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100 Cards in this Set

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Lymphatic vessels______ cells are different from blood vessel cells


Lymphatic endothelial cells _____ have tight junctions and they don not have a continual basal lamina.

Do or don't


There are large gaps between the endothelial cells so _____ and large molecules can pass between them.


The overlapping endothelial cells make _____ that can open and close. They will open and close due to the _____ of the lymph fluid flowing through the vessel



Can produce lethal hits to infected self cells

Direct activation produced by MHC-1 recognition

Mature from thymic tissues

T cells

Can produce lethal hits to infected self cells

Direct activation produced by MHC-1 recognition

Mature from thymic tissues

T cells

Differentiate into plasma cells when activated

Anti-body mediated immunity

Direct activation produced by MHC 2 recognition

B cells

The classical alternative and ______ pathways all lead to the cleavage of complement C3 into C3a and C3B


The classical alternative and ______ pathways all lead to the cleavage of complement C3 into C3a and C3B


Those two fragments activate processes that lead to _________inflammation immune clearance and phagocytosis


The classical alternative and ______ pathways all lead to the cleavage of complement C3 into C3a and C3B


Those two fragments activate processes that lead to _________inflammation immune clearance and phagocytosis


Inflammation activates and attracts ______ and macrophages, two key cellular agents of pathogen destruction.


The classical alternative and ______ pathways all lead to the cleavage of complement C3 into C3a and C3B


Those two fragments activate processes that lead to _________inflammation immune clearance and phagocytosis


Inflammation activates and attracts ______ and macrophages, two key cellular agents of pathogen destruction.


Immune Clarence will clear foreign antigens from the ____.


During Phagocytosis,______ occurs which is the coating of microbial cells


A _____ is an abnormal elevation of body temperature


A _____ is an abnormal elevation of body temperature


Yet a fever when allowed to run its course is actually ______


Fever can ______ interferon activity


Fever can also ______ tissue repair


Fever will prevent the ______ of bacteria and viruses


The birth of T cells takes place in the______ bone marrow


From the red bone marrow cells are sent to mature in the _____


After T cells mature in this thymus cells move to the lymphatic tissue and


In some cases___ cells are made and sent back to the bone marrow


When a person is exposed to an antigen for the first time the noon reaction is called the _____ response


When a person is exposed to an antigen for the first time the noon reaction is called the _____ response


The appearance of protective_____ is delayed for 3 to 6 days while the naïve B cells multiply and differentiate


As the plasma cells begin secreting anti-body the anti-body_____ begins to rise


Eventually the primary response will make an immune______ of the antigen


Name the proper sequence for the processing of proteins produced within the cell

Proteins are broken into fragments, transported to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, combine with the class 1 MHC moved to the Golgi apparatus, then to the plasma membrane

Name the correct sequence for processing proteins originating outside the cell

Proteins are broken into fragments with in a vesicle, which fuses with the golgi vesicles containing class 2 MHC and this complex is transported to the plasma membrane

Foreign antigens presented on class 1 MHC molecules _____

Stimulates cell destruction by activated T cells

True or false

Fragments of form proteins are anti-bodies


True or false

Viruses and self proteins are examples of proteins produced inside of the cell


Which of the following is true regarding antigens

They contain many different antigenic determinants (epitopes)

Which of the following is true regarding bacterial cells

They have many different epitopes which each bind to specific antibodies

Which of the following is true regarding bacterial cells

They have many different epitopes which each bind to specific antibodies

An individual anti-body is made against______

One epitope of an antigen

True or false

each antigen has one epitope


True or false

Many different antibodies can be made against a single antigen


Which of the following is true when interferon attaches to a cell

The virus can enter the cell but cannot replicate

When interferon from one cell attaches to the second cell______

The recipient cell makes enzymes that degrade mRNA and prevent viral proteins synthesis

Which of the following is true regarding interferon

Interferon is produced by one cell and is used to warn nearby cells of the same type

True or false

Interferon can cause the degradation of mRNA and prevention of the synthesis of viral proteins


True or false

Interferon is produced by an animal cell that is infected by a bacterium


Which of the following statements is not true of the hepatitis B vaccine

It consists of an internal protein from the virus

The vaccine used to prevent measles consists of live measles viruses. This type of vaccine is likely______.

