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30 Cards in this Set

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Radical Republicans who thought the South should pay the North back for the cost of the war & proposed their own Reconstruction Plan called the Wade-Davis Bill
Representative Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania and Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts
Andrew Johnson
The death of Abraham Lincoln forced him to go from Vice President to the 17th President of the US
Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan (formerly Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan)
required states to abolish slavery, required states to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, and required states to pay off Confederate and state war debts
Southerners viewed Reconstruction as...
the North's plan to punish the South and that the provisional governments were set up so the North could flaunt their victory over the South
Northerners viewed Reconstruction as...
the only way to keep the white southerners from abusing former slaves, they wanted to give the former slaves an opportunity to start a new life, and wanted to ensure that the southerners would be loyal to the Union
Problems with the Reconstruction...
did not provide former slaves with legal protection against abuses from the southern whites, and did not provide former slaves with economic ability to begin a new life
Former slaves were without...
a roof over their heads, without a job, and had little to no possessions outside of the clothes on their backs
Freedman's Bureau...
created in March of 1865, created to support the former slaves for one year, primary role was to educate former slaves
Black Codes...
Collective laws meant to suppress the former slaves that were created by southern whites. Through these black codes, former slaves were essentially restricted to employment in the field and domestic work
Tennessee was fully readmitted to the Union after...
the Tennessee legislature ratified the 14th amendment (make slaves citizens)
Civil War Amendments/Reconstruction Amendments...
13th Amendment freed slaves, 14th Amendment made them citizens, and the 15th Amendment gave the male citizens the right to vote. These amendments were quickly added to the constitution after the Civil War
Andrew Johnson was...
impeached by the House of Representatives for a violation of the law
Ulysses S. Grant
18th President of the United States
During Grant's administration...
the government began to lose interest in Reconstruction and turned its focus on the nation's foreign policy and economy
The South set up secret societies such as...
the Ku Klux Klan, Knights of the White Camellia, Red Shirts, and White Leagues that terrorized, threatened, and intimidated blacks not to vote
As a response to these changes in the South, Congress passed two laws...
the Enforcement Act of 1870 and the Enforcement Act of 1871, that were intended to prohibit states from discriminating against any voter on the basis of race
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th President of the United States. Because of the clouded way in which Hayes became president, the Democrats nicknamed him "His Fraudulency"
Plessy v. Ferguson
legitimized the discrimination of blacks. This was a case originally filed in Louisiana fighting the requirement that the black and white races use separate railroad cars on trains. The Court said that separate accommodations did not deprive blacks of equal rights provided that the accommodations for the blacks were equal to those provided for the whites. The horrible decision by the Supreme Court was the legal foundation for segregated schools and other public facilities. It gave the South the legal basis to increase discrimination
To get around the 15th Amendment that allowed slaves to vote, the southern whites...
developed a poll tax that required a property qualification in order to vote and a literacy test that required a voter to demonstrate their ability to read and interpret the Constitution
Jim Crow Laws
created other ways to segregate the blacks from the whites. They passed laws segregating waiting rooms, washrooms, restaurants, etc
Booker T. Washington
tried to help former slaves recover from Reconstruction by founding a trade school called Tuskegee Institute
Ida B. Wells
a black female columnist who organized an anti-lynching organization. Wells and her organization became prominent because she publicized the number of public lynchings of blacks by whites which had increased to nearly 200 per year. The lynchings were intended to terrorize, intimidate, and control the black population
Ida B. Wells and Booker T. Washington became two of the founders of the
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
Native Americans
Hunters, Gathers, & Farmers who had been in the North American continent longer than any other people and had lived their lives in relative peace
More Native Americans died from...
European diseases such as small pox, than from violence
The white population pushed the Natives off their land, because they wanted it and felt justified to take it through the concept of...
"Manifest Destiny"
Manifest Destiny
the God given right to own the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Native Americans' buffaloes (food) were killed by the white culture, therefore..
the Natives attacked the farmers, soldiers, etc. This led to slaughtering of Native American men, women, and children by the US military
Ghost Dance
an emotional, traditional, spiritual dance. Form of resistance for the Natives
Dawes Act of 1887
to "protect" the Natives from being taken advantage of by swindlers. However, it was actually meant to punish the Natives.