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32 Cards in this Set

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Yellow Journalism
The idea of making the paper more appealing to readers. It included large prints so that people walking by would want to buy it. Pulitzer used short quick sentences and introduced a self-consciously populist style of writing that was popular among working-class readers
USS Maine
A US ship that was sent to Cuba to protect American lives and property. It blew up, in which many people thought was done by the Spanish. This ended up being false, and it was an internal explosion that caused it. Millions of dollars were used as propaganda "Remember the Maine" to get the US citizens on their side for war.
Rough Riders
A calvary unit that was run mainly by Roosevelt. This unit was the headliners in the newspapers and the main reason for winning two battles with the Spanish.
Emilio Aguinaldo
The Filipino leader of the troops that were attacking the US military during the Philippine War- the US treated these attackers as murderers instead of Prisoners of war
Panama Canal
The biggest accomplishment of Roosevelt's presidency. This canal linked the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean. This made it so people did not have to sail around all of South America. At first Panama didn't want it to happen, but Roosevelt sent troops to keep order and then granted Panama independence and then they allowed the canal to be built.
Open Door Notes
A policy that was enacted by Secretary John Hay. This was a policy that pushed for equality for all nations of influence and trade in China.
A passenger ship that was not only carrying passengers, but also guns and ammunition. A German submarine sunk it, killing 1,000 people. Wilson was outraged and made the Germans say that would not continue those acts of fighting, but they did anyways.
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram that was intercepted by the British. It was sent by the Germans to Mexico to influence Mexico to join with them b/c if they won then after the war they could get back their previous territories such as Texas and much of the southwest. A major factor in the US entering the war.
Committee on Public Information
A propaganda method used to ignite public support for WW1. At first they were only stating the fact's which they thought would be enough. They then started getting vulgar, to cause the public to hate the Germans. They printed tons of posters and advertisements in magazines. This was a great way to inform the public.
Sedition Act
The act that nobody can speak bad about the President, Flag, or war during times of war or else they could face jail time. They did this to ensure high morale amongst the United States.
Fourteen Points
The fourteen points created by President Woodrow Wilson. They were supposed to be the terms for the German surrender. He leaked the terms to the Germans who decided to surrender, but not all of the points were implemented. He has some faults though, in which he did not take into consideration certain economical effects or how to implement the points
Paris Peace Conference
A conference after WWI ended and many countries attended. They were to establish just what was going to happen now the way was over. Wilson could not backup his many of his points that ended the war at the conference, but he did successfully set up many boundaries and set up the League of Nations.
The Flapper
Women that branched away from the traditional actions. They smoke, drank, bobbed their hair, thought about sex casually, listened to jazz music, dressed in skimpy outfits and wore lots of makeup. They were often times lower middle class and working class single women
Great Migration
the Great Migrations was when many African Americans moved from the south up to the north. There was a "push" by poverty, indebtedness, racism, and violence and the "pull" was that there were many factory job opportunities and the opportunity to live in communities where blacks could enjoy their freedom and autonomy.
Harlem Renaissance
The movement that started in Harlem after WW1. It included blacks creating their own poetry, jazz music, writing, theaters,etc. Instead of copying the white people they used their heritage of Africa and branched off to create their own stuff. This opened society's eyes in that blacks were able to create some great stuff just like whites.
Margaret Sanger
The first person who introduced birth control. She won the right for women to decide; when, how, and if ever they wanted to have a child. She was aware of the dangers that birth had and was said to have been pro abortion, but only because of the dangers of birth
Lost Generation
This was the idea of people not wanting to be a part of the US after WW1 because it lacked self fulfillment opportunities. The aftermath of the war was shattering and many people died in vain. These people moved away to find self fulfillment b/c they did not agree with the US's actions
Red Scare
A time in the US when there was large suspicion of communist groups and other radicals plotting against the US. The Soviet Gov't launched communist international and they attacked the US. The post office intercepted dozens of letters that were sent to high ranking people that were set to blow up when opened. These communist also had two separate incidents of bombings which injured people
Scopes Monkey Trial
A man named John Scopes was charged with teaching evolution in school. This was illegal to teach anything other then devine intervention and the ACLU needed someone to stand up against freedom of speech and belief. They offered to defend him in court b/c of what he did. The trial was later thrown out in a higher court.
