from ATP

Buffering pH

How does the body adapt to high levels of phosphates?

Parathyroid hormone increases phosphates excretion

Where are there high levels of bicarb?

Systemic capillaries

Where are there low levels of bicarbonate?

Pulmonary capillaries where CO2 is exhaled

Function of magnesium

Cofactor for enzymes, heart, muscle and nerve function

3 pH regulating Mechanisms

Buffer system

Exhalation of CO2

Kidney excretion of H+

3 Buffer Systems


Carbonic acid/bicarbonate


Amino acids contain a carboxyl group and an amino group. What does this have to do with buffering?

A carboxyl (COOH) group acts as a weak acid and releases H+

An amino group acts like a weak bases and accepts H+

How does Hemoglobin buffer blood pH?

By picking up CO2 or H+

Bicarbonate as a buffer

Acts as a weak bases

Carbonic acid as a buffer

Acts as a weak acid

Monohydrogen phosphates as a buffer

Acts as a weak base

Dihydrogen phosphates

Acts as a weak acid

Which is more effective, respiratory control of pH or chemical buffers?

Respiratory control

Acidosis causes...

Depression of the CNS and hyperkalemia

Alkalosis causes

Excitability of nerves and muscles causing layrngospasm and tetany. As well as hypokalemia

Metabolic acidosis/alkalosis definition

High or low bicarbonate levels in the blood

How do you diagnose an acid base imbalance?

An ABG arterial blood gas. Tests systemic pH by bicarbonate levels (metabolic) and the partial pressure of CO2 (respiratory)

Purpose of renal fascia

Stabilizes kidneys against the body wall

Purpose of renal capsule

To maintain the shape of the kidneys

Ratio of papillae to calyces


How much blood do the kidneys receive at resting cardiac output?


Corpuscle definition

Glomerulus + Bowman's capsule

Three steps in the formation of urine

1. Glomerular filtration

2. Tubular Reabsorption (PCT)

3. Tubular Secretions (DCT)

What is the difference between type I and type II aquaporins?

Type I are always in the membrane. Type II are created in the DCT with the release of ADH

3 things that cause renal failure

1. Low BP

2. Blockage

3. Kidney infection or trauma

How do intercalated cells get rid of Na?

They contain proton pumps

Definition of Diabetes

Chronic polyuria of metabolic origin

Functions of electrolytes

Osmosis control

pH balance

Carries electric current

Cofactors for enzymes

Most important cation for maintaining concentration gradient


Most important cation for establishing membrane potentials


What is the main regulator of blood plasma?


Where is bicarb produced?


Compensated Metabolic Acidosis

Normal pH but low bicarbonate

Uncompensated Metabolic Acidosis

Low pH and low bicarbonate

Compensated Respiratory Acidosis

Normal pH but high CO2

Uncompensated Respiratory Acidosis

Low pH and high CO2

Beta Oxidation

The conversion of a fatty acid to Acetyl CoA


The conversion of Acetyl to ketone bodies in the liver

Lipogenesis of amino acids

Converted to Acetyl CoA and then triglycerides

Lipogenesis of glucose

Goes from Glucose to glycerol to triglycerides


Removal of NH2 from a protein. The remaining portion is used for fuel


The opposite of deamination. The addition of NH2 to a ketone body to be used as an amino acid

8 Essential Amino Acids

Isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

What is the main dietary source of Nitrogen?


When can a positive Nitrogen balance occur?

In growing children or adults doing weight bearing exercises

What causes a negative Nitrogen balance?

Stress (production of prednisone and cortisol)

Bed ridden




Produces an ineffective enzyme that normally converts phenylalanine to Tyrosine


A hormone that breaks down glycogen for nutrients and energy

Which pancreatic cells release insulin?

Beta cells

Which pancreatic cells release glucagon?

Alpha cells

What requires Glucose to survive?

The brain (but can adapt if necessary) and RBCs which cannot adapt