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40 Cards in this Set

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What were true of early laboraty studies
the cyles are stable and quite precise not perfect
circannual and circadian rythms will keep, but there will still be some drift
Circadian rythm
24 hours
approximately 1 year
If a hamster is running on a wheel under constant dim light- no light or other extreme cue.. What will happen?
Animals activity runs in the wheel 12 minutes later each day. This is an example of a "free running cycle"
What are the4 different types of biological clocks?
Daily: nocturnal v. diurnal activity patterns
Tidal: Fiddler crabs active when tide is out, return to burrow BEFORE it comes in
Monthly cycle: human reproductive cycle
Annual: the palolo worm
True or False: the Fiddler crab returns to burrow upon sight of the wave
False. They" know" whats up before so th
Is the fiddler crap free running?
No- even though their reaction to tidal behavior has progressed daily-- its in response to the lunar biological clock.

There are cues that do not allow the animals to reset its clock.
How do frogs mate?
amphibans around the world sync the reproduction pathway with the moon
Ant Lions
1. example of Monthly biological clock
Ant lions dig a pit so the prey will fall in and attack!!
The ants dig larger pits when there is a full moon.
50 ant lion in the laboratory still responded to full moon as marked by the size of the hole.
Palolo worm.
Example of annual clock
Marine warm releases the gametes which float to the top of the water-- and is precisely timed with when in the year it will occur.
The 7th night after the first full moon following the automnal equinox
What is an example of an organism that does not have a biological clock?
Naked Mole rats lack a circadian rhythm.
Having evolved underground, along with the loss of their eyes, they lost the regulation of activity.
This is a secondary feature of the naked mole rat beause they have lost the behavior component of the circadian rythm .
Somalain cave fish
Lack a normal circadian rhythm due to evolution and unusual habitats.
The somalian cave fish are blind but they still do have a body clock. Their clock as been regulated by food availalability .
Endogenous vs Exogenous
endogenous: internal regulation
exogenous: clocks are critically dependant one extern view determined by " zeitgebers" which set the clock " entrainment"
german idea of behavioral clocks-
zeitebegers are the term for the external cues
Golden-mantled squirel
The golden mantled squirrel offers evidence for endogenous clocks.

Experimenters regulated external cues of temperature, photoperiod and food access for 2 years.
However, the squirrel's biological clock are governed independed of the cues. The squirrel would continue to eat at particular times even if food was constant.
T or f: The gold mantled squirrel lost its biological clock when taken from the mother at birth.
FALSE. Even after taking immediately after birth-- the squirrel still followed its biological clock of hibernation/ food consumption. Clearly endogenous.
When you deprive crickets from dark what happens?
What else causes the same effect?
Their response of cricket sounds are not monitored appropriately. this is evidence for exogenous

2. Severing the connction between the brain and the eyes.
What is the current idea of the biological clock model?
1. Sunlight or environmental cues signal the
2. Sensory receptors
3. Sensory receptors govern the pacemaker while will show
4. observable behaviors
What is the human pacemaker?
Suprachiasmatic nucleus gets information from the eyes, not from the eyes and cones ( which we see from ) but from special ganglia cells.
What goes on in the pacemaker region of the fly within the course of the day?
1. Dawn?
2. Noon
3. Dusk
1. At Dawn, there is no transcription of PER/TIM protein. But there are a lot of Per/TIM Complex wihin the nucleus
2. By noon, the sun has officially broken down the Per/Tim complex
3. Dusk: individual proteins are generated in cytoplasm, peak levels of per and tim rna in cytoplasm prodcues levels of PER and TIM proteins
When enough TIM and PER are made, they will complex, move to the nucleus and shut down MRNA associated with the per/ tim proteins?
What are the cellular basis for circadian rythm of fly and what is the zeitbeger?
1. Cellular basis: PER/TIM proteins regulate cellular basis
2. zeitbeger is the sun
Together these signaling cues make up a very good example of our current understanding of the behaivoral clock.
Monozygotic twins v. digotic twins
1. mono= the same genes When measuring intelligence there should be correlation of 1 between the 2 twins
But its still high at .85. Researchers noticed if they are reared together or apart.

