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174 Cards in this Set

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Largest most numerous neuroglia


Have many k+ channels to maintain proper balance of K+ for AP generation


Flat cells that give structural support and material exchange to cell bodies of the PNS nerve cells (neurons)

Statelite Cells

Matter that contains Neural cell bodies

Grey Matter

Tracts of myelinated axons

White Matter

_____ helps prevent Na+ leakage into extracellular fluid (ECF)


In CNS an _____ myelinates parts of several axon


known as glial cells: connective tissues that supports, nourishes, protects, insulates and organizes neurons.


4 Neuroglia in the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Astrocytes, Microglia, Ependymal cells, Oligodendrocytes

Small, ovoid cells with spiny processes


Lines the cavities of thebrain and spinal cord with cerebrospinal fluid. The cilia help to circulate the cerebrospinal fluid to protect the CNS


They are flat extensions around nerve fibers making a fatty insulation called myelin sheaths


Subarachnoid space b/t Pia Mater and Arachnoid Matter

Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)

Networks of capillaries that serve as site of CSF production

Choroid plexus

Produce cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from arterial blood; line the ventricles.

Epindymal cells

Phagocytosize microbes and damaged nervous tissue


produces a myelin sheath around axons of neurons of the CNS


What are tow kinds of Neuroglia in the PNS

Satelite cells and Schwann cells

surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia; protects and regulates nutrients for cell bodies in ganglia

Satelite Cells

supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the formation of myelin

Schwann cells

Cell that carries messages through out the nervous system


consists of the brain and spinal cord, connected by efferent neurons

Central Nervous System (CNS)

broken into two divisions the afferent and efferent divisions (somatic and autonomic)


Nerve fibers from CNS to skeletal muscle cells = motor neuron

Somatic Nervous system

Voluntary control single neuron between CNS and skeletal muscle fibers are heavily myelinated stimulation always lead to excitation of muscle ACH released.

Somatic Nervous System

System of motor neurons that supply (and either excite or inhibit) cardiac muscle, glands, smooth muscle, skin pupils of eye, walls and sphincter of gut, gall bladder, urinary bladder.

Autonomic Nervous System

regulates visceral functions. can change viseral functions rapidly and intensly involved in maintenance of homeostasis functions independently, involuntarily and continuously without conscious effort. Divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Autonomic Nervous System

cell body in brain or spinal cord, releases ACh to ganglia, outside of CNS where the pre and post ganglionic neurons meet to postganglionic neurons, sends axons to effector organs

Preganglionic Neuron

Aid the BBB by wrapping ____ processes around capillaries


a example of ____ is, neurotransmitter binds to recepters in post synaptic neurons plasma membrane causes a depolorization (Na+ channels open, inflow of Na+) OR hyperolorization (K= channels open and outflow of K+)

signal transmitted by a chemical synapse

An example of ____ is, raises in CA+2 causes neurotransmitter release across the cell.

signal transmitted by a chemical synapse

An expample of ____ is, Depolorization opens voltage gated CA=2 channels at synaptic end bulb and Ca+2 diffuses into end bulb

signal transmitted by a chemical synapse

AP arrives at synaptic end bulb of presynaptic axon is an example of____

signal transmitted by a chemical synapse

vesicle formed around a particle absorbed by phagocytosis formed by the fusion of the cell membrane around the particle.


Coating of bacteria, viruses or dead fragments w/ Ab that complement phagocyte receptors to enhance the import into the phagocyte


cell that can digest microbes and other foreign particles


acts as a sponge to soak up extra neuortransmitters


____ in the frontal cortex and hippocampus store and release glycogen as a resevoir of glucose


have many neurotransmitters for their uptake and release


Place for exchagne of wastes b/t blood and nervous tissue

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

What prevents Na+ leakage in the extracellular fluid?


Take part in axon regeneration following injury in PNS

Schwann cells

3 Layers of meninges, in order

Dura mater

Arachnoid mater

Pia mater

Dura mater

(hard mother) outer most and thickest, unstretchable, leathery. Double layered membrane

Arachnoid mater

(spider mother) Soft and spongy. space between arachnoid and pia contains CSF subarachnoid space (large space) contains the major arteries that supply the brain

Pia matter

highly vascular. loose connective tissue contains the smaller surface VB of the brain and spinal cord.


inflammation of meninges, may be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites or toxins

autoimmune disorder, symptoms include" tingling and muscle weakness, fatigue, incoordination of vision, bladder or bowl problems

Multiple sclerosis

2 Neuroglia in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Statelite Cells and Schwann Cells

Neuroglia of the CNS that filter blood

Epindymal Cells

Menengie that has thicker blood vessels; against the scull AKA Tough mother

Dura moter

contains the dural sinuses

Dura moter

Closest to the brain; impermiable to CSF AKA Soft Mother

Pia Moter

inflamation of menengies


space between pia and arachnoid moter is a space that holds CSF

Subarachnoid moter

Aid in diffusion of glucose; They line or cover teh cell bodies in PNS

Satelite Cells

Myelinates cells in the CNS


Myelinates cells in the PNS

Schwann Cells

Brings cations in.....


outer layer of the wrapping of the Schwann Cells around the axons of the PNS


Do not possess neurolemma


Spaces between the wrapping of Schwann cells where there is no myelinization

Nodes of Ranvier

What allows for regeneration of the axons associated with PNS?


