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31 Cards in this Set

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Carotid Sheath
-3 layers
-investing fascia (outer layer)
-pretracheal fascia
-prevertebral fascia
-contents: common carotid a., internal jugular v., vagus n.
*common carotid branches into internal and external at ~C4
Boundaries of Anterior Triangle
-superiorly: inf. border of mandible
-posteriorly: SCM
-anteriorly: midline of neck (imaginary line)
Anterior Belly of Digastric M.
I: mylohyoid n. (V3)
A: depresses mandible; raises hyoid bone and steadies it during speaking/swallowing
O: digastric fossa of mandible
I: intermediate tendon of body and greater horn of hyoid bone
Posterior Belly of Digastric M.
I: facial n.
A: depresses mandible; raises hyoid bone and steadies it during speaking/swallowing
O: mastoid notch of temporal bone
I: intermediate tendon of body and greater horn of hyoid bone
I: facial n. (cervical branch)
A: draws corners of mouth inferiorly and widens (sadness/fright); draws skin of neck superiorly when teeth are clenched
O: fascia covering clavicle; superior parts of pec major and deltoid
I: inf. border of mandible; skin and subcutaneous tissues of lower face
Submental Triangle: Borders
-inferiorly: body of hyoid bone
-laterally: ant. belly of digastrics m.
-floor: mylohyoid m.
Submental Triangle: Contents
-submental lymph nodes
-mylohyoid m. (forms floor)
-mylohyoid n.
-veins that unite ant. jugular vs.
Submandibular Triangle: Boundaries
-superiorly: inf. border of mandible
-medially: ant. belly of digastrics m.
-laterally: post. belly of digastrics m.
Submandibular Triangle: Floor
-mylohyoid m.
-hyoglossus m.
-middle pharyngeal constrictor m.
Mylohyoid M.
I: mylohyoid n. (V3)
A: elevates hyoid bone/floor of mouth/tongue during speaking/swallowing
O: mylohyoid line of mandible
I: raphe and body of hyoid bone
Hypoglossus M.
I: hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
A: depresses and retracts tongue
O: body and greater horn of hyoid bone
I: lateral side and inf. aspect of tongue
Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor M.
I: spinal accessory n. (CN XI via CN X)
A: constrict wall of pharynx during swallowing
O: stylohyoid ligament and greater/lesser horns of hyoid bone
I: median raphe of pharynx
Submandibular Triangle:
-submandibular gland
-submandibular lymph nodes
-facial a.
-facial v. (empties into internal jugular v.)
-mylohyoid n (V3)
Muscular Triangle:
-superior-laterally: superior belly of omohyoid m.
-inferior-laterally: ant. border of SCM
-medially: midline of neck
Muscular Triangle:
Infrahyoid Ms. AKA Strap Ms.
-sternohyoid (superficial)
-omohyoid (superficial)
-sternothyroid (deep)
-thyrohyoid (deep)
Muscular Triangle:
Non-muscular Structures:
-thyroid gland
-parathyroid glands
-L/R recurrent laryngeal ns.
-ant. jugular v.
Omohyoid M.
I: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses, retracts and steadies hyoid bone
O: superior border of scapula near suprascapular notch
I: inf. border of hyoid bone
Sternohyoid M.
I: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses hyoid after elevation from swallowing
O: manubrium of sternum; medial end of clavicle
I: body of hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid M.
I: C1 via CN XII
A: depresses hyoid and elevates larynx
O: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
I: inf. border of body and greater horn of hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis
A: depresses hyoid bone and larynx
O: 1st costal cartilage; post surface of manubrium
I: oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Thyroid Gland:
-left and right lobe connected by the isthmus
-50% have a pyramidal lobe
-produces: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate metabolism; calcitonin
Thyroid Gland:
Arterial Supply
-superior thyroid a. off external carotid
-inf. thyroid a. off thyrocervical trunk
-10% have thyroid ima a.
Thyroid Gland:
Venous Drainage
-superior thyroid v. draining into internal jugular
-middle thyroid v. draining into internal jugular
-inf. thyroid v. draining into L/R brachiocephalic v
Parathyroid Gland:
produces PTH, which increases Ca (antagonistic to calcitonin)
Carotid Triangle:
-medially: omohyoid m.
-laterally: SCM
-superiorly: post. belly of digastric
Carotid Triangle:
-carotid sheath structures
-external carotid a. and some branches
-superior laryngeal n. and its external and internal branches
-spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
-hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
-ansa cervicalis
External Carotid Branches
(inferior to superior) SALFOP
-superior thyroid
-ascending pharyngeal
-posterior auricular
Terminal Branches:
-superficial temporal a.
-maxillary a.
Carotid Body:
-Innervated by?
-location: bifurcation of common carotid
-function: chemoreceptor that monitors the level of oxygen in blood
-innervated by VA fibers of CN IX
Carotid Sinus
-Innervated by?
-function: reacts to changes in arterial blood pressure
-innervated by VA fibers of CN IX
Superior Laryngeal Nerve:
-Arises from?
-What do the branches innervate?
-arises from inf. vagal ganglion
1. internal laryngeal n. innervates laryngeal mucous mb
2. external laryngeal n. innervates cricothyroid m.
Ansa Cervicalis
-Branches formed by?
1. superior root (C1)
2. inferior root (C2, C3)
-innervates all infrahyoid ms. except thyrohyoid