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31 Cards in this Set

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Muscles of the foot

20 total

14 plantar

2 dorsal

4 intermediate

Plantar muscles

Function primarily as a group durning the support phase of stance to maintain the arches if the foot

Dorsal interossei

4 intermediate muscles of foot

Plantar interossei

Adductor (PAD)

Arise from a single metatarsal as unipennate muscles

3 muscles

Dorsal interossei

Abduct (DAB)

Arise from two metatarsal as bipennate muscles

2 dorsal extensor muscles

Extensor hallucis brevis

Extensor digitorum brevis

Dorsal extensor muscle

2 closely connected muscle

EHB is actually part of EDB

Form flashy mass on lateral part of the dorsum of foot

Deep fibular nerve distribution

Supplies extensor digitorum/extensor hallucis brevis

Medial plantar distribution

Supplies plantar aspect of medial for and 3 1/2 digit.

Adductor hallucis

Flexor digitorum brevis

Flexor hallucis brevis

First lumbrical

Lateral plantar aspect

Quadratus plantae

Abductor digitized minimi

Flexor digiti minimi

Deep branch

Plantar and dorsal interossei

Lateral three lumbricals

Adductor hallucis

Joints of lower limb

Pelvic joints(lumboscral, sacroiliac, etc)

Hip joint

Knee joint

Talofibular joint

Ankle joint

Foot joint

Hip joint

Strong stable multiaxial ball and socket synovial joint

Acetabulum is the socket

Designed for stability over a wide rang of movement

Articular surfaces

The femur head is covered with articular cartilage

Lunate surface of the acetabulum

The semilunae articular part of the acetabulum covered with articular cartilage

Acetabulum labrum

Fibrocartilagenous lip around acetabulum to increase the depth

Joint capsule ligament

1. Iliofemoral

2. Pubofemoral

3. Ischiofemoral

Iliofemoral ligament

Y shape anterior and superior ligament

Prevents hyperextension of hip by screwing the femoral head into acetabulum

Pubofemoral ligament

Inferior and anterior merged with fibrous layer of joint capsule

Tightens durning extension and abduction

Prevents excessive abduction of hip joint

Ischiofemoral ligament


Hip adductors

Triple A POG

Adductor longus, brevis and magnus


Obturator externus


Flexor of hip

I Gas Apart



Adductor magnus


Adductor longus


Adductor brevis

Rectus femoris tendon

Tensor fasciae latae

Lateral rotate hip


Quadratus femoris


Obturator internus

Obturator externus

Gluteus maximus (medius and minimus)

Extensor of Hip


Hamstrings(all 3)

Adductor magnus (posterior paet)

Gluteus maximus

Abductors of hip


Gluteus medius

Tensor fasciae latae

Gluteus minimus

Medial rotator of hip


Gluteus medius

Gluteus minimus

Tensor fasciae latae

Limiters of flexion of hip

Soft tissue apposition

Tension of joint capsule posterior

Tension of gluteus maximus

Extension limiters of hip

Ligaments: iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, pubofemoral

Tension of iliopsoas

Adductors limiter of hip

Soft tissue (e.g. thighs)

Tension of iliotibial band, hip abductors,

Limiters of hip internal rotation

Ligaments: ischiofemoral and posterior joint cavity

Tension of external rotates

External rotation limiters at hip joint

Ligaments: ischiofemoral, pubofemoral, anterior joint capsule

Abductors limiting structures

Ligaments: pubofemoral, ischiofemoral, inferior band of iliofemoral