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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of cartilage

Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrocartilage

Hyaline cartilage

Most abundant

Provides support, flexibility, and resilience

Elastic cartilage

Contains elastic fibers

Found in ear and epiglottis


Thick collagen fibers

Has great tensile strength

Found in knee and vertebral discs

What is the axial skeleton?

Skull, vertebral column, and rib cage

What is the appendicular skeleton?

Bones of upper and lower limbs

Girdles attaching limbs to axial skeleton

How are long bones classified?

Longer than they are wide

How are short bones classified?


Found in the wrist and ankle

Vary in size and number in different individuals

How are flat bones classified?

Thin, flat, and slightly curved

They are found in the sternum, scapulae, ribs, and most skull bones

How are irregular bones classified?

Complicated shapes

They are found in vertebrae and hip bones

What is compact bone?

Dense outer layer on every bone

What is spongy bone?

Small, needle-like or flat pieces of bone called traeculae

What are the open spaces between trabeculae filled with?

Red or yellow bone marrow

What does periosteum and endosteum mean?

Periosteum means outside

Endosteum means inside

What does hyaline cartilage cover?

It covers area of bone that is part of a movable joint

What is the shaft and bone ends called in long bones?

The shaft is diaphysis

The bone ends is epiphyses

Where is red marrow found?

Red marrow is found inside spongy bone and flat bones

In adults, heads of femur and humerus

In infants, it is in all spongy bone

What are the five cells of bone tissue?

Osteogenic cells



Bone-lining cells


What do osteogenic cells do?

They reproduce a lot

They make more cells

What do osteoblasts do?

Secrete bone matrix

How much percent does collagen make up of bone?

It makes up 90%

What are osteocytes?

Mature cells in the lacunae (the canal) that no longer divide

What are bone-lining cells? And what is its different names?

Help maintain matrix

On external bone surfaces it is called periosteal cells

On internal surfaces it is called endosteal cells

What are osteoclasts?

Breakdown bone

What does compact bone consist of and what is another name for it?

Called lamellar bone

Consists of Haversian System

What does the Haversian system do? What does it consist of?

Is the structural unit or compact bone

Consists of an elongated cylinder that runs parallel to long axis of bone

Consists of several rings of bone matrix called lamellea

What does the lamellea do?

Withstands stress

Where does the Haversian canal run through?

The core of osteon

Where does the Volkmann canal run through?

At right angles to central canal

What does lacunea contain?


What does canaliculi look like?

Hairlike canals

What does spongy bone do?

Resist any stress

What is ossification?

Process of bone tissue formation

What is endochondral ossification?

Bone replaces cartilage

What is intramembranous ossification?

Bone develops from fibrous membrane

What does intramembranous ossification form?

Forms frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, and clavicle bones

What is nondisplaced?

Ends retain normal position

What is displaced?

Ends are out of normal alignment

What is complete?

Broken all the way through

What is incomplete?

Not broken all the way through

What is open?

Skin is penetrated

What is closed?

Skin is not penetrated

What are three major bone diseases?

Osteomalacia and rickets


Paget's disease

What is on the axial skeleton?


Vertebral column

Thoracic cage

What is the functions of the axial skeleton?

Form longitudinal axis of body

Support head, neck, and trunk

Protect brain, spinal cord, and thoracic organs

How many openings does the skull have?

It has 85

What is the large hole through which the brain connects to the spinal cord?

Foramen magnum

What are the lacrimal fossa?

Allows passageway for tears to drain

What do the sinuses do?

They warm and humidify air

What is the atlas

On top and makes movement for yes

What is the axis

On the top and provides movement for no

What are the true ribs


What are the false ribs? Which are the floating?


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