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24 Cards in this Set

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Major hormone released by adrenalglands
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD)
Consequences of experiencing extreme stressors

Diagnostic criteria of DSM-5 requires that individuals:

▪ Directly experience or witness the traumatic event

▪ Learn that the event happened to someone they are close to

▪ Experience repeated or extreme exposure to the details of a traumatic event

Acute stress disorder
Occurs in response totraumas similar to those involved in PTSD

Adjustment disorder:

Emotional and behavioralSymptoms arise within three weeks

Theories of PTSD

Environmental and social factors

Psychological factors

Gender and cross-cultural differences

Treatments for PTSD: Goals

1. Exposing clients to what they fear inorder to extinguish that fear

2. Challenging distorted cognitions thatcontribute to symptoms

3. Helping clients reduce stress in their lives

Treatments for PTSD

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and stressmanagement

2. Biological therapies

Stress-inoculation therapy:

Therapists teach clientsskills for overcoming problems that:

▪ Increase stress

▪ Result from PTSD


the fear of places where they might have trouble escaping orgetting help if they become anxious


That they will embarrass themselves if others noticetheir symptoms or efforts to escape

Negative reinforcement
Reduction of Anxietyreinforced by the avoidance of the feared object

Prepared classical conditioning:

Conditioning of fearto certain objects or situations

Applied tension technique

Increases blood pressureand heart rate keeping people from fainting whenconfronted with the feared object

Social Anxiety Disorder

People become anxious in social situations and areafraid being rejected, judged, or humiliated inpublic and focused on avoiding such events

Panic attacks:

Short but intense periods during whichpeople experience many symptoms of anxiety

Treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Mindfulness-based interventions

Panic Disorder

Occurrences of panic attack become commonwithout being provoked

Conditioned Avoidance Response
Occurs in certain specific situations which areperceived as an aversive stimuli

Reduces panic symptoms by reinforcingavoidance behavior

Separation Anxiety Disorder
Becoming anxious and upset if separated from theprimary caregivers

Not diagnosed unless:

▪ Symptoms persist for at least 4 weeks

▪ Significantly impair the child’s functioning

Behavioral inhibition
Causes children to be:

▪ Shy, fearful, and irritable as toddlers

▪ Cautious, quiet, and introverted as school-age children


Thoughts, images, ideas, or impulsesthat are persistent

Uncontrollably intrude upon consciousness

Cause significant anxiety or distress


Repetitive behaviors or mental actsthat an individual feels he or she must perform


Closely related to OCD but is classifiedas a separate diagnosis in the DSM-5

Exposure and response prevention

Exposes theclient to the focus of the obsession, preventingcompulsive responses to the resulting anxiety