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86 Cards in this Set

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a disorder in which following a traumatic event an individual suddenly cannot recall important personal information or the event

dissociative amnesia

the technical name for somatoform disorders that involve a false pregnancy


a disorder in which an individual fakes a physical illenss to get attention

factitious disorder

a type of somatoform disorder in which individuals have symptoms that involve problems with motor or sensory functions

conversion disorder

the term that was previously used for dissociative identity disorder

multiple personality disorder

the process (sometimes called dissociation) by which individuals supposedly banish memories for consciousness and store them in the unconscious


the type of disorder in which individuals have physical symptoms for which there is not a physical cause

somatoform disorder

a type of conversion disorder in which individuals have symptoms that specifically prevent them from practicing their professions

craft palsies

the group of disorders in which individuals lose contact with important memories or parts of their personalities

dissociative disorder

an early French neurologist who originally thought that somatoform disorders were the result of a weak nervous system but later concluded they were due to suggestion


the term for faking a disorder to avoid responsibilities or obtain financial gain


a disorder characterized by complaints of numerous physical symptoms for which there are not physical causes

somatization disorder

the disorder that was previously called multiple personality disorder

dissociative identity disorder

a disorder often found in Asia in which individuals believe that the genitals are withdrawing into the body and that death will soon follow


disorders in which a psychological factor such as stress causes actual physical damage

psychosomatic disorders

a disorder in which an individual flees from a stressful situation, is amnesic for that situation, and starts a new life

dissociative fugue

a disorder in which an individual is preoccupied with an imagined or minor defect in his or her physical appearance

body dysmorphic disorder

a somatoform disorder in which the symptom is pain for which there is not a physical cause

pain disorder

a term used by Freud that implies that somatoform disorders are the result of sexual conflicts


another term for repression


the term for an epidemic of a suggested somatoform disorder

mass psychogenic illness

a disorder that appears in India that involves depression, numerous physical complaints and the belief that the symptoms are due to a decline in a vital bodily fluid


the disorder in which an individual misinterprets a minor symptom as a sign of a serious disease


a disorder in which an individual feels as if he or she is detached from his or her body or mental processes

depersonalization disorder

changes in the reporting of symptoms that occur when an individual is given a treatment that technically has no value but which the individual believes will cause changes in his or her symptoms

placebo effect

a disorder in which an individual fakes a disorder in another person to gain attention

factitious disorder by proxy

a neurotransmitter that activates the pleasure center


a substance found in dairy products and turkey that is converted into serotonin


a neurotransmitter the level of which is increased with SSRIs


a structure in the brain that controls mood, appetite, sex, and sleep


a type of therapy that involves increasing the number of pleasant expericnces individuals have

behavior activation

drugs that cause neurons to produce higher levels of neurotransmitters


a disorder characterized by mild but persistent depression

dysthymic disorder

a temporary loss of memory following ETC

retrograde amnesia

a psychological treatment for depression in which the focus is on changing incorrect negative beliefs

cognitive-behavioral therapy

another term for SSRIs


drugs that inhibit the breakdown of serotonin


a treatment for depression other than ECT that involves electrical stimulation of the frontal lobes of the brain

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

a substance found in fish oil that aids synaptic transmission


an area of the brain (not the hypothalamus or pleasure center) that controls mood

left prefrontal area

a drug derived from a plant that can be used to treat some depressions

St. John's Wort

depression that is misinterpreted as a physical disorder

masked depression

drugs that reduce depressions in ways that are different from SSRIs, MAOIs, tricyclics, and stimulants

atypical antidepressants

a disorder characterized by recurring serious depressions that disrupt an individual's life

major depressive disorder

drugs that work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin


a neurotransmitter other than serotonin that plays a role in the hypothalamus and is linked to depression


a disorder that involves depression and related symptoms that occur each month just prior to menstration

premenstral dysphoric disorder

the technical term for a treatment for depression that involves administering powerful shocks to the brain

electroconvulsive therapy

a depressive disorder that occurs in women shortly after they give birth

post partum depression

a structure which when it has one or two short legs and is combined with stress can lead to depression

serotonin transporter gene

a treatment that involves electrical stimulation of a nerve in the chest, which then carries the stimulation to the brain

vagus nerve stimulation

a general term for drugs that reduce depression


the first widely used type of antidepressants


a nerve that provides a communication link between the brain and upper parts of the body

vagus nerve

a term for excessive body movements, such as pacing, that sometimes accompany depression

psychomotor agitation

a depressive disorder that is associated with decreasing levels of light

seasonal affect disorder

structures in the brain where thinking occurs

frontal lobes

a term used to describe the lack of physical movements that often accompanies depression

psychomotor retardation

a structure in the brain that can elevate mood when activated by dopamine

pleasure center

a substance that in combination with an MAOI can result in dangerously high blood pressure


a common term for a treatment that involves administering powerul shock to the brain

shock therapy

ther process by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by presynaptic neurons


the regular administration of ECT which is used to prevent the return of depression

maintenance ECT

a form of psychotherapy that is focused on helping patients develop solutions for the current problems that are causing stress

interpersonal psychoterapy

empathy, support, and a belief that a treatment will work, all of which can lead to improvement

non-specific therapy

symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions that sometimes accompany severe depressions

psychotic features

drugs that are used to treat hallucinations and delusions


a disorder usually characterized by changes in mood between mania and depression

bipolar disorder

a naturally occuring salt that is effective as a mood stabilizer


a treatment for bipolar disorder that involves teaching individuals and their families about the causes and drug treatments for bipolar disorder


a mild form of bipolar disorder that involves periods of hypomania and depression

bipolar II disorder

a type of bipolar disorder that is characterized by periods of mania and sometimes depression

cyclothymic disorder

the term used to describe changes between mania and depression that occur at least four times within a period of a year

rapid cycling

the label for depression that is associated with bipolar disorder

bipolar depression

drugs that are used to limit fluctuations in mood, particularly mania


the term for hallucinations and delusions

psychotic symptoms

the label for depression that occurs in depressive disorders

unipolar depression

drugs that were originally developed to treat epilepsy but which are also used as mood stabilizers


the original term for bipolar disorder

manic depressive illness

a period during which an individual with bipolar disorder appears to experience mania and depression at the same time

mixed episode

an emotional state characterized by euphoria, elevated self esteem, a rapid flow of ideas, a heightened activity level and sometimes irritability


a treatment for bipolar and depressive disorders that involves using an electromagnetic to stimulate the brain

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

a low level of mania that lasts for at least four consecutive days


a treatment for bipolar disorder in which individuals learn to recognize and cope with the emotional experiences that might trigger a bipolar episode

cognitive behavioral therapy

a structure in the brain that produces emotions, particularly irritability and rage


a type of bipolar disorder that involves periods of hypomania and majoy depression

bipolar I disorder