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52 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal cartilage

-water lends resiliency

-contains no blood vessels or nerves


-dense connective tissue

-contain blood vessels for nutrients

-resist outward expansion

Hyaline cartilage

-provides support,flexibility, and resilience

-collagen fibers only. Most Abundant

-articulate,costal,respiratory, nasal

Elastic cartilage

-Similar to hyaline cartilage but contains elastic fibers

-external ear and epiglottis


-Thick collagen fibers has great tensile strength

-meniscus of knee and vertebral disc

Appositional growth

-growth of cartilage

-cells secrete matrix against external face of existing cartilage

Interstitial growth

-growth of Cartilage

-chondrocytes divide & secrete new matrix expanding cartilage from within

Classification of bones

-206 Main bones in the body on all of this

Axial skeleton

-Long axis of the body

-Skull,vertebral column, rib cage

Appendicular skeleton

-bones of upper and lower limbs

-parts that attach limbs to axial skeleton

Bones by shape

Long bones, skinny bones, flat bones, irregular bones

Long bones

-longer than they are wide

-Limb,wrist, ankle bones

Short bones

-cube shaped boness(wrist ankle)

-sesamoid bones with tendons(patella)

Short bones

-cube shaped boness(wrist ankle)

-sesamoid bones with tendons(patella)

Flat bones

-thin, flat, slightly curved

-sternum, scapula, ribs, and most of the skull bones

Irregular bones

-complicated shapes

-vertebrae, coxal bones

Functions of bones




-mineral and growth factor storage

-blood cell formation

-fat storage

-hormone production

Compact bone texture

-dense outer layer, smooth and solid

Bone lining cells

-flat cells on bone surface is believed to help maintain matrix

-on external bone surface call Periosteal cells

-lining internal surface is called and endosteal cells

Spongy bone texture

-The honeycomb a flat pieces of bone deep to compact called trabeculae


-tubular shaft form long axis

-compact bone surrounding medullary cavity


-bone ends

-external compact bone, internal spongy bone

-between is that epiphyseal line

Red marrow

-found within trabecular cavities of spongy bone and Dipole of flat bones

-in medullary cavities


-White double layered membrane

-Covers external surfaces except joint surfaces

-sharpey's fibers: Secure bone to matrix


-delicate connective tissue membrane covering internal bone surface

-covers spongy bone, lines canals that passed through compact bone

-contain osteogenic cells that can differentiate into other bone cells

Osteogenic cells

Activate stem cells and Periosteum and endosteum


-bone forming cells

-create osteoid

-actively miotic


-mature bone cells in lacunae

-Monitor and maintain bone matrix

-act as stress or strain sensors

Compact bone

-also called lamellar bone

-osteon or haversian system

Central canal

Runs through core of osteon contains blood vessels and nerves fibers

Perforating (volkmanns) canals

-canals lined with Endostum right angles to central canal

-K'NEX blood vessels and nerves of periosteum, medullary cavities, and central canals


Mineral salts

-65% of bone mass

Osteoification or osteogenesis

-process of bone tissue formation, formation of bony skeleton, and bone remodeling and repair

Endochondral ossification

-bone forms by replacing hyaline cartilage

-also called Cartlidge bones

-forms most of skeleton

Intramembranous ossification

-bones develop from fibrous membrane also called a membrane bones

-forms flat bones

Interstitial (longitudinal) growth

Increase of length in long bones

Appositional growth

Increase in bone thickness

Hormonal regulation of bone growth

Growth hormone

Thyroid hormone

Testosterone and estrogen

Bone deposit

-A type of bone remodeling evidence of new matrix deposit by osteoblast

Bone resorption

Is a function of osteoclasts and osteoclast also involves PTH and T-cell secreted proteins


Is necessary for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, blood coagulation, secretion by glands and nerve cells, and cell division


Para thyroid hormone is produced by the parathyroid gland removes calcium from bones regardless of bone integrity


Produce my thyroid gland in high doses lowers blood calcium levels temporarily

Fracture classification

-Nondisplaced-and retain normal position

-displaced-ends out of normal alignment

-complete-broken all the way through

-incomplete-not broken all the way through

-Open/compound-skin is penetrated

-Closed/simple-skin is not penetrated

Stages of bone repair


-fibrocartilaginous callus forms

-bony callus forms

-bone remodeling occurs

Fracture classification

-Nondisplaced-and retain normal position

-displaced-ends out of normal alignment

-complete-broken all the way through

-incomplete-not broken all the way through

-Open/compound-skin is penetrated

-Closed/simple-skin is not penetrated

Stages of bone repair


-fibrocartilaginous callus forms

-bony callus forms

-bone remodeling occurs


bones are poorly mineralize, calcium salts not adequate bones are also soft and weak cause pain while bearing weight


Bowed legs and other born deformities bone ends enlarged and abnormally long, cause my vitamin D deficiency


A group of diseases, bone reabsorption outpaces deposit, spongy bone of spine and neck a femur are most like

Treatments for osteoporosis

include calcium, vitamin D supplements, weight-bearing exercises, and hormone replacement therapy

Pagets disease

Excessive and hapharzard deposit and reabsorption