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61 Cards in this Set

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Who was John Winthrop?

A Massachusetts governor who didn't think high of the Chesapeake settlements

What did England Colonization focus around?

Entrepreneurship, religious freedom, and exploration

What roles played a part in English Migration Patterns?

Economic, religious, and political

What did Native Americans do in response to English Expansion?

Declared all out war

Why did English relocate to London?

Economic opportunities

Which two kings often fought with parliament?

James and Charles

Who was the English Civil War fought between?

Royalists and separatists

Who ruled England after the English Civil War?

Oliver Cromwell

What happened to James the Second when and why?

He was permanently exiled in the Glorious Revolution for lifting some Catholic restriction

Why did some English advocate to settle in the Americas?

The natural resources

What was a joint stock company?

A company in which investors could invest without fear of bankruptcy

Why did Jamestown fail?

The English kept their traditional lifestyle of only some people working at any given time

Who was Thomas Smith?

The leader of the London Company

What did James Smith do?

Seized control of Jamestown and under strict military rule kept the people alive

What was the Starving Time?

A time in English Expansion where harsh winter beat brutally on the Virginia colonies and drove some colonists to cannibalism

How did the powhatan Indians fall?

The Powhatan Indian Empire fell trying to drive Virginians from America

Who was John Rolfe?

He was a settler who realized the potential tobacco had in the English market for Jamestown

What was Jamestowns major export?


What was the House of Burgesses?

The first representative assembly

What was a head right?

A 50 acre plot of land given to colonists for small annual fees

What were indentured servants?

Servants who agreed to serve a master for a certain number of years in return for land, passage to America, clothes, and tools

What was the country court?

A court where representatives from the 8 different parts of Virginia met in a court of law

Who was George Calvert?

The driving force for Maryland colonization

Who was cicilious

He founded Maryland

What was Maryland known for?

Being a safe heaven for Catholics

Due to Lord Baltimore's demand for secrecy he ended up being close to a...

Palatine Lord

How was the relationship between Lord Baltimore and Maryland?

Maryland refused to follow his rules

The act much concerning religion did what?

Extended tolerance to all individuals who accepted the divinity of Christ

What happened during Plundering Time?

Leonard Calvert was driven from Maryland by an armed group

Where did the pilgrims come from?

Scroony Manor

Who was William Bradford?

The leader of the mayflower company and writer of Of Plymouth Plantation

What was the Mayflower Compact?

A contract to combine the Plymouth colony into a civil body

Who was Squanto?

An English speaking Indian who helped Plymouth tremendously

What were Puritans?

People who wished to purify the Church of England

Who was William Fraud?

a bishop who went against everything Puritans stood for

What was the Massachusetts Bay Company?

The Massachusetts Bay Company was a group of Puritans who planned on going to America to escape English rule

What was the Cambridge Agreement?

An agreement for Winthrop and several others to leave England on a certain day

What is congresionalism

The ability to have a church free if interference from outside sources

Why did Massachusetts succeed?

Because of the unity of the feeling of a common purpose

What was Laws and Liberties?

The first English code of law

What two people have Massachusetts trouble and what happened to them?

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson and they were exiled to Rhode Island

Massachusetts spawned what four colonies?

New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and, New Haven

What did Thomas Hooker do?

Defined Congressional church polity

What was the Fundamental Order?

Connecticut's blueprint for a civil government

Who discovered New Haven?

Theophilus Eaton and John Davenport

What condition did Rhode Island stay in

Separated by different ideas

Henry Hudson was employed by whom?

The Dutch

What outposts did the Dutch Went India Company sponsor?

Fort Orange (Albany) and New Amsterdam (New York)

Who captured New Netherlands for the English?

Richard Nicolls

What was Dukes Law

It established religion tolerance and formed governments in New Netherlands

Who was the Duke of York?

James the Second

What were Quakers

Believers of an extreme version of Antinomianism

Who was George Fox?

A Quaker who gained followers for the Quaker movement

Who was William Penn?

He founded Pennsylvania

What was the Frame of Government?

A document giving Penn the option to give Pennsylvania whatever government he wanted

The Charter of Liberty did what?

turned Pennsylvania into a one house legislation

What was going on in the Carolinas?

White farmers worked black slaves

What did Americans demand in order to migrate to the Carolinas? (3)

A representative assembly, liberty of conscience, and liberal head right system

Anthony Ashley Cooper and Joseph West did what?

Settled complies along the Ashley river (Carolinas)

Carolinas main crop was what?


Who was Georgia founded by?

James Oglethorpe