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54 Cards in this Set

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Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces
four haploid cells.
A cell preparing to undergo meiosis duplicates its chromosomes during
During prophase I of meiosis
homologous chromosomes stick together in pairs.
The correct order of events during meiosis is

prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II.

During meiosis, segments of nonsister chromatids can trade places. This recombination of maternal and paternal genetic material is a key feature of meiosis. During what phase of meiosis does recombination occur?

prophase I.

Mitosis produces cells that are ___________; meiosis produces cells that are ___________.

diploid; haploid

The primary sex organs are also called __________.


Synapsis and crossing over takes place during __________.

prophase I of meiosis

Two identical copies of the same chromosome are called __________.

sister chromatids

The mode of cell division that results in the formation of daughter cells that are genetically identical to the original cell is called _____.


Complete this analogy: Testes are to gonads as sperm are to:


The reduction in the number of chromosomes to half the normal count occurs during:


A parent cell has 28 chromosomes and completes meiosis. How many chromosomes result in each cell produced?

14 chromosomes

The fusion of sperm and egg is known as:


Meiosis is a special type of cell division that produces:


Which structure is part of both the reproductive and the urinary system in males?


Which of the following glands produces the majority of the fluid in semen?

seminal vesicles

Where does sperm production occur within the testis?

seminiferous tubules

Which of the following male accessory sex glands produces a yellowish secretion containing fructose, prostaglandins, coagulating proteins and enzymes?

seminal vesicle

Semen is expelled from the body during:


The stem cells that give rise to new sperm are called __________.


Which hormone is directly responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics in males?


The process of male gamete, or sperm cell, development is known as:


How many spermatids result from one spermatogonium?


Spermiogenesis begins with a ________ and ends with a ________.

spermatid, sperm

Which of the following is the main hormone that regulates spermatogenesis?


A male bodybuilder takes testosterone supplements to increase his muscle mass. After three weeks, which of the following do you expect to observe?

Excess testosterone inhibits production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

At what point in life does spermatogenesis begin in a male?


The structures that catch the oocyte upon ovulation are the __________.


The innermost epithelial layer of the uterus is the __________.


Where does fertilization usually occur?

ampulla of the uterine tube

Where should a fertilized ovum implant?


Which of the following is the most inferior portion of the uterus?


What portion of the uterus is composed of smooth muscle and contracts rhythmically during orgasm and childbirth?


What part of the female reproductive system receives the penis during sexual intercourse?


Which of the following is the correct order of developing follicles and their remnants during the ovarian cycle?

primordial follicle ( secondary follicle ( vesicular follicle ( corpus luteum

In the female reproductive system, FSH stimulates __________.

granulosa cells to produce estrogens

All of the following are female secondary sex characteristics EXCEPT __________.

enlarged larynx

The process by which immature follicles degenerate and are resorbed during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is called __________.


Secondary oocytes form __________.

between puberty and menopause

The hormone produced by the corpus luteum that is the primary ovarian hormone after ovulation is __________.


Which of the following can be fertilized?

secondary oocyte

Which follicle contains a secondary oocyte arrested in metaphase II?

vesicular (tertiary) follicle

Place these stages of the ovarian cycle in the correct order.
1) Corpus albicans
2) Vesicular (tertiary) follicle
3) Primary follicle
4) Ruptured follicle
5) Primordial follicle
6) Secondary follicle
7) Corpus luteum

5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 1

Ovulation is triggered by a surge in:

luteinizing hormone (LH).

Which of the following is regulated by a positive feedback mechanism in females?


Which portion of the uterus is shed during menstruation?

stratum functionalis of the endometrium

When menstruation has ceased for at least one year, what has occurred?

female climacteric, or menopause

What type of birth control may prevent pregnancy by manipulating the hormones and interfering with ovulation?

hormonal method

Which of the following is a barrier method of birth control?


The most common cause of cervical cancer is __________.

HPV infection

Which of the following is NOT a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

genital herpes

What is the cause of trichomoniasis?
Which of the following may be prevented with a vaccine?
human papillomavirus (HPV)