An attenuated vaccine

A subunit vaccine is composed of______

Purified parts of the micro organism

Vaccines present anti-bodies from a pathogen to stimulate immunity true or false


Which of the following is produced by cytotoxic T cells

Perforin, which makes holes in the cell membrane of infected cells

Which of the following is produced by cytotoxic T cells

Perforin, which makes holes in the cell membrane of infected cells

Which of the following is true regarding infected cells

They display peptide fragments of degraded viral proteins on their cell serface

Which of the following is produced by cytotoxic T cells

Perforin, which makes holes in the cell membrane of infected cells

Which of the following is true regarding infected cells

They display peptide fragments of degraded viral proteins on their cell serface

Cytotoxic T cells recognize_____

Viral antigens and class 1 MHC

Cytotoxic T cells produce cytotoxins which cause apoptosis in infected cells


Name the proper sequence in which they occurred during inflammatory response

Neutrophils roll along endothelium

Integrin activation


During the inflammatory response_____ degranulation and release_____

Mast cells; histamine

Which of the following terms describe the migration of neutrophils from blood vessels


The inflammatory response is a specific defense mechanism that the body initiates against tissue damage

True or false


Endothelial cells display selectins which bind to the integrins of neutrophils

True or false


Which of the following are antigen presenting cells

Macrophages and B cells

Helper T cells interact with target cells by recognizing______

Antigen-MHC protein complexes

Helper T cells interact with target cells by recognizing______

Antigen-MHC protein complexes

Helper T cell secrete_____To stimulate the proliferation of B cells


Helper T cells only interact with class 1 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins

True or false


Plasma cells are B cells that produce antibodies true or false


Name all the adaptive immunity types of cells

B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, antigen presenting cells, cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, memory T cells, CD4 + cells, plasma cells

Name all the adaptive immunity types of cells

B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, antigen presenting cells, cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, memory T cells, CD4 + cells, plasma cells

Name all the nonspecific defense cells


Name the five things associated with adaptive immunity

Vaccines, agglutination, memory, clonal selection, third line of defense

Name the three things associated with nonspecific defense

Acid mantle, first line of defense, second line of defense

Name 4 characteristics T cells

Can produce lethal hits to infected self-cells

Include helper cell lines

Direct activation produced by MHC-1 recognition

Mature from thymic tissues

Name 4 characteristics of B cells

Differentiate into plasma cells when activated

Anti-body mediated immunity

Direct activation produced by MHC-2 recognition

IgG and IgM formation in the secondary immune response

Name 2 characteristics in both B cells and T cells

Produces memory cells

Arise originally from bone marrow

Four Cardinal signs of _____ are recognized.


Four Cardinal signs of _____ are recognized.


Erythrocytes arriving at the site and perfuming the dermis are visible trough the skin, which produces _____


The increase in blood flow and leafiness of capillaries, fluids are delivered to the tissue faster than they are removed, resulting in _____

Swelling (edema)

Swelling increases the pressure of fluids on adjacent mechanical structures. This activates receptors for_____.


Interesting ______ do not directly attacking nor destroy any pathogens


Interesting ______ do not directly attacking nor destroy any pathogens


This opens binding sites and promotes _______ resulting in a conversion of complement proteins to fight the pathogen

Complement fixation

Anti-bodies that bind to more than one cell simultaneously can rapidly cause_______ to occur which is a clumping that prevents the pathogen from contacting in damaging human cells


What is an example of the process that makes the molecule in soluble and less mobile


Antibodies______ to pathogens and in doing so render them in capable of causing an immune response


The first and second lines of defense are considered nonspecific resistance while the third line of defense is considered adaptive immunity

True or false


Discharge enzymes into a cloud of bactericidal chemicals


Discharge enzymes into a cloud of bactericidal chemicals


Guard against parasites and allergens


Transform into Phagocytic macrophages that ingest dead pathogens


Include NK cells which patrol the body looking for diseased host cells


Secrete histamine increasing blood flow


Name two things that are true about memory cells

Memory cells respond to antigens more rapidly than naïve T cells

Upon re exposure to a pathogen, memory cells engage in the T cell recall response destroying the pathogen quickly

Name two things that are true regarding memory in humoral immunity

Memory B cells are found mainly in the lymph nodes. Plasma cells form within hours creating a response so rapid that no noticeable signs of an illness appear

What is one thing that accurately describes the difference between cellular and Humoral immunity

Cellular immunity directly attacks pathogens and infected cells while humoral immunity releases anti-bodies to do so