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49 Cards in this Set

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Black shirts

What was the name of Benito Mussolini's private military group which he used to gain and sustain power in Italy


What was the name of the authoritarian political theory developed by Benito Mussolini in Italy

Great Depression

What was the name of the economic hardships that World War II ultimately ended for the United States

Japanese American

In the United States during World War II which nationality of people were sent to internment camps

United Nations

What is the name of the current world peace-keeping organization which was created after World War 2

Benito Mussolini

Name the fascist leader of Italy during World War II


What was the name of the strategy during World War II which limited the amount of goods people could buy in order to have more supplies for the war effort

Pearl Harbor

What event ended American isolationism between the World Wars on December 7th 1941

Us didn't want to join

What was the major failure of the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War 1

Joseph Stalin

Name the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II

Went from broke to Boom

How did the US economy change during World War 2


Nina term which the US and the European powers employed by giving into Hitler's demands instead of setting up to him at the beginning of the war

Prejudice against Jews

Define the term anti-semitism

US and Soviet Union

Which two countries were superpowers during following World War II

Job opportunities were enabled because men were off to war

How did the World War II ultimately developed opportunities for women and minorities


Which government committee during the Cold War was used to hunt down communist

To help defend countries against communism

What was the goal of NATO and the Marshall Plan


Who was McCarthyism a reaction to

Prevent communist from blaming poverty on capitalism

Why did the u.s. give Aid to European countries following World War II

Soviet Union

Which country had the Berlin Wall built in Germany

38th parallel

Which line of latitude divides North Korea and South Korea

The US wanted Nations to govern themselves and build one economy and the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism and keep your Germany divided

Discuss the differences between the Soviet Union and the United States and tensions for Europe following World War II

Mao Zedong

Name the communist leader in China who helped overthrow an American backed capitalist government

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Which couple was executed during the Cold War after being accused of stealing Atomic Secrets and giving them to the Soviets

Bay of Pigs

What was the name of the unsuccessful attempt by the US government to overthrow Fidel Castro by invasion

Spy planes

How did the United States find missiles in Cuba

Hawks supported doves it was not their business

Describe the public reaction to the Vietnam War

Space race

Which competition for exploration with the Soviet Union led to an increase in spending for Math and Science Education

Permitted open discussion of political issues as well as allowed less censorship in the media

Describe Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of Glasnost

Hauc and Blacklist

What was created during the Cold War. To investigate federal employees of being communist

Separation line between eastern and western Europe

Describe what Winston Churchill referred to as the Iron Curtain

Berlin Airlift

How did the United States and the British conquered Stalin's Berlin blockade

Polio vaccine

What was Jonas salk's main contribution to society


The development of which technology in the 1950s became a major source of advertising and information

Emmett Till

Name the 14 year old boy who was murdered for speaking to a white woman

Believe music was provocative and sounded too black

Why did some white families not care for Elvis's music

Riots boycotts and sit-ins

Name three popular forms of protest during the Civil Rights Movement

Baby boom and suburbs increase

Describe the population changes in the United States following World War II

Little Rock

Which city was the first day and agreed previously segregated High School in the south

Brown vs. Board of Education

Which court case overturned Plessy versus Ferguson


Name the region of the United States which stretches from South Carolina to Southern California

James Earl Ray

Who killed Martin Luther King jr.

Ray Kyrie

Who was responsible for franchising McDonald's food chain

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Refusal of Rosa Parks to move from her seat led to which civil rights protest

April 4th 1968 in in Tennessee

In what year and city was Martin Luther King jr. Assassinated

Violence would give them equal rights and was to protect civil rights through armed resistance

Describe the views of the Black Panthers

Low cost of homes baby booms and car ownership increased

List three advantages to living in suburbs

Helped James Meredith enroll and Ole Miss

What was the overall goal of Medgar Evers

Begin to question the views of black Islam and the Nation of Islam

Why was Malcolm X murdered