2. digotic= only 50% of the same genes
Twins are not common in animals. t/f
FALSE. way more common in humans, probably because twins are hard to raise in the wild.
EXCEPT Primates.
Also. the armadillo has monozygotic quadruplets
Dilger's love birds
Discovered that there is genetic invovment in 2 species of love bird. When the fisheri and roseicollis interbred, the hybrids were infertile and tried to mimick carrying nest material in their rump.

After1 2 breeding periods in 3 years, the hybrids eventually abondened the rump carriage-

Dilger concluded: there is significant but modifiable influence of genes
wanted to examine 2 different species of love birds, who exhbits have different nest-gathering behaviors.
lovebird that carries nest material in rump feathers so it can bring more back to the nest.
This lovebird uses its bill t carry nest material and does not stuff it in the rump feathers.
Quantitative inheritance
When mulitple loci contribute to a trait and represent an additive function.
Example: When 2 species of crickets were crossbread, the hybrid song was a combination of the two breeds and upon back cross between hybrid and parental-- the song reverted back to commodis.
Which gender has a greater influence on cricket song production? How did ______ find this?
Bentley and Hoy found that the female cricket has more influence than the male by illistrating a female hybrid of the commodis and oceanicus cricket prefers the song of a male that resembles her mothers song.
What did scott and fullers study on dog behaviors show?
Scott and Fuller- interbred 2 different species of dogs, basenji and cokerspaniel to see if the enviornment was basis for behavior or if it was due to genetic difference. Found that there behavioral characteristics like aggression were clearly influenced by genetic make up
2 behaviors of the hygienic honey bee
1. uncapping larval cell
2. removing dead larva from cell

hygienic honey bee: did not get affected by bacterial disease
How did rothenbuhler discover how many genes were responsible for the hygienic phenotype?
rothenbuhler took hybrids from F1 generation and backcrossed them with individuals from the hygienic strain.
if 1 gene was responsible for the difference in behavior than 1/2 of the progeny should be hygienic- but this was not that case.

Found that 2 loci and 2 alleles control fro the transmission of hygienic trait. The removal of the infected larvae honey bees is not based on one gene.
What species did Margaret Bastock study and what did she show?
1. drosphilia flies - investigated that "yellow" males had lower mating success and than others because yellow males did not produce an attractive enough song for the female flies.

proved: a single gene difference could effect behavior and when a single gene influences 2 radically different phenotypes-- we call this pleitropy
the behavioral mating traits of the Yellow fly is exclusively due to a genotypic cause.
False. Margaret Bastock concluded that if there is different reproductive success among normal and less in yellow males, it cannot be attributed to a single color gene- there may be another trait that was influenced as well.
How did scientists discover the functional site of the wings up mutation?
They used gynadromorphs: a sex mosaic- produced by "ring shaped" x chromosome which is unstable during first division
XX tissues are female
X tissues are male

The male half has a shorter wing and a white eye
Male mice need ____ in order to recognize females
What is the gene PET-1 responsible for?
PET-1 is involved in production of 5 HT ( seratonin) which will limit aggression in adult mice.
PET-1 knockout mice displayed more aggressive investigation and behavior than wild-type
What type of study compared the mating behaviors of 2 types of voles? What did they compare -- and what did they discover
Larry young et al. used gene manipulation studies to show that monogamous voles have heavy loading of receptors of oxytosin and vasopression in reward areas . Unlike the promsicuous voles, who have fewer vasopressin receptors in the Forebrain.

When non-monogomous voles received gene manipulation of the V1a receptor, they displayed more monogamous behavior even in the presence of addition receptive females.
what does vasopression do in voles?
vasopressin is both necessary and sufficient for the formation of pair bonds in male prairie voles
What did Tyron's breeding of rate intelligence show?
Tyron had attempted to select for intelligence by breeding rats who could easily outrun a maze with other "good performing rats". However- he actually bred for a specific form of maze running ability-- not actually intelligence.
How does the environment effect rat maze perfromance?
The environment of the cage " restricted" - no toys or friends vs. normal vs enriched

Showed that all rats, no matter if they were " smart or dull", performed worse on the maze test after being raised in a restricted environment. Therefor the environment effects expression of gene/traits.