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51 Cards in this Set

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What is spinal cord reflex actions

A reflex is a involuntary automatic reaction

Somatic reflex arc

1 in 1 out

What are some examples of stretch reflex

Tendon reflex

Find Red, Yellow, Blue

Median, Radial, Ulnar nerves

What are the 2 ANS functions?

Rest and digest, Fight or flight

(Parasynthetic and sympathetic)

Find red and yellow

Dorsal horn, dorsal root, dorsal ganglion ventral horn and roots

Label diagram

Label yellow, red and blue

Conus medullaris, caudal equina, filum terminale (bonus spinal nerves like branches)

What's the function of the cochlea?

Helps with the sense of hearing, processes sound

What is the hyperthalamus?

Functions as endocrine organ, secretes 7 hormones.

What is the pituitary gland?

A gland controlled by the hyperthalamus, the anterior is the true gland, posterior is the neutral tissue.

Thyroid gland, label and what does it produce?

Red: Isthmus Yellow: Left and right lobes.

Secretes hormones which regulate the metabolic process of the body.

What does the adrenal cortex do?

Larger outer reigeon, produces corticosteroids.

What does the adrenal medulla do?

Produces catecholamines

Gross anatomy of spinal cord

Tha pancreas

The head, body and tail

What does the pancreas produce?

Produces insulin

Produces spinal fluid

Which part of the brainstorm is essential for life?


What is the main function of the cerebellum?

Balance and posture

What connects the pituitary gland to the hyperthalamus?

The pituitary stalk

What does the hypothalamus do?

Exerts control over many endocrine glands.

Remember key

Cross bridge cycle

Remember the cross bridge cycle

Route of sound waves

Was is this gland and what does it produce

Thymus gland, below thyroid, helps regulate stimulation of immune system.

Specialist terminology:



Afferent approaches the CNS

Efferebt leaves the CNS

Motor systems and movement

Basic movement, only 2 neurons.

Where is the fovea centralis

Back eyeball, black dot

Superior Oblique: depresses eye turns it laterally

Inferior Oblique: depresses eye turn it medially

Superior Rectus: Elevates eye

Lateral Rectus: Lateral movement

Inferior Rectus: Depresses eye

What are the 3 stimuli which activates endocrine glands

1. Hormonal, due to hormones

2. Humournal due to blood levels

3. Neutral, cell activity

What are some reflex classifications

Name hormones the pituitary gland release


Oh, Oh, Oh, to touch and feel very green velvet all happy

Olfactory, optic, occulomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abdecens, Facial, vastibulchoclear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, assessory, hypoglossal

Some Say Money Matters But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More

S= sensory, M= movement, B= both

Name a hormone produced by the thyroid?

Thyroid hormone

Name one hormone which effects the thyroid

Thyroid stimulating hormone

What is a stretch reflex?

When a muscle stretches or contracts.

What does the adrenal gland produce?

Producing adrenaline

Bands of the muscle fibre