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50 Cards in this Set

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A psychologist who is studying the effects of stress on physical health is most likely a ______.

Health Psychologist

A generalized state of apprehension or foreboding is called ______.


Disturbances in mood that are serious enough to impair daily functioning are called _________.

mood disorders

4. According to Aaron Beck, ______ sets the stage for depression when one faces a personal loss or negative life event.

cognitive distortions

The term_________ refers to a state of physical or mental pain or suffering.


Every time David enters an airport terminal, he feels lightheaded. His heart races and his stomach hurts. If David has an anxiety disorder, his symptoms would be classified in the _______domain of anxiety


Alex has severe mood swings from extreme elation and hyperactivity to major depression. One moment he feels like he's on top of the world, the next moment he feels suicidal. He is probably suffering from ______.

Bipolar Disorder

In the DSM-5, acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder are classified as ______.

Traumatic Stress Disorders

The process of pulling isolated negative details from an event and ignoring all the positive details from the same event is know as ______

Mental filter/selective abstraction

Joanne is in a very downcast mood. She has a poor appetite, has lost weight, and feels constantly fatigued. She has lost interest in most of her regular activities because they seem like "too much effort" and they no longer give her any pleasure. She seems indifferent to her family and friends and has recurrent thoughts of suicide. She is best described as suffering from ____

Major Depressive Disorder

Jody is suffering from severe tension headaches and anxiety due to an extremely overwhelming schedule. The most precise term for Jody’s physical and emotional reaction is ______.

anxiety disorder

According to your text, ____ is perhaps the most important predictor of suicide.


A state of unusual elation, energy, and activity is known as ______.


In the DSM-5, dysthymia is also referred to as ___________

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Don suddenly quit his job, enrolled in law school for day classes, took on a job waiting tables at night, and began organizing charity drives on weekends. He also began work on his "great American novel" and offered to coach a little league team in his "spare time." His behavior is typical of someone having a ______.

Manic espisode

Which gland releases hormones plays a key role in the physical reaction to stress?

adrenal cortex

The ______ system is a system of ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

Endocrine System

Dick has episodes of sheer terror when riding on subway trains. He breaks into a cold sweat and often feels like he is having a heart attack. During these attacks he imagines that he is completely losing control of himself. Dick's disorder is best described as a ______ disorder.


Martin Seligman developed the ______ theory to explain the cause of depression being based on a person’s experiences and failure to learn coping responses

learned helplessness

An excessive, irrational fear of being in public without the availability of escape or help is ______.


Lindsay has a panic disorder. Along with psychotherapy, she is likely to be prescribed______ medication


Greater excitability of the ______ may explain why people with phobic disorders experience more fear in response to threatening cues from the environment.


Which branch of the autonomic nervous system is aroused to deal with threat?

Sympathetic Nervous Sysytem

Prozac relieves depression primarily by raising levels of ______ in the brain.


Intense, unrealistic fears of being judged negatively by others when in public situations are called ______

Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia)

The general adaptation syndrome is based on the work of ______.

Hans Selye

Zelda visits a therapist for treatment of her anxiety. Her therapist teaches her to relax on a couch while working her way through a fear-stimulus hierarchy. Eventually, Zelda is able to remain calm in each of the situations presented in the hierarchy. Her therapist used a technique called ______.

systematic desensitization

The body’s three-stage physiological reaction to stress is called the ______.

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAD)

Men are most likely to use ______ in their suicide attempts.


The “fight-or-flight” reaction characterizes the ______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


A therapist points out to her client that the client's social phobia results from irrational needs for social approval and extreme perfectionism. The therapist is following a treatment approach most like that of ______.

Cognitive therapists

Corinne is plagued by fears that she is going to be “contaminated” by some germ-infested object she happens to touch, then will develop some horrible illness and die. As a result, she engages in elaborate hand-washing rituals. She spends several hours a day at the sink and washes her hands after touching anybody or anything that might have dirt or germs. Her symptoms are most suggestive of ______ disorder


The ______ nervous system dominates the exhaustion stage.


In Latino adolescents, higher levels of acculturation are also linked to increased risk of__________.

smoking and sex

An intrusive, recurrent thought or image that an individual cannot control is known as a(n) ______.


More acculturated Mexican-American college students tend to come from ______socioeconomic backgrounds


A person who feels "keyed up" and worries about minor things has characteristics of ______.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

______ is characterized by the accumulation of and need to retain stacks of unnecessary and seemingly useless possessions, causing personal distress or making it difficult to maintain habitable living space.

Hoarding Disorder

Ann recognizes her stressors, evaluates them and modifies her reactions to render them less harmful. She is applying ______ coping.


.An irresistible, repetitive urge to engage in a specific behavior, usually to relieve anxiety is a (n) ______.


A coping style that attempts to minimize emotional responsiveness rather than deal directly with a stressor is known as ______ coping


Practitioners of cognitive-behavioral therapy combine ______ with cognitive restructuring to treat social phobia.

exposure treatment

3. An example of emotion-focused coping is ___________________


The central feature of a generalized anxiety disorder is ______.

excessive worry

The effects of stress can be moderated or buffered by __________

self-efficacy, psychological hardiness and styles of coping

A cluster of stress-buffering traits characterized by commitment, challenge, and control are known as

psychological hardiness

Adjustment disorders are classified in the DSM-5 within a category of ____________.

Trauma and stressor-related disorders

For an individual with Acute Stress Disorder, stronger or more persistent symptoms of dissociation around the time of the trauma is associated with a greater likelihood of later development of ________.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Recently, investigators reported that this brain structure ___________was smaller in a group of combat veterans with PTSD than in combat veterans without PTSD (Moreyet al., 2012).


From the learning perspective, the fear component of posttraumatic stress disorder is learned through _____.

classical/operant conditioning