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23 Cards in this Set

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What are some properties of muscles
1. made of fibers
2. excitability
3. contractility
4. elasticity
5. extensibility
What do you call cells that replace or supplement damaged muscle cells by generating new muscle fibers through cell division
satelite cells
What surround each muscle fiber and what are they made of
endomysium made of areolar CT
What surrounds each fassicles and what are they made of
perimysium and made of dense irregular CT
Fassicles are grouped together and make up a muscle. What surrounds the muscle?
epimysium made dense irregular CT
What surrounds the epimysium of a muscle. What is it made of and what does it do
deep fascia made dense irregular CT. Separates different muscles and organizes nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels associated with the muscle
At the end of a muscle, what happens
muscles and CT layers merge to form a tendon (dense regular CT)
Describe a muscle fiber with respect to nucleus subunits
Its multinculeated and has many cylindrically shaped myofibrils
What are myofibrils
They are contractile elements and contain myofilaments that have myosin and actin
What does the A band contain
Includes the whole thick filament
What does the I band contain
Included only the thin filaments
What does the H zone contain
Part of the A Band that doesn't have thin filaments
What bands shorten and which bands sta the same during conraction
The A band doesn't shorten. (It can't because the A band length is measured by the length of the thick filament)
The H and I bands shorten
What do we call the site where neurons exert control over muscles
neuromuscular junction
One neuron can control more than one muscle fiber? T/F
What constitutes a motor unit
a neuron and the muscle fiber it controls
Describe cardiac muscle
Muscle fibers branched
only one or two nuclei
fatigue resistant
Where cardiac muscle fibers interconnected
intercalated discs
where do you find smooth muscle
part of the wall of visceral organs
urinary bladder
Describe smooth muscle
Not striated
one nucleus
fusiform shape
fatigue resistant
inhibits bactoprenol recycling
blocks synthesis of n-acetyl muramic acid
alanine analog that inhibits incorporation of alanine into n-acetyl muramic acid