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75 Cards in this Set

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Feeling a structure with the hands.
Listening to the natural sounds made by the body.
Tapping on a body part and feeling for abnormal resistance.
The careful cutting and separation of tissues to reveal internal anatomy.
Structure that can be seen with the naked eye is called
gross anatomy
In histology (also called microscopic anatomy) we take tissue specimens, thinly slice and stain them, and observe them under the microscope. Ultrastructure refers to fine detail, down to the molecular level, revealed by the electron microscope
Study one makes numerous observations until he/she feels confident in drawing generalizations and predictions from them
Inductive Method
Method a researcher asks a question and formulates a hypothesis. The hypothesis is a possible answer to the question. Most physiological knowledge was obtained by this method.
change in the genetic composition of a population of organism. The principal theory of how evolution works is called Natural selection.
Our opposable thumbs make the hands prehensile-able to grasp branches and other objects by encircling them with the thumb and fingers. The thumb is so important that it receives highest priority in the repair of all hand injuries
The body’s ability to detect change, activate mechanisms that oppose it, and thereby maintain relatively stable internal conditions despite changes in our environment is called
standard frame of reference for all anatomical description and dissection. In anatomical position the forearms are supinated, or rotated so that the palms face anteriorly
Anatomical position
plane passes vertically through the body or an organ and divides it into right and left portions.
The sagittal plane that divides the body or organ into equal halves is also called
median (midsagittal)
Plane extends vertically, but it is perpendicular to the sagittal plane and divides the body or organ into anterior and posterior portions
Passes horizontally through the body and divides the body or organ into superior and inferior portions
Transverse (horizontal)
region of the body consists of the head, neck, and trunk
region of the body consists of the upper and lower limbs
two directional terms used to describe anatomy of the upper and lower limbs. Proximal means closer to the point of attachment or origin, and distal means farther away from the point of attachment or origin. For example, the elbow is proximal to the wrist because it is closer to the point of attachment (the shoulder).
In strict anatomical terms, arm refers only to
that part of the upper limb between the shoulder and elbow
In strict anatomical terms, leg refers only to
refers only to that part of the lower limb between the knee and ankle.
the simplest form of matter to have unique chemical properties. Each element is identified by an atomic number, the number of protons in its nucleus
chemical element
At the center of an atom
A chemical element is the simplest form of matter to have unique chemical properties. Each element is identified by an
atomic number, the number of protons in its nucleus
At the center of an atom
nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons
Around the nucleus
one or more concentric clouds of electrons
The atoms in a water molecule are held together
polar covalent bonds
The strongest of all the chemical bonds is the
nonpolar covalent bond
Carbon atoms bind to other carbon atoms with
nonpolar covalent bonds
Substances that dissolve in water are
The relatively few substances that do not dissolve in water are
Some large molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. These are said to be
A protein is a polymer of
amino acids
proteins that serve as biological catalysts
A polysaccharide is a polymer of
Glucose (blood sugar) is a monosaccharide, and sucrose (table sugar) and lactose (milk sugar) are disaccharides. Three polysaccharides of interest to human physiology are glycogen, starch, and cellulose.
A nucleic acid (DNA, for example)
is a polymer of nucleotides
lipid with 17 of its carbon atoms arranged in four rings. Cholesterol is a natural product of the body, the precursor steroid from which other steroids are synthesized, and is an important component of cell membranes. Cholesterol does more good than harm even though it has a bad reputation as a factor in cardiovascular disease
the smallest units of an organism that carry out all the basic functions of life. Nothing simpler is considered alive
an organism’s structure and all of its functions are ultimately due to the activities of its cells
modern cell theory
is the net movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration as a result of their constant, spontaneous motion. Whenever we are going from high concentration to low concentration (down/with the gradient) we DO NOT require energy. It is a passive process
is the carrier-mediated transport of a solute up its concentration gradient. Whenever going from a place of low concentration to a place of higher concentration energy is required. That energy comes from ATP.
Active transport
Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis
all examples of Endocytosis
Vesicular transport processes
(endocytosis and exocytosis) always requires energy.
carries two or more solutes through a membrane simultaneously in the same direction
carries two or more solutes through the membrane in opposite directions. The sodium-potassium pump is a great example of an
carries only one solute at a time
produces the phospholipids and proteins of the plasma membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
conjugates proteins and lipids with carbohydrates to make glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively
Golgi complex
responsible for the digestion and disposal of worn-out organelles
is the cell’s control center and safely houses the DNA
are the “powerhouses” of the cell. Energy is extracted from organic nutrients and transferred to ATP
Organelles not surrounded by membranes include the
ribosomes, centrosome, centrioles, and basal bodies
All other organelles within the cell are bordered by
one or two layers of a unit membrane
Many cells have surface extensions called
microvilli, cilia, and flagella
extensions of the plasma membrane that serve primarily to increase a cell’s surface area. They are best developed in cells specialized for absorption
hairlike processes. Nearly every human cell as a single, nonmotile primary cilium
beat in waves and are less widespread, found only in certain parts of the body
Motile cilia
found only on sperm
External to the plasma membrane, all animal cells have a fuzzy coat called
The glycocalyx consists of the
carbohydrate moieties of membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins. It is chemically unique in everyone but identical twins, and acts like an identification tag that enables the body to distinguish its own healthy cells from foreign and diseased cells.
Typically about 98% of the molecules in the plasma membrane are
About 75% of the lipids are
phospholipids that arrange themselves into a bilayer
The remaining 2% of the molecules in the plasma membrane are
Membrane proteins have many functions including acting
as receptors, enzymes, and ion channels.
Solutions can be classified
hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic
solution is one with a higher concentration on nonpermeating solutes (and less water) than the intracellular fluid
solution has a lower concentration of nonpermeating solutes (and more water) than the ICF
the total concentration of nonpermeating solutes is the same as in the ICF
all directly involved in producing proteins. Messenger RNA transcribes the genetic code in DNA. Ribosomal RNA translates the code and assembles a protein, one amino acid at a time from the amino acids bound to transfer RNA.
Messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA)
A sequence of 3 DNA nucleotides that stands for 1 amino acid is called
base triplet
A 3-base sequence in mRNA is called
The process of copying genetic instructions from DNA to RNA is called
Converting the language of nucleotides into the language of amino acids is called
information-containing segment of DNA that codes for the production of a molecule of RNA, which in most cases goes on to play a role in the synthesis of one or more proteins. So, DNA codes ONLY for the production of proteins. Genes can be turned on and off from day to day, even hour to hour, as their products are needed or not
carried on the X or Y chromosome and therefore tend to be inherited by one sex more than the other. Men are more likely than women to have red-green color blindness, for example, because the allele is recessive and located on the X chromosome
Sex-linked traits
When both of them are present, both are phenotypically expressed. The ABO blood types is an example.
The location of a particular gene on a chromosome is called
its locus
Homologous chromosomes (a pair of chromosomes, one inherited from each parent) have the same gene at the same locus, although they may carry different forms of that gene, called alleles, which produce alternative forms of a particular trait. Frequently one allele is dominant and the other is recessive. A dominant allele masks the effect of any recessive allele. Therefore, recessive alleles are expressed only when present on both of the homologous chromosomes