When you suffer damage to PNS due to a burn, drug use, fall or accident its the ___ in the ___ cells that allow you to regenerate those axons

Neurolemma; Schwann Cells

Regeneration is common in ___ because of ___

PNS; Neurolemma

Why is cell damage regeneration absent in CNS?

CNS has dendrocytes which lack neurolemma

Astrocytes are found in CNS OR PNS?

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Microglia are found in CNS or PNS?

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Ependymal Cells are found in CNS or PNS?

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Olegodendrocytes are found in CNS or PNS

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Satelite Cells are found in CNS or PNS?

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Schwann Cells are found in CNS or PNS?

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Key component of your immune system associated with nervous system.


Key feature of Microglia is?


Process where phagocytes are attracted to the area of invasion by chemical products of the microorganism, phospholipids, released by injured mammalian cells, or by component of the component system.


C3b component of compement coats bacteria of other particles then binds C3b receptors to the phagocyte this coating process to enhance phagocytosis is called


vacuole that the microorganism is then engulfed by the phagocyte is known as


A ____ axon can sent AP more quickly.


Oligodendrocytes in the CNS when the myelin degeneration occurs, it can be regenerated, however over time, it the oligodendrocytes themselves are attached making it harder for them to regenerate the myelin. This degeneration is an attach by the immune system, a disorder called

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

MS is ____ meaning its nerve degenerations gets worse over time.


Electric synapses are common among ___ muscles cells while neuronal chemical neurotransmitters are released from ___.

Smooth, synaptic end bulbs

Satellite cells are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in the ___.

*formation of the BBB

*structural support


PNS, Structural support

Astrocytes are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*formation of the BBB

*structural support

*myelination of axons

CNS, formation of the blood-brain barrier

Schwann cells are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*formation of the BBB

*structural support

*myelination of axons

PNS, myelination of axons

Ependymal cells are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*phagocytosis of microbes

*structural support

*production of cerebral spinal fluid

CNS, production of cerebral spinal fluid

Microglia are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*phagocytosis of microbes

*structural support

*production of cerebral spinal fluid

CNS, phagocytosis of microbes

Oligodendrocytes are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*formation of the BBB

*structural support

*myelination of axons

CNS, myelination of axons

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which lesions of ___ matter form as a result of damage to the ___.

white, oligodendrocytes

During phagocytosis, a microbe is engulfed by a ___ vesicle that fuses with a ___ which releases digestive enzymes for destruction of the microbe.

phagocyte, lysosome OR phagosome, lysosome

The ___ mater contains large blood vessels that split into capillaries in the ___ mater.

Dura, pia

Lower half of the brainstem, continuous with spinal cord

Medulla Oblongata (medulla)

Connects spinal cord and brain; left and right hemispheres


Region of brain that connects cerebrum w/ spinal cord and consists of the midbrain, medulla oblongata, pons and reticular activating system (RAS)


Reflex centers for visual, auditory and startle reflex


Provides sensory and motor relays to the face and neck via the cranial nerves


Nuclei of vagus nerve for heart rate and breathing rate

Medulla oblongata (medulla)

Nuclei for swallowing: controls muscles of pharynx and larynx

Medulla oblongata (medulla)

With the medulla, controls inhalation and exhalation


Sensory impulses for teeth, tongue and part of the face- sends motor impulses to jaw


Contains cardiac (regulates heart rate) respiratory (breathing rate) vomiting and vasomotor (BP, by constriction or dilation of blood vessels)centers

Medulla oblongata (medulla)

Motor impulses to eye and muscles of facial expression


Cluster of connected nuclei that maintains wakefulness and sleep-wake cycle

Reticular activating system

Reticular activating system found in


Inactivation of the RAS produces sleep


Damage to RAS results in


a state of unconsciousness from which individuals can not be aroused


In a coma ___ receives sensory input from eyes, ears, somatosensory (touch) but not smell

Reticular activating system (RAS)

____ is where neurons release the neurotransmitter dopamine to regulate involuntary muscle activities; loss of these neurons is associated with Parkinsons in the ___.

Substantia Nigra, Midbrain

Area associated with symptons of parkinsons


what is treated with dopaminergic drugs to slow severity of symptoms in the ___.

