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31 Cards in this Set

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Earliest know primates were from?

North America, 66 mya, Paleocene

Earliest known primates?


Characteristics of Plesiadapiforms:

- About 75 species

- some diurnal, noturnal, size from small mouse to medium sized house cat

- probably retained many primitive mammalian traits

Two examples of Plesiadapiformes?

- Purgatorius

- Plesiadapis

ex: tree shrew

Where were the "True" primates of the Eocene Epoch from?

Present in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa; 56-34 mya

Characteristics of Adapoids:
- 80 different species
- Size: large rat to large housecat
- Probably gave rise to strepsirhines (lemurs & lorises)

Two examples of Eocene primates?

- Adapoidae

- Omomyoidea

Located in N. America & Europe

Three genera of Adapoids

- Cantius: N. America & Europe

- Notharctus: N. America

- Adapis: Europe


Omomyoids Characteristics

- similar appearance to the modern tarsier

- most from Europe and N. America

- shared common ancestor of tarsiers, monkeys and apes

Three genera of Omomyoids

- Necrolemur: Europe

- Tetonius: N. America

- Rooneyia: N. America


Eocene primates in Africa and Asia
- Amphipithecus: Asia
- Pondaungia: Asia
- Catopithecus: Africa
- Eosimias: China
- Darwinus Masillae

Two types of Oligocene primates:

- Parapithecidae

- Propliopithecidae

Oligocene Epoch

Climate fluctuations affected primate ranges, 32-24 mya

Type of Parapithecidae


Apidium Characteristics

- some similarities to new world monkeys

- about the size of a squirrel monkey

- might be the ancestor of platyrrhines and catarrhines

Type of Parapithecidae


Aegyptopithecus Characteristics

- probably an early catarrhine

- possible ancestor to both old world monkeys and apes

- teeth are comparable to those of hominids; Y5 molars

Miocene Epoch

- the cooling reversed temporarily and warmer temperatures were experienced for a time

- tectonic activity, pushing the Himalayas upward

- 24-5 mya

Miocene Hominoid Characteristics

- primarily arboreal

- ape-like heads

- body was a mixture of ape-like & monkey-like features

- modern hominids, no tail

- about 30 genera

Miocene Hominid: African Form


Proconsul Characteristics

- discovered in Kenya 1948

- named after pipe smoking chimp named Consul

- rectangular dental arcade

Miocene Hominid: Asian Form

- Sivapithecus

- Gigantopithecus

Sivapithecus Characteristics

- India and Pakistan

- 15 mya

Gigantopithecus Characteristics
- India and Pakistan
- late miocene, 9 mya
- about 7-9 ft tall

Miocene Hominid: European Form


- 8 genera existed from 13-8 mya

Dryopithecus Characteristics

- size of a large monkey or small golden retriever

- possible ancestor of modern humans


