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81 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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masseter origin
inferior border and medial surface of maxillary process of zygomatic bone and the zygomatic arch
masseter insertion
angle & lateral surface of ramus of mandible
masseter innervation
Masseteric N (of Trigeminal CN V3)
masseter action
Elevate mandible

ipsilateral grinding
temporalis origin
triangular muscle with broad attachment to floor of temporal fossa and deep surface of temporal fascia
temporalis insertion
narrow attachment to tip and medial surface of coronoid process

anterior border of ramus of mandible
temporalis innervation
Deep Temporal N (of Trigeminal CN V3)
temporalis action
Anterior fibers- elevate mandible

posterior fibers- retract mandible
Medial Pterygoid origin
(1) medial surface of lateral ptergoid plate and pyramidal process of palatine bone

(2) tuberosity of maxilla
Medial Pterygoid insertion
medial surface of ramus of mandible, inferior to mandibular foramen
Medial Pterygoid innervation
N to the Medial Pterygoid (of Trigeminal CN V3)
Medial Pterygoid action
Elevate mandible

contralateral grinding
Lateral Pterygoid origin
(1) Infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid

(2) lateral surface of lateral ptergoid plate
Lateral Pterygoid insertion
Pit on the anterior neck of the mandible

articular disc of the TMJ
Lateral Pterygoid innervation
N to the Lateral Pterygoid (of the Trigeminal CN V3)
Lateral Pterygoid action
Protrusion of the mandible

depression of mandible by pulling the head of the mandible forward over the descending slope of the articular tubercle
superior rectus innervation
Oculomotor CN III
superior rectus action
Elevate eyeball (look up)
inferior rectus innervation
Oculomotor CN III
inferior rectus action
Depress eyeball (look down)
medial rectus innervation
Oculomotor CN III
medial rectus action
Adduct eyeball (look in/medially)
lateral rectus innervation
Abducens CN VI
lateral rectus action
Abduct eyeball (look out/laterally)
superior oblique innervation
Trochlear CN IV
superior oblique action
Depress and abduct eyeball (look down and out/laterally)
Inferior Oblique innervation
Oculomotor CN III
Inferior Oblique action
Elevates and abducts (look up and out/laterally)
Levator Palpebrae Superioris innervation
Oculomotor CN III

Inferior part (Superior Tarsal Muscle): Postganglionic Sympathetic fibers of Carotid Plexus
Levator Palpebrae Superioris action
Elevate superior eyelid
Tensor Vali Palatini innervation
Medial pterygoid n. (branch of CN V-3) via otic ganglion
Tensor Vali Palatini action
Tenses soft palate (to change tone of voice), opens mouth of pharyngotympanic tube during swallowing and yawning
Levator Veli Palatini innervation
Pharyngeal branch of CN X via pharyngeal plexus
Levator Veli Palatini action
Elevates soft palate during swallowing and yawning
Palatoglossus innervation
Vagus nerve CN X
Palatoglossus action
Elevates posterior part of tongue
Palatopharyngeus innervation
Pharyngeal branch of CN X via pharyngeal plexus
Palatopharyngeus action
Tenses soft palate and pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during swallowing
Musculus Uvulae innervation
Pharyngeal branch of CN X via pharyngeal plexus
Musculus Uvulae action
Shortens uvula and pulls it superiorly, unilateral action sweeps uvula to allow for clearance of phlegm – wipes posterior pharyngeal wall from side to side
Genioglossus origin
via a short tendon from superior part of mental spine of mandibl
Genioglossus insertion
entire dorsum of tongue

inferiormost and posteriormost fibers attach to body of hyoid bone
Genioglossus innervation
hypoglossal N (CN XII)
Genioglossus action
depresses and protrudes the tongue
Hyoglossus innervation
hypoglossal N (CN XII)
Hyoglossus action
depresses and retracts tongue
Styloglossus innervation
hypoglossal N (CN XII)
Styloglossus action
retracts and elevates the sides of tongue to create a trough for swallowing
superior pharyngeal constrictor insertion
insert into the median raphe posteriorly
superior pharyngeal constrictor innervation
Vagus nerve CN X
superior pharyngeal constrictor action
constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing
middle pharyngeal constrictor insertion
insert into the median raphe posteriorly
middle pharyngeal constrictor innervation
Vagus nerve CN X
middle pharyngeal constrictor action
constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing
inferior pharyngeal constrictor insertion
insert into the median raphe posteriorly.
inferior pharyngeal constrictor innervation
Vagus nerve CN X
inferior pharyngeal constrictor action
constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing

(Cricopharyngeus part of this muscle relaxes during swallowing. This action allows food and fluid to enter the upper end of the esophagus)
tensor tympani muscle action
functions to dampen or attenuate vibration of tympanic membrane
tensor tympani muscle innervation
Stapedius innervation
CN VII facial nerve
Stapedius action
functions to prevent excessive movement
External intercostals origin
Inferior border of ribs
external intercostals insertion
Fibers run inferomedially to attach onto the superior border of the rib below
external intercostals innervation
Intercostal N
external intercostals action
Elevate ribs during forced inspiration
internal intercostals origin
inferior border of ribs
internal intercostals insertion
Fibers run inferolaterally to attach onto the superior border of the rib below
internal intercostals innervation
Intercostal N
internal intercostals action
Depresses ribs during forced expiration
innermost intercostals origin
inferior border of ribs
innermost intercostals insertion
Fibers run inferolaterally to attach onto the superior border of the rib below
innermost intercostals innervation
intercostal nerve
innermost intercostals action
Depresses ribs during forced expiration`
Transversus Thoracis origin
posterior surface of lower sternum
Transversus Thoracis insertion
internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6
Transversus Thoracis innervation
intercostal nerve
Transversus Thoracis action
depresses the ribs
origin of tensor tympani muscle
Superior surface of the cartilaginous part of the pharyngotympanic tube

greater wing of the sphenoid

petrous part of the temporal bone
insertion of tensor tympani muscle
handle of the malleus
origin of stapedius muscle
Apex of the pyramidal eminence
insertion of stapedius muscle
neck of stapes