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153 Cards in this Set

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hormone secretion is usually controlled by ___ systems

negative feedback

the posterior pituitary gland receives these hormones from the hypothalamus

b and d

the pituitary gland is also known as the


the portal system links

the hypothalamus with the anterior portion of the pituitary gland

another name for somatotropic hormone is

growth hormone

growth hormone causes

protein anabolism

this hormone helps trigger and maintain lactation


the hyperglycemic effect results from the release of ___ from the anterior pituitary

growth hormone

somatotropic hormone works to promote

the hyperglycemic effect

adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) production

a and b

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

stimulates the lining cells of follicles in the female to produce estrogen

this structure produces progestin hormones needed to maintain pregnancy

corpus luteum

rising amounts of this hormone in the blood causes the anterior pituitary to produce less and less follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


in most animals, ovulation occurs when this hormone reaches its peak

luteinizing hormone (LH)

which of the following is false

negative feedback from glands directly stimulates the posterior pituitary to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin

a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in the body causes the disease

diabetes insipidus

this hormone stimulates strong uterine contractions in the uterus at the time of parturititon


during nursing or milking, this hormone is released into the bloodstream to stimulate milk letdown


the production of thyroid hormone

increases with exposure to cold temperatures

thyroid hormone affects the metabolism of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, similar to

growth hormone (GH)

calcium plays an important role in

all of the above


functions to prevent hypercalcemia

these hormones help to maintain blood pressure, resist effects of stress, cause blood glucose to rise, and are also known as steroids



is a mineralocorticoid that causes sodium ions to be reabsorbed by the kidney back into the bloodstream in exchange for potassium and hydrogen ions

the target for epinephrine and norepinephrine is

the whole body

the pancreas produces insulin, which functions to

lower blood levels of glucose

two other hormones in addition to glucagon that function to raise blood sugar levels are

growth hormone and glucocorticoids

luteinizing hormone is also known as

interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH)

testosterone is a steroid with an overall ___ effect


secretin and cholecystokinin are produced by the

cells lining the small intestine

the pineal body produces ____, which affect (among other things) moods and wake-sleep cycles


cells that support neurons structurally and functionally are called


axons in the CNS are often covered by

a and c

the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary nervous system functions in the

automatic nervous system

when you pet a dog, which receptors send a sensation from the skin to the dog's brain


the electrical difference in charges across a neuron cell membrane is

the resting membrane potential

an action potential can be described as

a large change in electrical charge from negative to positive inside the cell

during repolarization

potassium ions move out of the cell

during the relative refractory period, the cell may depolarize if

the stimulus is much larger than normal

an influx of ____ into the synaptic knob results in the fusing of vesicles containing neurotrasmitters with the knob's cellular membrane



can be either excitatory or inhibitory

a commonly used antiparasitic that causes an increased inhibitory neurotransmitter effect is


norepinephrine is broken down by

a and b

the part of the brain responsible for learning, intelligence, and awareness is


damage to this part of the brain can result in rapid death

brain stem

this supplies a rich network of blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the superficial tissues of the brain and spinal cord


the blood-brain barrier is found in the


sensations from the gastrointestinal tract are provided by this nerve

CN X, vagus

the gray matter of the spinal cord contains

neuron cell bodies

which of the following is true

the parasympathetic preganglionic neuron travels directly from the CNS to its target organ, where it synapse with a short postganglionic neuron

the sympathetic nervous system causes

a and b

increased heart rate and force of contraction are the result of stimulating

beta1-adrenergic receptors in the heart

somatic reflex arcs involve

skeletal muscle

visceral sensation can originate in

all of the above

visceral sensation respond to this type of stimulus


which of the following statements is true regarding the sensation of touch

different kinds of specific touch and pressure receptors produce sensation of light contact, deep pressure, vibration, or hair movement

core temperature receptors are located in the


modulation of sensory nerve impulses that eventually lead to pain occurs in the

dorsal horns of the spinal cord

nociceptors are not found in this organ


taste buds are found here

on the tounge and in the lining of the mouth and throat

most of the structures responsible for hearing are housed in the bone


the eardrum is known as the

tympanic membrane

this helps to restrict movement of the stapes by loud sounds


the slit-like opening of the eustachian tube is located here


this structure acts as a pressure relief mechanism by alternately bulging in and out as the fluids moves back and forth in the cochlea

round window

the receptor organ of hearing is

organ of corti

the ossicles are located here

middle ear

this type of joints exists between the malleus and incus and between the incus and stapes


this bone is attached to the tympanic membrane


this sense provides knowledge of body position and movement


this senses rotary motion of the head

semicircular canal

articulates with the incus and is attached to the oval window


this sense includes the sensation of hunger and thirst


this patch of sensory epithelium is found in the utricle and saccule


receptors for this sense are located in taste buds


compared with humans, this sense is very highly developed in many animals


pain receptors


this sense has receptors located in the hypothalamus and skin


this senses linear motion and position of the head


connects the pharynx with the middle ear and equalizes air pressure on two sides of tympanic membrane

