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87 Cards in this Set

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Action of the frontalis

Raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead

Origin and insertion for the frontalis

O: frontal bone

I: skin of the brow

Action of the orbicularis oris

Closes mouth

Origin and insertion of the orbicularia oris

O: maxilla&mandible

I: lips

Action of the zygomaticus major and minor

Angles mouth up and down

Origin and insertion of the zygomaticus major and minor

O: zygomatic bone

I: mouth

Action of the orbicularis oculi

Closes eyes

Origin and insertion of the orbicularis oculi

O: margin of the orbit

I: eyelid

Action of the temporalis

Elevates the mandible

Origin and insertion of the temporalis

O: temporal bone

I: mandible

Action of the buccinator

Presses cheek inward

Origin and insertion of the buccinator

O: maxilla&mandible

I: orbicularis oris




Orbicularis oculi

Blue: zygomaticus minor

Purple: zygomaticus major

Orbicularis oris


Origin and insertion of the masseter

O: Zygomatic arch

I: mandible

Action of the masseter

Elevates the mandible

Action of the sternocleidomastoid

Flexes&rotates neck

Elevates ribs

Origin and insertion of the sternocleidmastoid

O: sternum&clavicle

I: mastoid process

Action of the scalenes

Flexes neck and elevates ribs

Origin and insertion of the scalenes

O: C2-C7

I: first 2 ribs

Action of the rectus abdominus

Flexes vertebral column & compresses abdomen

Origin and insertion of rectus abdominus

O: pubis

I: lower ribs&xiphoid process

Action of the external obliques

-Flexes and rotates vertebral column

-compresses abdomen

Origin and insertion of the external obliques

O: lower ribs

I: linea alba&ilium

Action of the internal obliques

-Flexes & rotates vertebral column

-compresses the abdomen

Origin and insertion of the internal obliques

O: lumbar vertebra&ilium

I: lower ribs, linea alba, sternum

Action of the transverse abdominus

Compresses the abdomen

Origin and insertion of the transverse abdominus

O: lower ribs, ilium, lumbar vertebrae

I: linea alba&pubis

Muscles that make up the erector spinae group


Spinalis Thoracis

Longissimus thoracis

Action of the erector spinae group

Extends vertebral column

Origin and insertion of the erector spinae group

O: ilium, sacrum, ribs, vertebrae

I: ribs, vertebrae, base of skull

Action of the levator scapulae

Extends the neck and elevates scapula

Origin and insertion of the levator scapulae

O: cervical vertebrae

I: scapula

Levator scapulae

Red: longissimus thoracis

Yellow: spinalis thoracis

Orange: iliocostalis

Transverse abdominus

Internal obliques

External obliques

Rectus abdominus



Action of the biceps brachii

Flexes arm at elbow

Origin and insertion of the biceps brachii

O: scapula

I: radius

Action of the brachialis

Flexes arm at elbow

Origin and insertion of the brachialis

O: humerus

I: ulna

Action of triceps brachii

Extends arm at elbow

Origin and insertion of the triceps brachii

O: humerus/scapula

I: ulna

Action of the pronator teres

Pronates arm

Origin and insertion of the pronator teres

O: humerus/ulna

I: radius

Action of the supinator

Supinates forearm

Origin and insertion of the supinator

O: humerus/ulna

I: radius

Action of the brachioradialis

Flexes arm at elbow

Origin and insertion of the brachioradialis

O: humerus

I: radius

Biceps brachii


Triceps brachii

Action of the flexor carpi radialis

Flexes and abducts hand at wrist

Origin and insertion of the the flexor carpi radialis

O: humerus

I: metacarpals

Action of the palmaris longus

Flexes hand at wrist

Origin and insertion of the palmaris longus

O: humerus

I: flexor retinaculum

Action of the flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexes and adducts hand at wrist

Origin and insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris

O: humerus/ulna

I: carpals/ metacarpals

Action of the flexor digitorum superficialis

Flexes fingers

Origin and insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis

O: humerus, radius, ulna

I: digits

Action of the extensor carpi radialis

Extends and abducts hand at wrist

Origin and insertion of the extensor carpi radialis

O: humerus

I: metacarpals

Action of the extensor digitorum

Extends fingers

Origin and insertion of the extensor digitorum

O: humerus

I: digits

Action of the extensor carpi ulnaris

Extends and adducts hand at wrist

Origin and insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris

O: humerus/ulna

I: metacarpals

Flexor carpi radialis

Palmaris longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Extensor carpi radialis

Extensor digitorum

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Red: supinator

Blue: pronator teres




Pronator teres