Parkinsons, Midbrain

2nd largest part of the brain and is separated from cerebrum by transverse fissure


___ compares intended movements w what is happening with skeletal muscles to regulate posture, equilibrium and balance


damage causes disorders of fine movement, equilibrium, posture and motor


relay station for pain, temp, touch and pressure relayed to cerebral cortex via thalamus.


Thalamus is found in the


found in the ___includes the ___ gland which secretes more melatonin in dark than light to promote sleep and help regulate circdian rhythms

Epithalamus, Diencephalon, pineal

Hormones of the ___ are the master switch of the pituitary gland; receives inputs from thalamus, limbic system, cerebral cortex


What hormones of the hypothalamus are released (2)

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and Adrenal corticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

Hypothalamus releases CRH to the anteriror pituitary that releases ACTH into the blood and into the adrenal medulla to release


Axons extend from nuclei in the ___ to sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei in the brain stem and spinal cord to regulate HR, movement of food in GI track, and contraction of the urinary bladder.


Controls the body temp by monitoring blood temp


Tells you that your full and where its found

satiety center, hypothalamus

tells you that your hungry and where its found

Hunger center, hypothalamus

when these cells experiance high osmotic pressure due to extracellular fluid and causes sensation of.... and where found at

Thirst center , hypothalamus

wake up and sleep cycle know as

circadian clock

Function of the ___ controls circadian clock (wake up and sleep cycle) by receiving input from the retina and transferring info to the reticular formation and pineal gland


GnRH, hormone of the hypothalamus

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

(hormone of the hypothalamus)

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone released to the anterior pituitary to the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) both released by the __ __ gland

anterior pituitary

Gonadotropin hormones that regulate ovaries and testes (2)

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH)

(hormone of the hypothalamus)

contraction of smooth muscles of uterine wall during delivery, mother-child bond, release of brest milk, pleasure of sexual intercourse

Oxytocin (hormone of the hypothalamus)

regulate metabolism, energy, growth and development

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)

(hormone of the hypothalamus)

inhibits release of growth hormone (GH) by the anterior pituitary

Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH)

(hormone of the hypothalamus)

___ aids healthy bone, muscle mass, fat distribution

Growth Hormone (GH)

(hormone of the hypothalamus)

Roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, declarative/explicit memory and spatial navigation, not procedural memory

The hippocampus

has higher numbers of glucocorticoid receptors and is more vulnerable to long-term stress than most other brain areas

the hippocampus

___ affect the hippocampus in 3 ways
1. Reduce ability for neurons to transmit AP
2. Inhibit neurogenesis (birth of new neurons)
3. Atrophy of dendrites

seen w PTSD, sushings syndrome (higher levels of cortisol) and severe depression (reversible w anti-depressants)

the hippocamus

what shrinks from Alzheimer's Disease


cluster of neuron cell bodies involved in fear, aggressive behavior, male sex motivation


people with PTSD have a larger ___ w greater glucose metabolism


higher connectivity w hippocampus explains link bt fear and memory


protist parasite that cycles bt cats and secondary hosts

Toxoplasma gondii

parasites can alter host behavior to increase parasite transmission efficiency is

behavioral manipulation hypothesis

rats infected w ___ are still afraid of light, open spaces and classically conditioned to fear new things

T. gondii (toxoplasma gondii)

cysts in the amygdala

Toxoplasma gondii (t. gondii)

Has a gene from tyrosine hydroxylase, and enzyme that converts tyrosine into dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated w pleasure

Toxoplasma gondii (t.gondii)

specifically block rats' innate predator aversion associated with cat urine and associates sexual pleasure in rates w cat urine

Toxoplasma gondii (t.gondii)

Electric synapses are common between ___ muscle cells and pass through ___ from one cell to the next.

*skeletal, gap junction

*cardiac, synaptic cleft

*smooth, gap junction

smooth, gap junction

Action potentials travel more slowly through ___ synapses. In a chemical synapse, a ___ opens calcium channels at the synaptic end bulb.

*chemical, hyperpolarization

*electric, depolarization

*electric hyperpolarization

electric, depolarization

Astrocytes are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*CNS proper levels of neurotransmitters

*CNS, phagocytosis of microbes

*CNS, structural support

CNS, proper levels of neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitter binds to receptors of the ___ neurons plasma membrane and may cause a ___ as a result of the ___ of sodium cation.

*postsynaptic, depolarization, outflow

*Presynaptic, hyperpolarization, inflow

*postsynaptic, depolarization, inflow

postsynaptic depolarization, inflow

Astrocytes are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*CNS, proper levels of potassium in/out of cell

*CNS, myelination of axon

*CNS, structural support

CNS proper levels of potassium in and out of the cell

Satellite cells are neuroglia of the ___ that play a role in ___.

