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40 Cards in this Set

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The _____ system provides slow, more wide spread control of the body
The ____ system provides rapid, precise control of the body
The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of:
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of:
-brain and spinal cord

-cranial and spinal nerves and their ganglia
The PNS is made up of:
-12 pairs of cranial nerves
-31 pairs of spinal nerves
(8C, 12T, 5L, 5S, 1Co)
Spinal nerve is a combination of what?
-dorsal and ventral root
The posterior root of the spinal nerve is:
The anterior root:
-sensory (afferent)
-motor (efferent)
Which ramus supply the structures of the anterolateral body wall and the extermities?
-anterior ramus
Plexuses are made up of the _____ of the spinal nerves, which then join and become ____
-anterior rami
-somatic nerve plexuses
The nervous system is functionally divided into:
-Somatic NS
-Autonomic NS
What somatic NS carries sensation that (reach/does not reach) awareness and controls (voluntary/involuntary) functions
-reach awareness (pain and temperature)
The autonomic NS carries information that (does/does not) reach awareness. It controls (voluntary/involuntary) functions
-does not reach awareness
-involuntary (digestion and constriction of vessels)
The autonomic NS is divided into:
This division is based on:
-sympathetic & parasympathetic
-structure, function, and segment of the CNS
The _____ NS mobilizes the body for fight or flight, which increases heart rate and dilates the pupils
The _____ NS acts to preserve the body, which includes constricting the bronchioles and promoting digestive system function
The _____ system has one neuron linkage between the CNS and the effector organ
somatic motor
The _____ system is composed of two neuron linkages, composed of a pre and post ganglionic neurons. The cell body of the postganglionic neuron is found in the _____
-autonomic nervous system

-autonomic ganglia
The ANS that consist of the long postganglionic fiber is ______. These arise from the _____

-prevertebral or paravertebral (close to the CNS)
The ANS that consist of the short postganglionic fiber is _____. These arise close to or on the wall of the target organ
The sympathetic nervous system is called the _____, due to the location of its preganglionic neuron cell bodies in the spinal cord which is located in ____
-thoracolumbar division

The parasympathetic division is called the _____, due to the location of its preganglionic cell bodies which is located in _____
-craniosacral division

-brainstem nuclei or sacral spinal cord (segment 2-4)
(true or false) parasympathetic fibers are found in the body wall and limbs
Typical spinal nerves are divided into four functional components and fibers:
-General Somatic Afferent (GSA)
-General Visceral Afferent (GVA)
-General Somatic Efferent (GSE)
-General Visceral Efferent (GVE)
The somatic nervous system, which includes GSA and GSE controls ____
-skeletal muscle
GSA nerve fibers carry information such as _____
-touch from skin
-position sense (proprioception) from muscles, tendons, and joints
GSA nerve fibers supply strips of skin divided into _____. All portions of the skin is supplied by the GSA except for the ______
-face and scalp
GSE, which controls skeletal muscles develop from embryonic _____, which are blocks of paraxial mesoderm on each side of the developing neural tube
The autonomic nervous system supplies _____, through GVE fibers with the accompaniment of GVA fibers
-smooth muscle
-cardiac muscle
Give the pathway of the GVE fibers if it were to go to the blood vessels, glands or the head and thoracic viscera
ventral rami --> white rami communicantes --> SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA (form synapse) --> (postganglion fibers) gray rami communicantes --> ventral rami --> target areas
Give the pathway of the GVE fibers if it were to go to the abdominal viscera
ventral rami --> whit rami communicantes --> PAST the sympathetic ganglia --> PREVERTEBRAL GANGLIA (form synapse) --> (postganglion fibers) --> target areas
GVA fibers that carry pain from visceral organs accompany _____ GVE fibers. Visceral pain may be "referred" to the ______
-body wall or extremities

(superficial pain in certain areas is commonly referred from corresponding deep structures; ex. heart may cause pain down left arm)
Nervous system contains two basic cell types:
Name and function:
Glial cells - support and nourish nerve cells; provide extracellular environment

Neurons - action potentials/nerve impulses
Two basic types of neurons in the PNS for sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) are:
-sensory - psuedounipolar (unipolar) neurons (one process leaves cell body and divides into peripheral process and central process)

-motor - multipolar neurons (one axon, many dendrites)
Since the posterior root of the SN is mainly for sensory, they house____. On the other hand, since the anterior root of the SN is for motor functions, it houses ______
-pseudounipolar neuron cell bodies

-axons of multipolar neurons (cell bodies are in the anterior horn gray matter or the interomeiolateral cell column (IMLCC) of the spinal cord)
A ganglion is a collection of ____ outside the CNS. The dorsal root ganglion contains _____
-cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neuron
Varicella zoster virus (chickenpox) remains dormant in the _____ and when activated can lead to ______
-dorsal root ganglion
-shingles (herpes zoster)
*affects dermatomes of affected nerves
Peripheral process of pseudounipolar sensory neuron carry action potentials (towards/away) from cell body. Central process caries action potentials (towards/away) cell body
-towards - to dorsal root ganglion

-away - to CNS
A collection of nerve cell bodies of motor neurons inside the central nervous system is called:
-nucleus, column, or layer
Reflexes are mediated by chains of neurons called _____. Examples of this include ______ which is elicited by tapping the tendon of a muscle with a reflex hammer
-reflex arcs
-tendon (stretch) reflex
(True or False) Reflexes are present in both somatic and autonomic (visceral) nervous systems
A reflex arch consists of:
-an efferent limb
-an afferent limb