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20 Cards in this Set

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This is the holy scripture of the Islamic faith.


This is a journey made by people to a place holy in their religion.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Signed in 1494, This agreement divided the unexplored regions of the world between Spain and Portugal.

Northwest Passage

This was a hoped for direct water route through the Americas. The European powers were hoping for a quick way to the riches of Asia. But it turned out this passage did not exist.


To sail around something.


This is the economic theory that states a nations power is based on its wealth.


A large farm. They were developed by the Spanish as a system for growing more crops.


This was a right granted to Spanish Conquistadors who settled in the Americas. They were given the right to demand taxes and labor from the Native peoples on their land.

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases, between the European explorers, and the native peoples of the Americas.


These were Spanish explorers.

Bartholomeu Dias

The Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Southern tip of Africa, discovering a new route to Asia. Originally called the 'Cape of Storms' by Dias, it was renamed 'The Cape of Good Hope' by King John of Portugal.

Francisco Pizarro

He was the Spanish conquistador who sailed down the Pacific Coast of South America. He destroyed most of the Inca army, captured and killed the Inca king Atahualpa, and took over most of the Inca Empire.


The ship that brought pilgrims, and a number of others, to America. The Pilgrims were seeking religious freedom in a new land and founded the Plymouth Colony.


The Aztec emperor who welcomed Cortes as a friend, but was later betrayed and taken prisoner by him.

Hernan Cortes

The Spanish soldier, and explorer, who came to Mexico in 1519 looking for gold and glory. He would later start a war with the Aztecs and be killed in battle.

John Cabot

He was the Italian explorer, sent by England, to find a Northwest Passage through the Americas. Though he didn't find one his voyage was used by England to stake a claim in the new world.

Ferdinand Magellan

He was a Portuguese sailor, working for the Spanish, who sailed around South America in an attempt to reach Asia. While his crew were the first to Circumnavigate the world, he died in the Philippines. (He named the Pacific Ocean.)

Coureurs de Bois

This is the holy scripture of the Islamic faith.

Christopher Columbus

The Italian sailor, and explorer, who tried to discover a Western route to Asia, for Spain. In 1492 he took 3 ships, the Nina, Pinta, and MariaSanta , across the Atlantic and discovered the Americas.

Henry Hudson

The English sailor and explorer who attempted to find the Northwest Passage through the Americas, only to discover what is now Hudson Bay. He, his son, and a few sailors were left to die on the bay as his ship sailed home.