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16 Cards in this Set

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4 effects of the cotton gin (how it changed Southern life)
1) Triggered a vast move westward.
2) Planters grew more cotton than other goods (because cotton was valuable)
3) Native American groups were driven off Southern land (as it was taken over for cotton plantations)
4) Growing cotton required large work force. Slavery continued to be important source of labor.
Even though most southerners owned few or no slaves, why did they support slavery?
Hoped to buy slaves someday.
Slaves would allow them to raise more cotton and earn more money.
What PERCENT of the southern population were slaves in 1840?
1/3 (33%)
of the S pop were slaves
What percent of the African American population in the south were free?
8% were free
Explain how a religion was used as a source of hope by African Americans and as a source of control by their owners.
It helped them endure the brutal conditions of plantation life.
Slave holders tried to use religion to make slaves accept their punishment
White slave owners were terrified of slave rebellion. How did Nat Turner fulfill their worst fear?
What did they do to try and keep slave rebellions from happening again?
Nat Turner killed 55 whites.
State legislatures passed harsh laws that kept free blacks and slaves from having weapons or buying liquor. •Slaves could not hold religious services unless whites were present. •Postmasters stopped delivering antislavery publications.
List and explain the 3 parts of Henry Clay's American System
1) establish a protective tariff - tax on imported goods that protects a nation's businesses from foreign competition.
2) Establish a national bank - single currency making trade easier
3) Improve the country's transportation system - important for a strong economy... poor roads made transport slow.
How does the Erie Canal fit into Clay's plan?
Created a water route that fueled nationalism, settlement, and trade
The Erie Canal connected New York City to the Midwest. How did it affect each?
Allowed farm products from the Great Lakes region to flow east.
Allowed people and manufactured goods from the East to flow West.
Trade stimulated by canal helped NYC become the nation's largest city.
Marshall is active with the Supreme Court again. Explain how this cases expanded the powers of the fed gov't.
1) McCulloch v. Maryland
federal attorney ruled a state couldn't tax a national bank
Marshall is active with the Supreme Court again. Explain how this cases expanded the powers of the fed gov't.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Interstate commerce could be only regulated by federal government
Americans had to deal with foreign countries that were our neighbors. Explain how event affected the US...
Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)
Limited each side's naval forces on the Great Lakes
Americans had to deal with foreign countries that were our neighbors. Explain how event affected the US...
The Convention of 1818
US and Britain set the 49th parallel as the US-Canadian border as far west as the Rocky Mountains
Americans had to deal with foreign countries that were our neighbors. Explain how event affected the US...
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
Spain handed Florida to the US and gave up claims to the Oregon Country.
What lead to the Missouri Compromise?
Nation argued if Missouri should be a slave or free state
Explain the two parts of the Missouri Compromise.
1) Kept the balance of power in the senate between the slave states and free states.
2) Called for slavery to be banned from the Louisiana Territory at Missouri's southern border (north of the parallel 36∘ 30')