eustachian tube

what is the purpose of the crector, muscle is the dermis of birds

it elevates the body feathers to trap warm air near the body when the bird is cold or sick

which of the following statement is true

beaks and claws grow continuously

which of the following is part of the feather between the inferior and superior umbilicus


what is the name of flight feather on the tail


what two structures help provide waterproofing of feathers

uropygial gland and powder down feathers

which of the following is true regarding the health of feathers

a stress bar can be caused by nutritional deficiency

how can one determine if a feather is still growing

blood can be seen in the proximal part of the shaft

what structure borders the eye sockets in birds

sclerotic ring

how many cervical vertebrae do birds have

11 to 25

what structure provides support to tail feathers


what bones form the pectoral girdle

coracoids, clavicles, and scapulas

what structure runs from the shoulder to the wrist and helps provide aerodynamics to birds


which statement is true regarding birds

the alula bone carries alula feathers, which are important for steering

what does zygodactyl mean

the second and third toes face forward and the first and fourth face backward

how many joints does the third digit of the bird's lef have


what are the two most important muscles for flight

supracoracoideus and pectoralis

this structure protects the eye, moves fluid across the eye's surface, and moves from medial to lateral

nictitaing membrane

what term is used to describe animals active during the day


what cells are responsible for processing colored images


what is the function of the operculum

helps to funnel sound into the ear

what structures sense very slight feathers movements

herbst corpuscles

what hormone regulates feather growth and may stimuate the migration urge in birds


what is an alternate name for the gizzard

muscular stomach

what are known functions of ceca

water reabsorption and fermentation of cellulose

what part of the digestive tract is responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients


what is the name of the excrement of birds


which of the following statements is true

smaller birds generally have a higher heart rate than larger birds

in which order of birds are erythrocytes produced in the liver and spleen


what is the main influence on the complexity of a bird's vocalizations

the number of muscles present in the syrinx

which is a function of air sacs

they act as a reservoirs for air and provide warmth and moisture to facilitate its diffusion through lung capillaries

what is the approximate amount of oxygen in inspired air that reaches the lung capillaries in birds

nearly 21%

what structure is found in the mammalian kidney but not the avian urogenital system

renal pelvis

which of the following nitrogenous wastes is present in the higest amount in the waste leaving the kidneys in birds

uric acid

where does a fertilized egg spend most of its time during development in the female bird

shell gland

what hormone is responsible for the greatly elevated level of fatty substances in the blood during egg production


what hormones influence the development of a brood patch

prolactin and estrogen

which of the following newly hatched chicks are considered to be precocial

ducks and geese

which chromosomes does the female bird contribute to offspring

z and w

what is the average incubation temperature for most species

35 degrees C

which of the following statements is true

herptiles in temperate areas go through periods of hibernation

what is a scale

a folding of the epidermis

what is a spectacle

a modified scale that covers a snake's eye

what causes the skin and spectacle to appear dull just before a snake sheds its skin

secretion of lymph containing enzymes between the old and new epidermal layers

why don't amphibians drink water

becaue they absorb water through their skin

why aren't mydriatic agents effective in reptiles

because the iris is made of skeletal muscle

which animal does not have a nasolacrimal duct

box turtle

which animal has a structure similar to the pectin of birds


where is the heart located in most snakes

at the junction of the first and second third of the animal's body length

if reptiles have only three chambers in the heart, why don't oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix

all of the above

why are veinpuncture samples in reptiles and amphibians frequently contaminated with lymph

because of large lymph vessels in close proximity with veins

what is the name of the blood cell analogous to the mamalian neutrophil


what is the predominant leukocyte in the blood of reptiles


what factor drives respiration in reptiles

oxygen levels in the blood

what is the name of the structure in which gas exchange occurs in amphibians and reptiles


in which animal is only the right lung present (except for a few species)


what is the reptile equivalent of the malleus, incus, and stapes in mammals


what structures are responsible for maintaining calcium homeostasis in snake, frogs, toads, and some lizards

endolymphatic sacs

what nutritional problem commonly leads to middle ear infection in chelonians

hpyovitaminosis A

what structure is commonly used as vomeronasal organ or accessory olfactory organ in snakes and some lizards


where are the venom glands located in venomous snakes

in the upper jaw below the eyes

what is the ph of a healthy reptilian stomach

2 to 3

what part of the cloaca often contains glandular tissue


why are blood glucose levels more variable in reptiles than in mammals

because the metabolic rate of reptiles fluctuates much more than that of mammals

which organ do snakes, crocodiles, and some species of lizards not have

urinary bladder

what are hemipenes

the copulatory organs of snakes and lizards

which hormones are involved in vitellogenesis

estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone

which is the purpose of diapause

to allow normal development of the embryo before hatching

which statement is false

amphibians usually lay eggs in or near water

what glands are involved in calcium and phosphorus regulation in most reptiles

parathyroid gland and ultimobrachial bodies

the reptilian brain is lissencephalic and therefore does not have these

gyri of sulci on the surface

what bone allows snakes to open their mouths so wide


in which order or reptile are the vertebrae and ribs fused to the shell


what are vestigial pelvic limbs of reptiles called
