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25 Cards in this Set

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Fertilization occurs in the ______ of the fallopian tube.
12-32 cells in zygote (after blastula); begins to develop inner cell layer
After morula enters uterus; formation of fluid-filled space (blastocele) inside morula

Outer cell layer = trophoblast (forms embryonic part of placenta)

Inner cell mass (embryoblast): becomes epiblast, endoderm
Cyntotrophoblast vs Syncytiotrophoblast
When trophoblast contacts endometrium, immediately differentiates into cytotrophoblast (INNER) and syncytiotrophoblast (multinuc'd without cell boundaries; OUTER)

Cytotrophoblasts are MITOTICALLY active; generate cells that migrate into syncytiotrophoblast (where they lose cell membranes)

Syncytiotrophoblasts makes contact with endometrium!
Summarize week 1 of embryonal development.
Morula (mullberry)
Implantation is completed by _____.
End of second week (usually on superior body of uterus)
hCG is produced by ______.

What is the function of hCG?
hCG produced by syncytriotrophoblast

Antigonadotropin (inhibits LH, FSH to prevent ovulation)

Steroidogenic: stimulates PG production by corpus luteum
Embryonic Disc
Epiblast vs Hypoblast
Transformatino of embryoblast results in flat plate of cells: embryonic disc

Epiblast: Dorsal, floor of amniotic cavity

Hypoblast (primitive endoderm): ventral; roof of exocoelomic cavity
Fate of epiblast.
Becomes fetus proper
Fate of primitive endoderm.
Primitive endoderm = hypoblast

Will become yolk sac, fetal membranes
Fate of trophectoderm.
Most of fetal contribution to placenta
Lacunae are present in ________.

Lacunae are present in syncytiotrophoblast and establish primordial uteroplacental circulation
Summarize the events of week 2 of embryogenesis.
Completion of implantation

Formation of bilaminar embryonic disc (composed of epiblast and hypoblast; source of germ layers that form all tissues/organs)

Formation of extraembryonic structures: amniotic cavity, amnion, umbilical vesicle (yolk sac), connecting stalk, chorionic sac
What is gastrulation?
Describe each step.
Establishment of 3 germ layers from bilaminar embryonic disc

Heralds beginning of morphogenesis

1) Formation of primitive streak which establishes axial orientation of embryo (cranial/caudal, dorsal/ventral, right/left)
Fate of epiblast.
Gives rise to all three germ layers in embryo via gastrulation
Ectoderm derivatives
Sensory epithelia of eye, ear, nose
Mammary, pituitary, subcutaneous glands
Tooth enamel
Mesoderm derivatives
Cartilage, Bone, Muscle
Heart, blood, LVs
Kidneys, ovaries/testes, genital ducts, spleen
Seroud membranes lining body cavities
Adrenal Cortex
Endoderm derivatives
Epithelium of GI, resp tract
Parenchyma of thyroid, parathyroid, thmus, liver, pancreas
Epithelium of bladder and most of urethra
Summarize the events of week 3 of gestation.
Create trimlaminar embryonic disc during gastrulation

Form 3 germ layers

Form notochord, NT, NCC, coelom, primordial CV system
When does organogenesis occur?
Weeks 4-8 of embryology
What is decidualization?

Function of decidua?
Secretory transformation of uterine glands
Influx of uterine NK cells
Vascular remodeling

Decidual fn:
Regulation of trophoblast invasion
Protects against inflamm/oxidative insults
Dampen maternal immune response
Hormone production to preserve pregnancy
What cells line the inner and outer layers of the horionic villi?
Inner layer: cytotrophoblast

Outer: syncytiotrophoblast
Function of chorionic villi?
Exchange of material between mother and fetus
Where is fetal blood located? Maternal blood? How do they interact?
Fetal blood in capillaries of chorionic villi

Maternal blood in intervillous space (from lacunae)

Maternal blood enters intervillous space from spiral arteries in decidua, chorionic villi then directly bathe in maternal blood
Role of cytotrophoblasts.
Subtypes and differences/functions.
These are placental stem cells; undergo 2 differentiation pathways:
1) Villous: immotile, polarized, dx/dy into syncytiotrophoblasts and allow for maternal-fetal exchange of nutrients and waste; also metabolic, endocrine, and immune fns

2) Extravillous: (aka Intermediate cytotrophoblastic cells); motile, unpolarized, invasive and/or proliferative. Anchor fetus to mother.