*PNS, formation of BBB

*PNS, myelination

*PNS, structural support

PNS, structural support

___ are neuroglia with neurolemma that take part in axon regeneration in the ___.

*Schwann cells, CNS

*Schwann cells, PNS

*Microglia, CNS

Schwann cells, PNS

Oligodendrocytes are neuroglia that play a role in ___.

*Phagocytosis of microbes, myelination

*Myelination, axon regeneration

*Axonal regeneration, myelination

myelination, axon regeneration

the medulla is part of the ___ and has nuclei involved in ___.

*Brain stem, fear rate

*Diencephalon, spatial navigation

*Brain stem, heart rate

Brain stem, heart rate

the medulla is part of the ___ and has nuclei involved in ___.

*Brain stem, swallowing

*Brain stem, spatial navigation

*Brain stem, explicit memory

Brain stem, swallowing

the reticular activation system (RAS) is part of the ___; damage to the RAS can result in ___.

*Cerebrum, coma

*Midbrain, Coma

*Cerebrum, Parkinsons disease

Midbrain, coma

the substantia nigra is part of the ___; neuron loss in the substantia nigra is associated with ___.

*Cerebrum Parkinsons

*Midbrain, Alzheimers

*Midbrain, Parkinsons

Midbrain parkinsons disease

Neurons of the substantia nigra are part of the ___ and release ___ (a neurotransmitter) to control involuntary muscle activities.

*Brainstem, acetylcholine

*Midbrain, dopamine

*Midbrain, acetylcholine

Midbrain, dopamine

Inactivation (decreased metabolism) of the ___ leads to sleep. ___ can not wake a person.

*Reticular activating system (RAS), odors

*Hippocampus, odors

*Cerebellum, bright lights

Reticular activating system (RAS), odors

___ are neuroglia that phagocytosize microbes and damaged neurons of the ___.

*Astrocytes, CNS

*Ependymal cells, CNS

*Microglia, CNS

Micgroglia, CNS

Networks of capillaries, called the ___, are covered by ___ that produce CSF

*Neurolemma, ependymal cells

*choroid plexus, ependymal cells

*choroid plexus, microglia

choroid plexus, ependymal cells

CSF is produced by neuroglia called ___ and provides the optimal cation concentration for ___.

*ependymal cells, action potential propagation

*microglial cells, action potential propagation

*astrocytes, BBB formation

ependymal cells, action potential propagation

the pons is part of the ___ and plays a role in receiving sensory impulses from ___.

*Diencephalon, teeth, tongue & part of the face

*Brain stem, heart

*brain stem, teeth, tongue & parts of the face

brain stem, teeth, tongue and parts of the face

the pons is part of the ___ and plays a role in sending motor impulses to ___

*Diencephalon, jaw

*Brain stem, heart

*Brain stem, jaw

brain stem, jaw

the pineal gland is part of the ___ and secretes more of the hormone melatonin to promote ___.

*Diencephalon, drowsiness in dark

*brain stem, drowsiness in dark

*brain stem consolidation of memories

brain stem, drowsiness in dark

the hypothalamus releases ___ to trigger the release of ___ by the pituitary gland, which then results in release of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands.

*corticotropin-RH, adrenal corticotrophic H

*adrenal corticotrophic H, corticotropin RH

*corticotropin RH, luteinizing H

corticotropin-releasing hormone, adrenal corticotrophic hormone

the thrist center consists of cell bodies in the ___ that detect ___ conditions outside the cell.

*hippocampus, hypotonic

*hippocampus, hypertonic

*hypothalamus, hypertonic

hypothalamus, hypertonic

the hypothalamus releases ___ to trigger release of ___ by the pituitary gland, which then regulates the ovaries and testes.
*gonadotropin-RH, oxytocin
*gonadotropin RH, follicle stimulating H & luteinizing H
*gonadotropin-releasing H, adrenal corticotrophic H
gonadotropin releasing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone

they hypothalamus releases ___to trigger release of ___ by the pituitary gland, which then regulates muscle mass and fat distribution.

*growth hormone RH, groth hormone

*cortiotrophin RH, oxytocin

*growth hormone RH (GHRH), oxytocin

growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), oxytocin

the hypothalamus produces ___ that is then released by the ___ to promote ___ and pleasure from sexual intercourse.

*oxytocin, posterior pituitary gland, release of breast milk

*oxytosin, anterior pituitary gland, release of breast milk

*polactin, posterior pituitary gland, the release of breast milk

oxytosin, anterior pituitary gland, release of brest milk

the ___ has a high number of flucocorticoid receptors and shrinks as a result of ___.

*amygdala, multiple sclerosis

*hypothalamus, Alzheimers disease

*hippocampus, alzheimers disease

hippocampus, alzheimers disease

prolactin is a hormone produced by the ___ and is involved in the ___ of breast milk.

*hypothalamus, release

*hypothalamus, production

*anterior pituitary, release

hypothalamus, production