Eighteenth Amendment
The amendment that established prohibition. Even though prohibition outlawed alcohol, many people began creating their own alcohol. There were numerous reasons the law passed; some wanted prohibition b/c religious reasons and others believed WW1 was bad for morality???
Bonus Army
A group of WW1 veterans who, marched into D.C to collect their money for their Service Certificates. The problem was they were set to mature in 20 years, which they became furious and demanded the bonus's immediately. Hoover ordered the army to clear them out of D.C in which a few were killed and many more injured. This became the demise of Hoovers political standing, which was already battered.
Dust Bowl
During the 1930s in the west there was a very large drought and misuse of land by the farmers created the Dust Bowl. Bad plowing by farmers mixed with lack of water created the ground to become dust, which was carried in huge storms across the west. This came during the depression and many people could not afford even the small amount of crops that were being grown. Many farmers called "Okies" moved west looking for handouts or any type of jobs.
Fireside Chats
speeches given by FDR, in which he attracted listeners over the radio. More people tuned in than many popular radio shows during the time. FDR encouraged the people to have faith in the banks and to support his new deal. The chats worked, many people started using the banks again only days after his first bank chat, and it ended the bank crisis.
Civilian Conservation Corps
A work relief program for young men of unemployed families. Young men were sent to camps to work on various projects to care for the land, such as plant trees, building reservoirs developing parks, and improving agricultural irrigation. This was part of the New Deal and was great for families who didn't have jobs. Once unemployment lowered the CCC was not as important. They had segregated camps, whites, blacks, and indians.
Huey Long
A governor of Louisiana, he became popular because of his Share-Our-Wealth program, which wanted to take the surplus away from the extremely rich people and give it to the poor. Many believed that he was more of a dictator. Seen as he couldn't run for governor anymore he ran for a seat in US Senate and won easily. At first he was on Roosevelts side, but quickly broke away. Popular amongst Louisanna b/c built new roads, gave out free textbooks, and built hospitals.
Works Progress Administration
The largest New Deal agency. It was set up to help people that were unemployed. This agency averaged 2.1 million workers; including building airports, buildings, roads, and bridges. They also offered assistance to artists, musicians, writers, etc. and paid them a government salary.
Congress of Industrial Organizations
A federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions. They were rivals with the much larger AFL. They were also more accepting to women and blacks, because they often were more susceptible to low paying jobs. The CIO was more militant of an organization than the AFL and they used more radical tactics.
Frank Capra
An Academy Award winning director who directed, "It's a Wonderful Life" He was also well known for collaborating with the government to make a series of movies that encourgaged the US citizens to go to WWII, and also a documentary about how the army should not be segregated.
Lend-Lease Program
Name for the program in which the United States under President Hoover worked out a program to help countries that needed war supplies during war, but did not have enough money. Great Britain were the main traders and we traded for promises that they would repay their debts after the war or we got bases on their lands or islands such as Bermuda. This was said to have helped the US get stronger with their allies.
Rosie the Riveter
This was the feminist symbol that was given to the women who took over the men's industrial jobs while they were away at war. She is used on posters to influence women to become industrial workers and that the Gov't needs them. This would be their way of supporting their husbands and the war, by doing their jobs. These women often moved away from home and started many women communities. They worked for the goverment long hours and sometimes were put in homes to live in
Manhattan Project
This was the project that was to create the first nuclear bomb. It was headed by General Leslie Groves and included many physicists and scientist. They wanted to create a nuclear bomb, because there were rumors that the Germans were also working on one. Over a 3 yr span nearly 2 billion dollars were pumped into the project, which were conducted in hidden secret labs across the US.
Zoot Suit Riots
A series of riots in LA, that involved sailers and soldiers that were stationed in Long Beach. They went up to the Zoot Suiters- who were gang members and were called this b/c of the clothes that they wore and beat them up, cut off their duck looking hair cuts, burned their clothes and the police did nothing. When the Hispanics started fighting back the police arrested them. This caused a law in Cali in which zoot suits were not allowed to wear.