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15 Cards in this Set

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superficial fascia of pectoral region covers____ while deep facia covers___
pec major and deltoid

subclavius, pec minor and coracoid process (clavipectoral fascia)
What structures pass through clavipectoral fascia?
cephalic v

thoracoacromial a

lateral pectoral n
4 muscles that connect the upper limb to the anterior thoracic wall
Pec major
pec minor
serratus anterior
What are the movements of the shoulder?
Lateral/medial rotation
What is a shoulder separation?
Tearing of:
coracoclavicular lig (CC)

acromioclavicular lig (AC)
marks the point where axillary art becomes brachial?
lower border of teres major
the 5 sections of the brachial plexus?
Randy Travis drinks cold beer

Roots, trunks, divisions, cords, branches
Roots of BP?

Nerve from this section?
5 roots made of ventral primary rami C5-T1

Long thoracic (5,6,7)
Trunks of BP?
Superior (C5,6) (suprascapular branch)

Middle (C7)

Inferior (C8, T1)
Divisions of BP?
3 anterior (middle trunk sends anterior branch to lateral cord)

3 posterior (all divisions form post. cord)
3 cords of BP and side nerves that branch from them?
Lateral: lateral pectoral n
Posterior: upper, middle (thoracodorsal), lower subscap. nerves
Medial: Medial pectoral, medial brachial cutaneous, medial antebrachial cutaneous

5 terminal branches of BP
Musculocutaneous (L)
Median (L + M)
Ulnar (M)
Radial (P)
Axillary (P)
What are the 4 walls of the axillary fossa?
1. Anterior: Pectoralis major and minor (ant. axillary fold)
2.Posterior: Subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus dorsi muscles (posterior axillary fold)
3.Medial: Serratus anterior muscle and underlying ribs
4.Lateral: Intertubercular groove of humerus
What are the axillary contents?
Axillary sheath
Axillary artery/vein plus branches
Brachial plexus
Lymph nodes
What emerges from the delto-pectoral triangle?
Cephalic vein